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UNMC's reach Omaha-based medical instruction helping dev. countries

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  • UNMC's reach Omaha-based medical instruction helping dev. countries

    Omaha World Herald (Nebraska)
    July 14, 2004, Wednesday

    UNMC's wide reach Omaha-based medical instruction is helping
    developing countries.

    When a nursing student in the Nebraska Panhandle has a question, the
    University of Nebraska Medical Center can provide the answer.

    With more than 75 online nursing courses available statewide, UNMC is
    providing an important service.

    Now the reach of UNMC, in collaboration with the Nebraska Medical
    Center, is slowly being extended further -- to the other side of the

    In all, UNMC has some 40 cooperative agreements with medical
    institutions around the world. About 15 of the agreements are
    particularly active. Just a few weeks ago, UNMC officials signed four
    cooperative agreements with hospitals in China while accompanying
    Gov. Mike Johanns on a trade mission to East Asia.

    Harold Maurer, UNMC's chancellor, has encouraged such international
    efforts, which have become reality through the work of such staff
    people as Nizar Mamdani, executive director of the Office of
    International Healthcare Services; Dr. Ward Chambers, associate
    professor of cardiology; Sheila Ryan, a professor in the College of
    Nursing; and Donald Leuenberger, vice chancellor for business and

    Ryan, for example, has worked to establish links with nursing staff
    in several developing countries. The connections she has forged with
    Armenia are particularly impressive. The same types of nursing
    courses available throughout Nebraska are now available to students
    in that former Soviet republic, which remains wracked by instability.

    Significant, too, has been UNMC's efforts in Afghanistan, another
    country attempting to climb out of upheaval. As noted in a
    World-Herald story by staff writer Stephen Buttry, Chambers has
    visited the Afghan capital five times to cement ties between UNMC and
    Kabul Medical University.

    It would be hard to exaggerate the severity of medical needs in
    Afghanistan. The country's infant mortality rate is the highest in
    Asia. Ninety percent of women do not have prenatal care. One-quarter
    of children die before the age of 5.

    In the wake of decades of war, Afghanistan's hospitals and medical
    schools have enormous needs, Chambers says. Many hospitals lack
    running water and electricity. The country has no magnetic resonance
    imaging scanners, efficient computers are scarce, and medical
    textbooks are out of date.

    UNMC has the potential to do tremendous good by establishing online
    medical instruction and other assistance for Afghan medical students.

    These efforts display great vision. UNMC is demonstrating an
    impressive generosity as it extends a helping hand to those who need
    it, not just here in the Midlands, but even on the other side of the