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Armenian summer melts under 14 factories of ice cream

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  • Armenian summer melts under 14 factories of ice cream
    July 16, 2004

    Cool Relief: Armenian summer melts under 14 factories of ice cream

    By Gayane Abrahamyan
    ArmeniaNow reporter
    With temperatures rising toward the dreaded 40-degree (104 Fahrenheit) mark
    of recent summers, Armenians look for relief from a source once only dreamed
    of: Real ice cream.
    In the hard years of 1988-93, mothers tried to pacify children with
    home-made versions of ice cream that rarely came close to the real thing.

    14 companies produce "baghbaghak" in Armenia.
    "I have a special notebook where all my ice cream recipes are written, but
    however hard I tried still my children were saying it doesn't taste like the
    ice cream in stores," says Nazeni Mkrtumyan, a housewife.
    Today, however, 14 companies produce ice cream in Armenia.
    "In summer, about 40 percent of our daily income comes from selling ice
    cream, and Tamara and Ashtarak Kat are selling the best," says the manager
    of Milena store Artur Minasyan.
    Tamara, in 1992, was the first company to start producing ice cream after
    independence, but its quality was far from today's standards. (During Soviet
    times there were three-four types of ice cream in Armenia, but none as good
    as today's quality).
    In 1995 Ashtarak Kat entered the market, followed by the rest that today
    offer an unimagined paradise of cold sweets.
    All the selection of ice cream producing companies in Armenia was thoroughly
    studied by Anna National Association of Consumers in 2003. According to the
    president of the association Melita Hakobyan, the research that lasted 6
    months included a market study, monitoring, sociological poll carried out
    among 1,000 people, tests done in 4 laboratories and tasting by an 11-member
    panel of specialists.
    The poll found that about 40 percent of consumers prefer Ashtarak Kat; 30
    percent, Tamara; about 20-25 percent favor Shant, while the other 11
    companies (ASA, Grand Candy, Yerevan Penguin and others) get only seven
    percent of the market.
    "Our next most important step was laboratory tests which were carried out at
    3 laboratories accredited by the RA Accreditation Council and at one
    inspection laboratory which has all the modern facilities and which we
    trust," says Hakobyan.
    After laboratory tests, tasting and visits to plants the committee gave 98
    points (on a 100 scale) to Ashtarak Kat, 94 to Shant, 82 to Shant, 81 to
    Grand Candy. The rest did not score 80 points, which means they fall below
    acceptable standards
    Samples of different ice creams were taken from the city's different
    communities. In the center 85 percent of ice cream corresponded to its
    expiration date. In the suburbs, however, 25 percent of ice cream was found
    to violate health standards (such as being kept with other food products, or
    stored above accepted temperatures).

    Some companies weren't happy with Hakobyan's assessment of their product.
    Often, in order to save electricity, sellers turn off refrigerators during
    the night. But according to specialists, re-freezing ice cream can create
    bacteria that lead to illness.
    Hakobyan, herself, became a victim of bad ice cream during the testing.
    "I was getting treatment for a month, feeling for myself the situation of
    over 100 consumers who applied to us with complaints; who have had various
    poisonings and diseases because of bad quality ice cream," she says.
    Besides suffering health damage as a result of these tests, president of the
    association Hakobyan, also suffered moral and psychological pressure. After
    several TV programs during which together with members of the committee,
    Melita Hakobyan presented results of the research, she was receiving many
    threatening phone calls.
    "They (ice cream companies) would call a lot and say 'We'll destroy you, we'
    re coming now with our guns' and so on, and I was telling them not to
    bother, that I shall go to them myself, I have nothing to be afraid of, I
    only now that there's a product that is a threat to people's health and I
    consider it my duty to warn the consumer about it," assures Hakobyan.
    Together with Armenian ice cream producing companies today, there's also the
    ice cream of Algida company. According to the manager of importing company
    Cleopatra Anahit Dervishyan, this kind of ice cream is not a competitor to
    the local production.
    "Of course, I'm not saying that Algida is so good that they cannot compete
    with it, our local ones are very good, too, but Algida has totally different
    taste peculiarities and is made with other technology and raw material,"
    says Dervishyan.

    >From the freezer to the waistline?
    Algida is produced in 150 countries, but is imported into Armenia from
    Trabzon, Turkey.
    This brand of ice cream was also tested by the National Association of
    Consumers. Unlike the local brands, Algida is the only one with packaging
    that fully corresponds to the law, by listing in detail the ingredients.
    Among the ingredients are preservatives not found in the local product. If
    local ice creams can be kept from 4 to 5 months, Algida can be kept a year
    and a half.
    Prices of Armenian-produced ice cream bars range from 50 drams (about 10
    cents) to 450 (about 90 cents).
    According to saleswoman Naira Muradyan most of her customers prefer local
    ice cream. According to her, children who often don't have a lot of money
    buy cheaper ice cream, like ASA, or Grand Candy, and the adults mainly buy
    Ashtarak Kat or Tamara.
    "It has often happened that a child asked the parent to buy Algida but the
    parent refused, saying that it's Turkish," says Muradyan. "But it's not the
    child's fault, it really is very tasty, but not as good as our Tamara,"
    continues the young saleswoman jokingly and enjoys the cold ice cream
    covered with chocolate.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress