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Expo-Industry in Post-soviet Area

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  • Expo-Industry in Post-soviet Area

    Caspian World, Kazakhstan
    July 17 2004

    Expo-Industry in Post-soviet Area

    How did the collapse of the USSR influence the CIS countries?

    Collapse of the Soviet Union out an end to the monopoly of state in
    holding of international and national exhibitions. Since then the
    exhibition structure started to develop in CIS countries. How long
    were the former Soviet republic waiting in vain since 1990th, and
    what did they achieve for the last decade? «ExpoToday» interviewed
    the directors of leading companies - organizers of the exhibition in
    four CIS countries: Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

    Before and after

    During the Soviets all rare exhibition held beyond Moscow and
    Saint-Petersburg were arranged in local VDNKhs (Soviet Exhibition of
    National Achievements) and were actually the exhibition of the
    national achievements, says Nigora Khasanova, Director of
    «Itesa-Osiyo/UEF» in Kazakhstan.

    «I remember only one exhibition - a bright event (in Kazakhstan),
    which was arranged 17-18 years ago. This exhibition was «Electronics
    in USA»,- she continues. In Azerbaijan, besides VDNKh, several food
    and oil and gas exhibition were held by «Expocenter», again together
    with Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), adds Farid Mamedov,
    Director of «Iteca Caspian» (Azerbaijan). «However, there were ones
    arranged by individual companies», - he adds.

    The collapse of the Soviet Union differently affected the development
    of expo-industry of the former Soviet Republics as well as their
    economy in general. Some of them, for example Armenia and Azerbaijan,
    have been busy settling the international conflicts. Others were
    dealing with formation of new economic relations.

    Expo-industry of Uzbekistan «very soon joined the exhibition
    business. It happened independently as well as with the appearance of
    foreign exhibition companies, - Khasanova says. - International
    exhibition companies immediately showed their interest to a new
    market ». Independent profile exhibition held in country, e.g.
    «Health Care Exhibition», held by ITE Group Plc (Great Britain) since
    1995, «Tashkent Tourism Fair », held for the 10th time this year, and
    of course different local trade exhibitions-fair, held by the Chamber
    of Manufacturers of Uzbekistan.

    The path of exhibition business was more arduous in Armenia and
    Azerbaijan. «The first stage was a difficult period of establishment,
    which was accompanied by liberation war in Nagorno-Karabakh, and the
    second stage was a stable after-war period », - said the Export
    Development director of Armenian Development Agency (ÀÀÐ) Musheg

    As per Mamedov's words, exhibition industry of Azerbaijan has been
    stagnating within the first three years after the country obtained
    independence. Since 1991 through 1994 in Azerbaijan there were only
    annual national exhibition of Iran, Turkey, and OAE. However in 1994
    in Azerbaijan there was the 1st International Oil Exhibition
    dedicated to the signing of the main contract in the history of
    Caspian oil fields development. The exhibition was organized by
    «Spearhead Exhibitions» (Great Britain) and CCI of Azerbaijan. One
    year later ITE Group Plc company arranged Azerbaijan International
    Trade Fair (AITF). «Due to wide network of partners all over the
    world, ITE Group Plc could attract many foreign companies to
    Azerbaijan», - added Mamedov.



    Besides ITE, today's main players at the Azerbaijan market are
    «Caspian Events» and «Iteca Caspian», exclusive partner of ITE in the
    Caucasus. It has arranged 8 exhibitions in Baku. Local companies are
    working in other market segments and hold inexpensive local
    exhibition. This year «Iteca Caspian» will also arrange 5 specialized
    exhibition and conferences in Georgia. First of them dedicated to the
    Telecommunications and Information Technologies, «GeorgiaTel 2004»,
    has been held in Tbilisi in April of this year.

    Central Asia

    As per the words of Executive Director of ITECA Yuriy Borodikhin,
    Kazakhstan is the most developed region in Central Asia. «Here we
    hold about 40 exhibitions and conference a year. Some of them present
    50-60% Kazakh companies. Double taxation between Russia and
    Kazakhstan complicates the situation, so that Russian companies have
    to pay double VAT», he says. In Kyrgyz Republic ITECA has been
    working since 2003. Besides slow pace of economic development, the
    growth of expo-industry is limited due to absence of modern
    exhibition areas. «Exhibitions are held in Palaces of Sport, not
    adjusted for these purposes», - says Borodikhin. Company stopped its
    activity in Turkmenistan in 1999 due to political reasons.

    Main organizers of exhibition in Uzbekistan today is Republican Trade
    and Exhibition Center «Uzepocenter» under the Agency of Foreign
    Economic Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, International
    Exhibition company ITE Group Plc (Great Britain), Itesa-Osiyo
    (Uzbekistan) and UEF company (Uzbekistan).

    The local exhibitions are arranged by the Chamber of Manufacturers
    and Businessmen of Uzbekistan and Trade Exhibition Center
    «Uzkurgazmasavdo». The main foreign organizer in Uzbek market is also
    ITE Group Plc, which holds 10 exhibitions a year, American TNT (1
    exhibition a year), Italian InterExpo (2 exhibitions a year) and
    Russian Polros (1 exhibition a year). Itesa-Osiyo company,
    established in 2001, is an exclusive partner of ITE Group Plc. This
    year ITE Group Plc opened new foreign exhibition entity -UEF, acting
    as organizers and constructor of exhibition.

    «We started from 4 projects, this year planning to hold 10
    exhibitions, all in Tashkent. In 2005 we are planning to hold 15
    exhibition», - says Khasanova from Itesa-Osiyo/UEF. This October
    together with ITE Group Plc its company will held exhibition in
    «Tajikistan Infrastructure» in Dushanbe.


    As per Sargsyan, besides ÀÀÐ (Armenian Development Agency), founded
    in 1998 under the Resolution of Armenian President, the main players
    at the Armenia market are Chamber of Commerce and Industry and
    «Expocenter CCI», «Exposervice», «Erexpo», ÌÈÒÑ of Armenia. Artists'
    Union, Jewelers Union and Agro-Business Center are also arranging
    specialized exhibitions. There are no foreign players in Armenian
    market, foreign embassies play their roles attracting Armenian
    organizers. In 2001 ÀÀÐ organized exhibition of Armenian products
    «Made in Armenia» in Yerevan, Los-Angeles, Tokio, and in 2002 - in
    Los-Angeles, Moscow and Tehran. Besides that, ÀÀÐ presented Armenian
    products and manufacturers at the Jubilee exhibition, dedicated to
    the 10th anniversary of CIS in VVTs (Russian Exhibition Center) in
    Moscow, at the 36th Egyptian International Fair, Kiev exhibition of
    CIS in 2003, the 16th International Exhibition in Dubai in 2003 and
    Professional International Exhibition in Machinery Manufacture in the
    USA «Westech-2004»

    Law whether exists or not

    None of the CIS country today has the Law about exhibition
    activities. The rationale for its adoption is acknowledged only in
    Kazakhstan where its clauses are worked out by Intergovernmental
    exhibition commission under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of
    Kazakhstan. However, the organizers are not the members of the
    commission, says Borodikhin. First results of commission activity the
    Industry was waiting at the end of May.

    Sargsyan in contrary thinks that it is a waste of time to discuss
    this Law in Armenia. «This is a common industry which is anyway obeys
    certain working laws, normative acts, and to my mind, we should not
    transfer it to another rank or legal area»,- he said. Khasanova, who
    thinks the adoption of the law is untimely, supports him: «I still
    don't think that the Law is necessary now. We don't have so many
    exhibition companies which activity should be regulated. This is the
    issue for future».

    Same says Mamedov: «ítoday we do not need it. We are trying to solve
    the issues between each other and independently defend interests of
    our clients that we do not want to loose. It helps us to be more
    flexible to the rapid development of the industry».


    «After 1983 fire in Exhibition Center with 15 thousand sq.m area,
    Baku is the only capital of the former USSR without professional
    exhibition showrooms», - says Mamedov. Today we hold the exhibitions
    in Sport Complex named after H. Aliyev that reminds Olimpiyski in

    Yerevan also does not have professional exhibition showrooms, though,
    as per Sargsyan, many areas adjusted for exhibition with 300 up to 2
    thousand sq.m. area. «Construction of professional ExpoCenter is
    soon. The state already allotted the area for this purpose», - he

    In Uzbekistan international exhibitions are held in Tashkent Republic
    Trade and Exhibition Center «Uzexpocenter» under the Agency of
    Foreign Economic Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    First pavilion of the center corresponds to the international
    standards and has 3,5 thousand sq.m. area. Besides it, exhibitions
    are held in Trade and Exhibition center «Uzkorgazmasavdo», total area
    - 5 thousand sq.m.

    In Kazakhstan the exhibition centers will probably be built in Atyrau
    and Astana. «As to the capital to Kazakhstan (Astana city), the
    construction of the complex here is more real because it is
    stipulated by Governmental program and there is a certain place for
    it in the General Plan of the city. - says Borodikhin. - Now it is
    still a draft, but the opening is scheduled for 2005». New exhibition
    center will comprise a hotel, business-center and showroom for 10
    thousand sq.m exhibitions.

    Support of the State

    Established the expo-industry from zero, the exhibitors of the CIS
    countries only anticipate a territory from the state to construct new
    exhibition complexes «To my mind, state assistance, huge and
    unlimited one will bring back the monopolization of the Soviet times.
    State assistance is necessary during establishment, determination of
    conditions, game area, and rules of activity in this direction,
    allotment of loans and territories for construction of exhibitions
    and centers», - says Sargsyan.

    Mamedov agrees: «Surely, we would like to hold exhibitions in
    specialized exhibition complex and now this issue is under
    discussion.» All exhibitions of Iteca Caspian are supported by the
    government and have international status. In 2001 Iteca Caspian was
    awarded with a national for price UGUR for contribution in
    International cooperation of Azerbaijan business, he added.

    In Uzbekistan, as per Khasanova's words, the government fully
    reconstructed the first pavilion of the Republican Trade and
    Exhibition Center «Uzexpocenter» under the Agency of Foreign Economic
    Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    In neighboring Kazakhstan the situation is opposite, as thinks
    Tatyana Zhdanova, Director of Foreign Economic Relations Department
    of CCI of Kazakhstan. «The State does not provide enough support to
    the exhibition business. Even in the matter of financing national
    expositions. For e.g. our enterprises will not be exposed at
    Intergovernmental exhibition in VVTs - «CIS: fuel - energy and
    natural resources- 2004» forum (August 24-27) but at the same time
    Government and Committee decided to finance national stand of
    Kazakhstan in Germany»,- she says.

    The state does not benefit from lack of attention to the exhibitions,
    Borodiskhin thinks.

    «Support of profile ministries and participation of their
    representatives in opening ceremonies influences the prestige of the
    event. There are many cases when the exhibition, especially leading
    one, positively influences the prestige of the minister and image of
    smart politicians, who know that the support of the exhibitions
    reflect their opening for new ideas, willingness to know the
    industry, as well as respect for business, major an minor, internal
    and external», he says.

    Together or apart?

    Organizers from former Soviet republics which broke political links
    during the independence establishment, as a rule, would like to
    maintain the current economic relations between CIS countries and
    build new ones.

    «For 70 years of Soviet power the economy of former Soviet republics
    has been so integrated that after the collapse of the USSR all 15
    republics were seriously impacted, - Mamedov says. - We are actively
    working with our partners in CIS. In particular our Saint-Petersburg
    partners, PrimExpo and CCI of Saint-Petersburg, held a joint action
    and attracted a number of Russian manufacturers to the Jubilee Food
    Exhibition in Baku held on May 12 - 14, 2004». In Khasanova's
    opinion, the determining factor in cooperation is «not a country, but
    a partner, his professionalism and reliability». Her company
    cooperated with «Iteca» (Kazakhstan), Iteca Caspian (Azerbaijan) and
    Primexpo (Russia, Saint-Petersburg). And in Armenia CCI of Armenia
    holds the first universal exhibition «CIS Expo 2004».