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ASBAREZ Online [07-16-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [07-16-2004]


    1. US House Adopts Schiff Amendment on Armenian Genocide
    2. Congressional Republican Leadership Attacks Schiff Amendment
    3. Hastert, DeLay Blunt Statement on Schiff Amendment
    4. $17,000 Raised in San Francisco for Karabagh Resettlement Program
    5. 84th ARS Convention Underway
    6. AYF Badanegan: bringing the kids together
    7. AYF Volunteers Set for Work in Armenia, Little Armenia

    1. US House Adopts Schiff Amendment on Armenian Genocide

    "None of the funds made available in this Act may be used by the Government of
    Turkey to engage in contravention of section 1913 of title 18, United States
    Code, relating to lobbying with appropriated moneys, with respect to HRes 193,
    Reaffirming support of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
    Crime of Genocide and anticipating the 15th anniversary of the enactment of
    Genocide Convention Implementation Act of 1987 (the Proxmire Act) on November
    4, 2003."

    Amendment to Foreign Operations Bill prohibiting Turkey
    from using US foreign aid to lobby against Genocide Resolution

    --Rep. Knollenberg's Leadership key to maintaining military aid parity for
    Armenia and Azerbaijan

    WASHINGTON, DCIn a powerful rebuke to the Turkish government's campaign of
    genocide denial, the House of Representatives this evening adopted the Schiff
    Amendment, prohibiting the Turkish government from using US foreign assistance
    in its multi-million dollar campaign to defeat legislation (HRes 193)
    recognizing the Armenian Genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee of
    America (ANCA).
    The amendment, introduced by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), was passed by a voice
    vote and added to the fiscal year 2005 foreign aid bill (HRes 4818). The
    foreign aid bill was later passed by a vote of 365 to 41.
    In his remarks on the House floor introducing the measure, Rep. Schiff told
    his colleagues that, "today I offer a simple amendment that will honor the one
    and a half million Armenians who perished in the Armenian Genocide of the 1915
    and 1923. I consider this a sacred obligation to ensure that the men, women,
    and children who perished in the Armenian Genocide are not lost to history and
    that this Congress not fund shameful efforts to deny that the Genocide
    occurred." Commenting after the vote, Rep. Schiff said, "We are another step
    closer to silencing those who would deny the murder of 1.5 million Armenians,"
    adding that, "This amendment stands true to the memory of the victims."
    "The passage of this amendment is a major victory," said Armenian Caucus
    Co-Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. "It clearly sends a message that the United
    States House of Representatives will not tolerate Turkey's lobbying against
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide." In his remarks during consideration of
    the measure, the New Jersey legislator stressed that "it is time for this body
    to stop defending and funding a government that continues to deny its own
    history, and refuses to break with the pattern of intolerance established by
    past Turkish governments which dealt with minority issues by committing
    genocide against Armenians, massacring and driving Greeks from its shores,
    restricting the rights of Christians to worship, and denying the existence of
    its Kurdish citizens."
    "We want, first and foremost, to thank Congressman Schiff for his tireless
    leadership in advancing this amendment, to recognize the strong support of
    Armenian Caucus Co-Chairmen Frank Pallone and Joe Knollenberg, and to note the
    pivotal role that Chairman Kolbe played in helping this measure reach the
    floorwhere, as we all saw this evening, it enjoyed overwhelming bi-partisan
    support," said ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian.
    The Genocide Resolution, HRes 193, reaffirms US support for the Genocide
    Convention and cites the importance of remembering past crimes against
    humanity, including the Armenian Genocide, Holocaust, Cambodian and Rwandan
    genocides, in an effort to stop future atrocities. It faces intense
    from the Turkish government, which has enlisted the backing of the White House
    in its efforts to block this measure from being scheduled for a vote of the
    full House.
    The Genocide Resolution was introduced, in the House, in April, 2003, by
    Representatives George Radanovich (R-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA), and
    Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Joe Knollenberg (R-MI).
    Senate companion measure was introduced, in June, 2003, by Senators John
    (R-NV) and Jon Corzine (D-NJ). HRes 193 was adopted unanimously by the House
    Judiciary Committee last May. Support for the measure has been widespread off
    of Capitol Hill as well, with a diverse coalition of over 100 ethnic,
    religious, civil and human rights organizations calling for its passage,
    including American Values, National Organization of Women, Sons of Italy,
    NAACP, Union of Orthodox Rabbis, and the National Council of La Raza.

    Rep. Knollenberg Leads Effort on Foreign Aid Issues:
    Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairman Joe Knollenberg, who serves as a
    senior member of the House panel dealing with foreign aid issues, rallied the
    support of his colleagues behind key pro-Armenian provisions in the Foreign
    Operations bill. Foremost among these was the successful effort to maintain
    parity in US military aid to Armenia and Azerbaijan. This February, the
    Administration's budget proposed breaking the parity agreement, struck in 2001
    between the White House and the Congress, by allocating $8 million in Foreign
    Military Financing (FMF) for Azerbaijan and only $2 million for Armenia. The
    foreign aid bill, adopted today by the US House, sets FMF levels for both
    nations at $5 million.
    "We value the leadership and hard work by Congressman Knollenberg in
    maintaining the principle of military aid parity in the face of White House
    Pentagon pressure to break an agreement that has, for the past three years,
    contributed meaningfully to regional stability in the Caucasus," said ANCA
    Executive Director Aram Hamparian.
    The House Foreign Operations Subcommittee, which is chaired by Arizona
    Republican Jim Kolbe, supported a hard earmark of $65 million in US assistance
    to Armenia, and $5 million for Mountainous Karabagh. The Bush
    proposal had requested $62 million for Armenia and had not set any specific
    funding level for Mountainous Karabagh. The Subcommittee's decision, made
    against the backdrop of decreasing aid levels to the former Soviet republics,
    would effectively reduce US assistance to Armenia by $10 million from FY 2004

    2. Congressional Republican Leadership Attacks Schiff Amendment

    WASHINGTON, DCIn a front-page statement posted today on the web-page of the
    Speaker of the US House, Congressional Republican leaders, who have for the
    past eighteen months blocked the progress of legislation recognizing the
    Armenian genocide, attacked the adoption, yesterday, of the Schiff
    Amendment by
    the full US House, reported the Armenian National Committee (ANCA). The
    amendment restricts the Turkish government from using US foreign aid
    dollars to
    finance its campaign to defeat the Genocide Resolution, HRes 193.
    The statement issued by House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL), Majority Leader
    Tom Delay (R-TX) and Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO) states that, "we are
    strongly opposed to the Schiff Amendment to the Foreign Operations
    Appropriations bill, and we will insist that conferees drop that provision in
    conference. . . Turkey has been a reliable ally of the United States for
    decades, and the deep foundation upon which our mutual economic and security
    relationship rests should not be disrupted by this amendment."
    Armenian Americans have the opportunity to express their disappointment to
    authors of this statement by visiting the ANCA website:
    "Speaker Hastert and his colleagues in the House leadershiphaving spent the
    past year and a half trying to kill the Genocide Resolutionare now trying to
    subvert the clear will of an overwhelming bi-partisan majority in support of
    this human rights measure," said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "We
    find it deeply offensive that these officials would allow a foreign nation
    particularly one that so blatantly disdains the democratic values of the
    American peopleto impose its dictates on our Congress."
    Yesterday evening, the US House voted to approve the amendment, introduced by
    Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA). The measure was passed by a voice vote and added to
    the fiscal year 2005 foreign aid bill, HRes 4818.
    The Genocide Resolution, HRes 193, reaffirms US support for the Genocide
    Convention and cites the importance of remembering past crimes against
    humanity, including the Armenian Genocide, Holocaust, Cambodian and Rwandan
    genocides, in an effort to stop future atrocities. It faces intense opposition
    from the Turkish government, which has enlisted the backing of the White House
    in its efforts to press Congressional leaders to block this measure from being
    scheduled for a vote of the full House.

    3. Hastert, DeLay Blunt Statement on Schiff Amendment

    (WASHINGTON DCSpeaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert, House Majority Leader
    DeLay and House Majority Whip Roy Blunt released the following statement
    regarding House adoption of the Schiff Amendment to the Foreign Operations
    Appropriations bill.
    "We are strongly opposed to the Schiff Amendment to the Foreign Operations
    Appropriations bill, and we will insist that conferees drop that provision in
    conference. We have contacted the Bush Administration, and they have indicated
    their strong opposition to the amendment. We have also conveyed our opposition
    to Chairman Kolbe and he has assured us that he will insist on it being
    in the conference committee."
    "Turkey has been a reliable ally of the United States for decades, and the
    deep foundation upon which our mutual economic and security relationship rests
    should not be disrupted by this amendment."
    "On its face, the amendment is meaningless. Current US law already prohibits
    foreign governments from using American foreign aid to lobby. But we
    the political motivation behind the amendment, and for that reason, we will
    insist that it be dropped."
    "Our relationship with Turkey is too important to us to allow it to be in any
    way damaged by a poorly crafted and ultimately meaningless amendment."
    "Furthermore, we have no intention of scheduling H Res 193, as reported
    out of
    the Judiciary Committee in April, during the remainder of this Congress."

    4. $17,000 Raised in San Francisco for Karabagh Resettlement Program

    SAN FRANCISCO$17,000 was recently raised for the Karabagh resettlement program
    through a series of fundraising events, organized by the Armenian
    Federation (ARF) San Francisco Kristapor Chapter. Fundraisers were held at the
    homes of Mr. and Mrs. Sako Shirikian and Mr. and Mrs. Hriar Moroyan and were
    followed by a July 9 event at the San Francisco Armenian Center.
    After welcoming the audience gathered at the Armenian Center, ARF Kristapor
    Chapter representative Hriar Sarkisian spoke about the purpose of the
    fundraising drive and how it will assist the work of the newly formed
    "Mountainous Karabagh Republic Resettlement Assembly." "The government of the
    Mountainous Karabagh invites Armenians to settle and raise their children
    within the borders of their motherland," he noted.
    "Between 1992-2001, the Karabagh government was able to build 4061 homes and
    193 buildings, which house 5112 families today. In addition, the country's
    numerous schools cater to 3474 students. The Resettlement Assembly asks all
    social, political, and philanthropic organizations to contribute to these
    The Armenians of San Francisco, Sarkisian stated, have throughout the years
    supported Armenia, Karabagh and the Diaspora both morally and financially and
    recently lent assistance to the Armenian communities in Iraq, Javakhk, and

    5. 84th ARS Convention Underway

    Delegates from 23 chapters joined invited guests on July 15, for the
    opening of
    the Armenian Relief Society (ARS), Western Region's 84th convention that will
    be taking place at the Glendale, California Hilton until July 18.
    Among those addressing the more than 200 gathered were Prelate Archbishop
    Moushegh Mardirossian, Consul General of Republic of Armenia in Los Angeles
    Gagik Kirakossian, and ARF Central Committee member Vahe Bozoian.
    Honored guests included Glendale City Councilmember Rafi Manoukian, police
    chief Randy Adams, Armenia Fund representative Maria Mehrabian, Armond
    representing State Assemblymembers Dario Frommer and Fabian Núñez, and
    representatives of sister organizations.

    6. AYF Badanegan: bringing the kids together

    By Sanan Haroun

    In the aftermath of the genocide, Karekin Njdeha fedayee and field worker for
    the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF)brought a group of youth together
    with the purpose of instilling future generations with the Armenian spirit.
    idea, which Njdeh successfully implemented in Boston over seventy years ago,
    has since spread throughout the United States. Today, the group that was
    created through his initiativethe Armenian Youth Federation (AYF)serves youth
    under the age of 16 through its Badanegan organization.
    The AYF Glendale Badanegan chapterestablished in 1981is just one of the many
    chapters that provides young Armenians an environment, in which they can
    gather, learn about Hai Tahd, and volunteer for their communities. Members of
    Badanegan participate in all sorts of activities that make the Armenian spirit
    an important part of their lives. Such activities include singing traditional
    songs, assisting political campaigns through phone banking, and participating
    in discussions about Armenian issues during weekly meetings.
    The AYF Glendale Badanegan is divided into two portions: the Shant chapter,
    which accepts youth between the ages of 7-13, and the Simon Zavarian chapter,
    which is composed of 14-16 year-olds. Both chapters meet on Friday nights:
    Shant from 6:30-8:15pm and Simon Zavarian from 7:30-9:00pm at the Glendale
    Armenian Center/Ararat Elderly Day Care Center, 721 S. Glendale Ave.
    During a typical one-and-a-half hour-long meeting, members read news from
    Armenia, learn new Armenian words and participate in quiz bowls and other fun
    games. Additionally, guest speakers are invited to attend meetings and discuss
    career opportunities. Speakers in the past have presented information about a
    variety of professions, including plumbing, psychology, law, and dentistry.
    Each badanee, as members of Badanegan are called, also has an
    opportunity to
    speak to the chapter about their personal hobbies. Badanees have spoken about
    playing instruments like the violin and guitar, roller-blading, water polo,
    Furthermore, meetings sometimes include casual debates amongst the badanees
    over issues that affect Armenians in the Diaspora. One such topic is the
    importance of Armenian language to the Armenian identity. Divided into two
    groups, members eagerly wait for their chance to express their thoughts and
    In addition to the meetings, AYF Glendale Badanegan members plan and
    participate in social and athletic activities. Sleep-overs, movie nights, pool
    parties, trips to amusement parks, hikes through waterfalls, visits to the
    beach, bowling and ice skating are just a few examples of the activities that
    badanees enjoy. These excursions provide endless memories and create strong
    friendships that last a lifetime.
    Some of the badanees' more elaborate projects include trips to AYF Camp Big
    Pines and Malibu Beach, where members camped out on the sand and woke up by
    The Glendale Badanegan also has a long tradition of presenting plays about
    heroic Armenian figures and Armenian issues in the Diaspora. Some of the plays
    presented include "Njdeh," "Menk Hayers," "Yert Arants Tartsi," "Siamanto,"
    "Black and White." In both 1991 and 2001, song tours were organized in
    Glenddale to mark Armenian Independence Day. Badanees also distribute
    cards during each December.
    The Glendale chapter is continually busy in planning events that are both fun
    and educational. The idea of bringing together a few Armenian kids in 1933 has
    developed into a large organization dedicated to involving youth in the
    Armenian Cause. Today, the growing Glendale Shant and Zavarian chapters have
    over 70 members.
    The AYF Badanegan provides leadership training and education for future
    generations. Countless young Armenians attribute their involvement in social
    and political causes to their experiences as AYF badanees. The badanees who
    enjoy their social and educational experiences become life-long community

    Sanan is an executive member of the Glendale AYF Badanegan Zavarian Chapter

    7. AYF Volunteers Set for Work in Armenia, Little Armenia

    AYF Youth Corps Ready to Get to Work in Artsakh

    YEREVANThe participants of this summer's AYF Youth Corps program arrived in
    Armenia on Thursday, to spend most of their summer in Stepanakert, the capitol
    city of Mountainous Karabagh Republic (Artsakh), working to rebuild the ARS
    Soseh kindergarten and the Paraplegic Rehabilitation Center there. Though 2004
    marks the 10th anniversary of the AYF Youth Corps program, it is also the
    year the program targets the reconstruction of the kindergarten and Parpeligic
    This year's program participants from throughout CaliforniaGlendale, the
    Bay, and the West San Fernando Valley, will have the opportunity to meet with
    government officials, local ARF representatives, and AYF members, and will
    spend weekends sightseeing in Armenia and Artsakh.
    The AYF Youth Corps program, founded after the 1994 Karabagh cease-fire, has
    sent over 100 Armenian youth to Artsakh and Armenia to assist in rebuilding
    efforts of various Armenian structures such as schools, centers, churches, and
    youth camps damaged during the war.

    Back to the Streets of Little Armenia in September

    LOS ANGELESThe planning and organization of the Second Annual Little Armenia
    Clean Up has begun, and efforts to beautify the portion of Hollywood named
    after Armenia will take place on September 25.
    The clean up is co-sponsored by Council Member Eric Garcetti and the Armenian
    Youth Federation (AYF).
    After the 8:30 AM opening on clean up day, which will include remarks by
    Council Member Garcetti, volunteers will hit the streets and sidewalks of
    Hollywood work to remove litter and unwanted weeds.
    The clean up effort, a project of the AYF Little Armenia Beautification
    Program, will include replacing the "Welcome to Little Armenia" banners on
    various major intersections of Little Armenia, with new ones.
    "It is an honor to the Armenian American community to have an area of the
    Los Angeles named after our homeland," said Vicken Sosikian, Chairman of the
    AYF Western Region. "Since October of 2000 we have enjoyed this honor; we
    therefore not only need to give back to Little Armenia and its residents, but
    also to the city of Los Angeles."
    Turnout for the 2003 Little Armenia Clean Up was tremendous; mostly AYF
    and some older volunteers scoured city streets and placed the welcome banners
    that now mark Little Armenia.
    The AYFa volunteer youth organization, seeks the support of the Armenian
    community to make this outreach event a success.
    Interested volunteers for the clean up, or those who want to contribute to
    effort in anyway, should email the AYF at: [email protected].

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