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Wisconsin Tourism chief considering in-state jobs strategy

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  • Wisconsin Tourism chief considering in-state jobs strategy

    Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WI
    July 17 2004

    Tourism chief considering in-state jobs strategy
    Overseas workers nab much of the summer employment


    Wisconsin's top tourism official is considering stepped-up efforts to
    promote summer job opportunities in the tourism industry as many
    attractions recruit workers from overseas despite unemployment here.

    Tourism Secretary Jim Holperin said he has no indication that theme
    parks and other popular destinations are intentionally passing over
    Wisconsin workers. But he said the state lacks a comprehensive
    strategy for matching Wisconsin's jobless to tourism jobs, which
    often go to workers from Poland, Finland or other foreign countries.

    A state job center in Wisconsin Dells, for example, has stopped
    sending representatives to job fairs in Milwaukee, relying instead on
    the Internet to reach job seekers in the state's largest metropolitan

    "There might be a programmatic gap," Holperin said, meaning not
    everyone who needs a job is being reached by existing programs.

    Destinations in the Dells, Door County and other popular tourist
    spots began wide-scale recruiting of foreign workers, typically
    college students, when low unemployment in the late 1990s created a
    labor shortage. Although the economy has since gone flat and
    Wisconsin joblessness is up, many attractions continue hiring from
    out of the country for their summer seasonal help, citing other
    forces in the marketplace.

    Some say residents who live in Milwaukee and those who live in other
    areas of high unemployment cannot be coaxed into relocating for the
    summer, and that young people in Wisconsin generally must return to
    school before the tourist season ends.

    At Landmark Resort in Door County, Personnel Director Joanne Stanzel
    has hired several college-aged students from Armenia and Romania,
    primarily for housekeeping jobs.

    Stanzel said some Wisconsin residents seem uninterested in the
    drudgery of scrubbing bathrooms and arranging bedsheets.

    "Even in desperate times they don't want to do housekeeping," she
    said. "It's sad to say."

    One housekeeper, Lilit Vasilyan of Romania, said she worked as a
    waitress in her home country but wanted to visit the United States
    this summer to improve her English.

    Vasilyan, 20, said she is enjoying her job at Landmark and is most
    impressed by Door County's natural scenery.

    "I imagined how it would be," she said. "It's beautiful."