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Leading Expert Traces Rise of Skinhead Movement

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  • Leading Expert Traces Rise of Skinhead Movement

    Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press
    July 14, 2004

    Leading Expert Traces Rise of Skinhead Movement


    SOURCE: THE SKINHEADS ARE COMING. By Aleksandr Tarasov. Russky
    kuryer, June 18, 2004, pp. 1, 12-13. Condensed text:

    About the Author. (By Georgy Tselms). -- For 10 years now, Aleksandr
    Tarasov has been researching a phenomenon that is new to Russia:
    skinheads, or "skins." Our country very likely has no greater expert
    on that topic. Tarasov's interest in youth movements that are not
    officially sponsored is no accident. In 1975, as a 17-year-old
    freshman in the philosophy department at Leningrad State University,
    he started an underground youth organization of the "new left" type.
    Its members dreamed of social justice; their idols were Camus, Sartre
    and Marcuse. The KGB saw the young fighters for justice as a danger
    to the Soviet system. They were all arrested. Then everything
    followed the usual course: jail, the Serbsky Institute [for
    psychiatric evaluation -- Trans.], then a special psychiatric
    hospital. After that, Tarasov worked as a watchman and continued his
    interest in the underground. He eventually managed to complete his
    university studies. And with the onset of the new era, Tarasov took a
    job at the independent Panorama Center, where he specialized in
    problems relating to political extremism. He has studied skinheads
    not just from the literature, but also through "direct observation":
    He has been in contact with them, attended their gatherings, etc.
    Today Tarasov is in possession of unique material that is absolutely
    indispensable to our law-enforcement agencies if they intend to
    combat the brownshirt plague in Russia. If they intend to.

    * * *

    . . . The catastrophic economic slump beginning in 1991 left
    millions of people in Russia unemployed. In addition, the educational
    system broke down. In recent years, 400 to 450 schools closed
    annually for financial reasons, and a correspondingly large
    percentage of students at those schools were denied the possibility
    of continuing their education. As early as 1997 in Siberia, for
    example, between 7% and 11% of draftees were illiterate, according to
    official data from military registration and enlistment offices, and
    in the spring of 1999, every third lawbreaker of school age had not
    completed even an elementary education! Young people were reverting
    to a wild state en masse. Crime, alcoholism and drug abuse swept
    across the country, especially among the young.

    Kids simply had no place to go. "Houses of culture" and the like
    had been bought up by "new Russians" and converted to night clubs,
    casinos and restaurants. Children's clubs had perished. Schoolkids
    were left to their own devices after school, and by and large, they
    became prey for criminal elements and drug traffickers. . . .

    The younger generation became an ideal target for the absorption of
    all sorts of primitive ideologies based on violence and individualism
    -- both just plain criminal and politically criminal (xenophobic,
    racist and anti-Semitic). Initially, Russian skinheads had no
    systematic ideology. They were gut-level racists, xenophobes, machos,
    militarists and anti-intellectuals. But the constant propaganda
    conducted in the skinhead community by extreme right-wing parties has
    caused the skins to become increasingly conscious fascists,
    anticommunists, Russian Orthodox fundamentalists and anti-Semites. .
    . .

    Russism -- a rather exotic radical-right ideology -- has become
    widespread among skinheads. Despite its constantly underscored
    devotion to Russian Orthodoxy, Russism takes a rather indulgent view
    of Aryan paganism (in the spirit of national socialism), since "race
    comes before faith" and "blood unites, while religion separates."
    Russism builds a bridge from prerevolutionary Russian Orthodox
    monarchism to national socialism: According to the canons of Russism,
    there were two great Aryan heroes in the 20th century -- Nicholas II
    and Adolf Hitler. . . .

    It is a noteworthy fact that in Russia, of the three main currents
    in the world skinhead movement -- Nazi skins, "Red skins" and "trads"
    -- only the first is widespread in Russia, whereas in many countries
    the majority of skinheads are in fact "trads" (i.e., "traditional
    skinheads," apolitical young people who adopt the skinhead subculture
    strictly because it's cool). . . .

    In clothing, the skins copy their kindred spirits in the West. . .

    Our first skinheads were predominantly adolescents between the ages
    of 13 and 19 who were in public schools, vocational-technical schools
    or technical colleges, or were unemployed. But over time, the
    situation has changed. A skin's paraphernalia alone (the "right"
    boots, trousers, bomber jacket, insignia patches, "Celtic" tattoos,
    etc.) costs quite a lot of money -- roughly 15,000 rubles. Poor kids
    simply don't have that kind of money. Today's skinhead frequently
    owns both a handheld computer and a cell phone. The skinheads are
    united in small groups (three to 10 people) that are basically
    mini-gangs. Their average term of existence is a few years. But there
    are also larger and more structured groups. The first to appear in
    Moscow were Skinlegion and Blood & Honor (B & H) -- Russian
    Affiliate. B & H is an international organization of Nazi skins that
    has been officially banned in some countries as extremist or fascist.
    B & H -- Russian Affiliate and Skinlegion each had 200 to 250 members
    and were characterized by a certain level of discipline, a hierarchy,
    and a division of labor. In 1998 they were joined by a third large
    organization -- United Brigades 88. . . . Later on came the
    Hammerskin Nation group (Hammerskins), which considers itself a
    division of the international skinhead organization of the same name.

    Skinhead gangs first arose in our major and most highly developed
    cities, where the social stratification that has developed in Russia
    in recent years is especially visible. Today, however, a "second
    wave" of skins has swept through small provincial towns as well.

    No one did anything to fight the skins. While the OMON special
    police were "dealing with" people from the Caucasus, the skins, being
    weaker and more cowardly, chose as their victims people from Central
    Asia or the third world -- particularly "blacks" and "slant-eyes." A
    certain amount of variety could be seen from city to city.
    Historically, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod were the
    centers of the skinhead movement in Russia. In Moscow, the skins
    attacked mainly Africans and Indians; in St. Petersburg -- Africans,
    Nepalese and Chinese; and in Nizhny Novgorod -- people from Central
    Asia (primarily refugees from Tajikistan).

    The police took a tolerant attitude toward the skins. . . . In that
    atmosphere of tolerance, the skinhead movement grew to its present,
    quite impressive size. The number of skinheads in Russia is now close
    to 50,000. There are currently somewhere between 5,000 and 5,500
    skinheads, according to various estimates, in Moscow and the nearby
    parts of Moscow Province; about 3,000 in St. Petersburg and vicinity;
    more than 2,500 in Nizhny Novgorod; more than 1,500 in Rostov-on-Don;
    over 1,000 each in Pskov, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg and Krasnodar;
    and several hundred each in Voronezh, Samara, Saratov, Krasnoyarsk,
    Irkutsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Vladivostok, Ryazan and Petrozavodsk. It should
    be recalled that in 1992, there were about a dozen skins in Moscow
    and maybe five in St. Petersburg. All told, skinhead communities now
    exist in approximately 85 cities.

    Many radical right-wing, nationalist parties and organizations
    regard skinheads as their ready reserve and "social base." In Moscow,
    the Russian National Socialist Party (RNSP; until 1998 the Russian
    National Union, or RNU) is considered to have pioneered work with

    In St. Petersburg, it's the Freedom Party (until 2000 the National
    Republican Party of Russia, NRPR) that works with skins. In the
    cities of the Volga region and in Krasnodar, it's Russian National
    Unity (RNU) and Russian Guards (a splinter group of RNU).

    It's interesting that the majority of our ultrarightists began
    working with skins only after receiving instructions from their
    Western "colleagues." Beginning in 1997, representatives of
    neofascist groups visited Russia repeatedly from the US, Germany, the
    Czech Republic and Austria and "shared their experience" in working
    with skinhead youth. . . . There are no visa restrictions to bar
    fascist emissaries.

    In most cities in Russia, skinheads feel self-assured and
    unthreatened. The police and the authorities are clearly sympathetic
    toward them. Choi Yun Shik, president of the South Korean Student
    Association, who is studying in Moscow, and Gabriel Kotchofa,
    president of the Moscow Foreign Students Association, both assert
    that the Moscow police have refused hundreds of times to allow
    foreign students who have been victimized by skins to file criminal
    charges. Col. Mikhail Kirilin of the Federal Security Service's [FSB]
    public relations center and Vladimir Vershkov of the Chief Internal
    Affairs Administration's press service both told to a reporter from
    the Moscow Times that their agencies do not regard skins as
    constituting a danger. . . .

    A certain amount of information has now accumulated to the effect
    that Nazi skins are being encouraged, organized and used by Russia's
    ruling circles for their own purposes. There was considerable
    evidence earlier that Nazi skins enjoyed the protection of regional
    authorities (Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Pskov Province) and
    especially of law-enforcement structures (Saratov, Voronezh, Nizhny
    Novgorod, Volgograd, Samara). But in 2002 it was determined that Nazi
    skins were training at a facility belonging to the Moscow OMON
    special police, and that OMON trainers were doing the teaching. Such
    training could not have taken place without the sanction of top
    officials at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. . . .

    In late 2000, amid demonstrative inaction on the part of the
    authorities and silence on the part of the press, the skinheads
    progressed to more serious, mass organized actions -- to pogroms. The
    first such attack took place on Oct. 21, 2000, in Moscow, at a
    Vietnamese hostel near the Sokol subway station. Since the
    authorities and the media did their best to suppress all mention of
    the event, impunity inspired the skinheads to make their next move --
    an attack on an Armenian school in Moscow (March 15, 2001). The
    police did not detain a single troublemaker, confining themselves to
    dispersing the skinheads. Despite protests from Moscow's Armenian
    community and from officials of the Republic of Armenia, the
    authorities did their utmost to hush up the incident.

    The next stage was the organization of a pogrom at the Yasenevo
    market [see Current Digest, Vol. 53, No. 17, pp. 4-5.]. Since that
    attack was unprecedented in scale, it proved impossible to keep it
    quiet, and the incident was widely covered on TV and in the press. .
    . . The next such attack, which began at a market near the Tsaritsyno
    subway station [see Current Digest, Vol. 53, No. 45, pp. 1-6],
    subsequently continued at several subway stations and in subway
    trains and ended at the Sevastopol Hotel, which houses a large number
    of refugees from Afghanistan. At least 300 skinheads took part in
    that pogrom, more than 80 people were injured, 22 were hospitalized,
    and four people (a Moscow Armenian, an Indian citizen, a citizen of
    Tajikistan and an Afghan refugee) were killed. The events touched off
    a major public outcry and were covered by all the media. The Moscow
    authorities were forced to create a special department within the
    Chief Internal Affairs Administration to combat extremism among young
    people. The FSB refused to provide the new department with data on
    skinheads, claiming that it had no information on that subject.

    Despite the fact that 300 people had participated in the pogrom,
    only five ended up in court. Three rank-and-file participants
    (Rusakov, Polyakov and Trubin) were sentenced to three-year prison
    terms. Klimanov, who had purchased the rebar [used as weapons], got
    off with a suspended sentence. And finally, Mikhail Volkov, the
    middleman between those who ordered the violence and those who
    carried it out, got nine years. The trial did not determine who had
    done the ordering. Volkov was declared to have been the organizer. In
    January 2004, the Supreme Court reduced Volkov's sentence from nine
    years to five, concurring with the defense's claim that Volkov's
    guilt as organizer of the pogrom had not been proven.

    The Yasenevo and Tsaritsyno pogroms set an example to be emulated.
    A whole string of others followed: on Prosveshcheniye Prospect in St.
    Petersburg, in [Moscow's] Old Arbat and in Kapotnya [also in Moscow]
    (at a Vietnamese hostel). All those arrested were released, and the
    police took to denying that ethnically motivated attacks were even
    occurring. I have listed only those that caused the greatest stir.
    Actually, a wave of ethnic violence swept across the entire country.

    If at the beginning of the "second wave" (April 2002), the total
    number of skinheads in Russia was approximately 35,000 to 40,000, by
    the time it ends that number will probably be around 75,000 to 80,000
    (after which the growth will stop). And since in Russia, unlike in
    the West, no youth subculture ever disappears (including those that
    have already faded out in the West, such as hippies and punks), one
    can predict with confidence that the skinhead movement has taken root
    among Russia's young people for a long time to come.