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BAKU: Azeri Pundit's Speech Puzzles OSCE Mediators - Agency

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  • BAKU: Azeri Pundit's Speech Puzzles OSCE Mediators - Agency


    Turan news agency
    16 Jul 04

    Baku, 16 July: There was a reception yesterday evening in the
    residence of the US ambassador to Azerbaijan on the occasion of the
    OSCE Minsk Group co-chairmen's visit to Baku. More than 100 guests
    were invited to the reception, including representatives of political
    parties, MPs, foreign ambassadors and leaders of a number of NGOs and
    mass media.

    All three co-chairmen addressed the guests on their vision of the
    Karabakh conflict settlement. Each of the co-chairmen said that
    reconciliation, compromises and concessions were necessary and that
    achieving peace will be impossible without that, political analyst
    (and former presidential aide) Vafa Quluzada has told Turan news

    "No outsider can resolve the conflict and you have to reach an
    agreement between yourselves. We are glad that the dialogue between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan has resumed," said one of the speakers. The
    gist of all statements by the co-chairmen was that Azerbaijan had to
    resign itself to the results of the occupation, drop the demands to
    restore its territorial integrity and recognize Nagornyy Karabakh's

    "I reckon that such statements are absolutely inadmissible and
    unacceptable. They pursue the goal of forcing Azerbaijan to stop
    fighting for the liberation of its lands," Quluzada said.

    "I asked them to allow me to speak and told all this to the
    co-chairmen. My indignation was caused by the efforts of the
    co-chairmen to shift the responsibility for the ongoing conflict onto
    Azerbaijan. We are the victims of the aggression and instead of
    thinking how to liberate the occupied lands the co-chairmen are
    demanding that we put up with the occupation. The co-chairmen are
    deliberately making this blunder, calling the aggression a
    conflict. No-one wants to recall the four UN Security Council
    resolutions about the liberation of Azerbaijan's occupied
    territories. Russia's position causes especial indignation. It
    supplies Armenia with arms and signs a military alliance pact (with
    Armenia)," Quluzada said.

    Such sharp remarks puzzled the co-chairmen who asked someone else to
    take the floor. However, the people who were there supported
    Quluzada's position by applause.

    Quluzada believes that the idea behind the event was to persuade the
    Azerbaijani public that concessions to Armenia were necessary. But
    this idea failed.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress