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BAKU: Azeri Politicians Blast OSCE Mediators' Stance on Karabakh

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  • BAKU: Azeri Politicians Blast OSCE Mediators' Stance on Karabakh


    Turan news agency
    16 Jul 04

    Baku, 16 July: The opinion of the Minsk Group that the Karabakh
    conflict cannot be resolved without compromises and concessions by
    Azerbaijan has elicited a negative reaction in Azerbaijan. The
    co-chairmen expressed this general view at yesterday's reception in
    the residence of the American ambassador. Turan news agency conducted
    a small opinion poll among some of those who attended the reception.

    The activity of the OSCE Minsk Group cannot be regarded as
    satisfactory and the stance of the co-chairmen "merits criticism", Isa
    Qambar, the leader of the Musavat Party, said. He thanked the US
    embassy for organizing the meeting with the co-chairmen.

    Commenting on (political analyst Vafa) Quluzada's demarche, Qambar
    said that he completely supports his view that Azerbaijan cannot make
    concessions to the Armenians.

    The leader of the Azarbaycan Milli Istiqlal Party, Etibar Mammadov,
    reckons that the co-chairmen are repeating the old mistakes. They are
    not interested in a "fair" solution to the conflict and demand
    concessions only from Azerbaijan, he said.

    He also supported Quluzada's speech which reflected the actual state
    of affairs. "The co-chairmen have to realize that neither the
    Azerbaijani authorities, nor the opposition will concede," Mammadov

    Ex-foreign minister Tofiq Zulfuqarov said that the co-chairmen have to
    criticize the non-constructive stances of this or that side. He
    regretted that they are not doing so. Touching on Quluzada's remarks,
    he said that they were "emotional". Nevertheless, he agrees with
    "certain aspects" of Quluzada's speech.

    Political expert Eldar Namazov gave a negative assessment to the
    co-chairmen's statements. He believes that they do not understand the
    realities and there is nothing new in their position. Moreover, the
    OSCE Minsk Group is totally uninformed about the Azerbaijani public's

    Quluzada's remarks caught them by surprise, Namazov said. "Vafa
    Quluzada gave a very good and harsh answer."