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House Votes Down Cut In Military Aid to Egypt

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  • House Votes Down Cut In Military Aid to Egypt

    The Washington Post
    July 16, 2004 Friday
    Final Edition

    House Votes Down Cut In Military Aid to Egypt;
    Administration Officials Pressed Hill on Issue

    Dan Morgan, Washington Post Staff Writer

    The House yesterday rejected a $570 million cut in U.S. military aid
    to Egypt after Secretary of State Colin L. Powell issued a
    last-minute warning to lawmakers that the action would damage
    relations with a close Middle East ally "at a very sensitive moment
    in the region."

    Although the 287 to 131 vote was lopsided, the administration and
    military contractors who sell U.S.-financed weaponry to Egypt took
    seriously the threat of a cut and worked behind the scenes to head it

    Before the vote, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice made
    calls to some lawmakers, who were also on notice from arms companies
    that the shift could result in job losses in home districts. "It was
    a full-court press," said Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.), who offered the
    amendment to the $19.4 billion foreign aid bill for 2005.

    His bill would have shifted the military aid to economic assistance,
    which he said is "desperately needed" in Egypt. "The last thing this
    society [Egypt] needs is the ultimate in high-tech weaponry," Lantos

    The debate brought out highly ambivalent feelings about Egypt. The
    House's pro-Israel forces used the opportunity to vent frustration
    with the Egyptian government's role during hostilities between Israel
    and the Palestinians. Among those supporting the cut was House
    Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), one of the strongest supporters
    of Israeli interests in Congress.

    Lawmakers took the floor to rebuke the Egyptian government for
    tolerating anti-Semitism, limiting its cooperation with the United
    States in the war on terrorism and failing to prevent gun-smuggling
    to militant Palestinian groups.

    But Powell and senior lawmakers in both parties warned that the
    action would send the wrong signal at a time when Egypt has begun
    working closely with Israel to assure a smooth transition as Israel
    plans to withdraw from Gaza.

    In a letter to Congress, Powell noted that a unilateral reduction
    would weaken the balanced military aid to Egypt and Israel that is a
    "cornerstone" of the 1979 Camp David peace accords. In 2005, Israel
    and Egypt are set to receive $2.2 billion and $1.3 billion in grants,
    respectively, under the formula.

    "Our credibility in this relationship depends to a great degree upon
    being a reliable provider of assistance to the Egyptian military,"
    Powell wrote.

    "This puts a finger in the eye of our friends in Egypt," said Rep.
    John D. Dingell (D-Mich.)

    Jewish House members were divided on the issue. Rep. Nita M. Lowey
    (D-N.Y.) questioned why the United States was providing lavish
    military assistance to Egypt even though "it has no real enemies" and
    its government tolerates "TV shows that perpetuate anti-Semitism."

    But she said she was reluctantly opposing the aid cut because of its
    timing, noting that Egypt has lately signaled its intention to play a
    more constructive Middle East role.

    However, Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.), in backing Lantos's proposal,
    said years of U.S. aid to Egypt have done little to curb anti-Israel
    rhetoric in the country's media.

    The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the principal
    pro-Israel lobby in the United States, took no official position on
    the issue. Earlier in the day, AIPAC won at least a symbolic victory
    when it helped push through the House a resolution that was critical
    of a July 9 advisory judgment from the International Court of Justice
    holding Israel's security wall to be illegal. The resolution
    indicated that the ruling was a result of improper political pressure
    from members of the U.N. General Assembly. The vote was 361 to 45.

    Later yesterday, Republican leaders helped the underlying foreign aid
    bill get passed by a 365 to 41 vote. Tight budget restrictions forced
    the House to cut $2 billion from President Bush's request, but the
    measure still provides a record $2.2 billion to fight HIV/AIDS,
    malaria and tuberculosis -- nearly $60 million more than last year.

    The president got only half the $2.5 billion he requested for his
    signature foreign aid initiative, the Millennium Challenge
    Corporation. The corporation establishes a new way to dispense
    foreign aid to countries that qualify by meeting a list of criteria
    such as commitment to free-market economies and democratic

    The bill provides $900 million in aid to Afghanistan, and continues a
    waiver that allows continued bilateral economic assistance to
    Azerbaijan despite that country's economic blockage of Armenia.