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The transformation of Turkey

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  • The transformation of Turkey

    Allentown Morning Call, PA
    July 18 2004

    The transformation of Turkey
    The moderate, modern Muslim country, if assimilated into the European
    Union, would be an attractive role model for other countries

    Eli Schwartz

    In Victorian England, there was a common reference to "the
    unspeakable Turks." Much has changed. Today, Turkey is an
    independent, modernized country of about 70 million inhabitants. It
    is a charter member of NATO and is currently knocking on the door for
    admission to the European Union.

    In fact, columnist George F. Will noted last week, it is to this
    country's advantage to have Turkey in the EU. Its economy has a long
    way to go, in comparison with others in Europe, but it is a nation
    that is democratic, secular -- and Muslim.

    Turkey was not alway democratic and secular, of course, and I believe
    that its story is helpful to us today, especially in light of
    President Bush's dream of seeing democracy spread throughout the
    Middle East.

    The modern history of Turkey starts from the defeat of the Turkish
    Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I. In 1920, the victorious
    allies sat down to dispose of the Arab territories and carve up Asia

    Of the Arab countries, the French were given a League of Nations
    mandate over Lebanon and Syria; the British received mandates for
    Mesopotamia (Iraq), Palestine, and some adjoining territories.
    Turkey, in Asia Minor, was divided into Italian and French spheres of
    influence, an autonomous Kurdish area, a section given to an Armenian
    Republic in Causasia, and a Greek enclave starting out from the city
    of Smyrna (now Izmir) on the Aegean Sea. A small area encompassing
    the city of Constantinople and an oval on the Asiatic side enclosing
    the sea of Marmora and the straits to the Black Sea was left to the
    Sultan of Turkey. The whole was endorsed by the Treaty of Sevres,
    signed by the Sultan in Constantinople.

    In the meantime, a nationalist reform party lead by Mustafa Kemal
    (later to become Kemal Ataturk) coalesced around the city of Ankara
    in central Turkey. In 1920, the dissident assembly declared Turkey a
    republic, and an army formed around Mustafa Kemal launched a series
    of attacks on the Kurds, the Armenians, and on the Greek army
    occupying the area coming out of Izmir. The campaigns were undeniably
    victorious, marred by internecine warfare and by what is now
    sardonically called "ethnic cleansing"; much of this has never been
    clearly expiated to this day.

    Suffice it to say, the war ended with the victorious Turkish Army
    taking Smyrna in 1922. The abortive Sevres treaty was dropped and the
    new treaty of Lausanne in 1923 assigned to the new republic of
    Turkey, the territory it currently holds in Asia Minor, and in
    Europe, the cosmopolitan city of Constantinople (now Istanbul) and
    the strategic straits between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

    No one reigns completely alone, but the foundation of modern Turkey
    rests with Mustafa Kemal, given the honorific name Kemal Ataturk
    (Noble Father of the Turks), who as president ruled with a hard hand
    from 1923 until his death in 1938. Kemal's main goal was to wrest
    Turkey into the modern world.

    One by one, the edicts came down. The Sultan and his family were
    exiled, the Caliphate was abolished, the Sharia, Islamic law, was
    replaced by the Swiss Code as the basic law of the state, and the
    Italian Penal Code and the German Commerce Code were adopted. This
    essentially made Turkey a secular state.

    Kemal made the wearing of the fez (traditional male headdress)
    illegal, and he discouraged the wearing of the female head scarf. The
    Islamic clergy were paid a stipend by the government, but the weekly
    sermon was set by the state. The call to prayer was changed from
    Arabic to Turkish.

    Perhaps Kemal's most revolutionary move was to enforce a change from
    the Arabic script to the Latin alphabet. All the citizens from six to
    40 years old were made to attend school to learn the new letters.
    After four years, it was made illegal to use the old Arabic script. A
    consistent increase in literacy followed.

    There was a massive importation of typewriters and, under the law of
    unintended consequences, the increased demand for stenographers led
    to the increased employment of women and helped in the emancipation
    of Turkish womanhood.

    Even those quite critical of his methods acknowledge that Ataturk
    left a legacy that has served as an obstacle to the rise of
    anti-Western Islamists in Turkey.

    Kemal Ataturk succeeded in modernizing Turkey, whereas operating at
    the Eastern end of the Golden Crescent, the Pahlavi family (the
    Shahs) failed in the avowed task of modernizing Iran.

    Now, 66 years after Kemal Ataturk's death, comes perhaps the final
    test of the Turkish transition. In December of this year, the Turks
    hope to start negotiations on the entry to the European Union. Many
    questions arise.

    Turkey is a poor country. It is not an undeveloped country, but it
    ranks in the bottom rung of the class of developed countries. The per
    capita GDP is about one third of the average for the EU. On the other
    hand, the recent real growth rate of 4 percent to 6 percent per annum
    exceeds that of the EU, and a recent report by The Economist magazine
    shows Turkey with an astounding increase of 15 percent in the last
    quarter in manufacturing and mining output, well above any other
    country listed.

    Trade with the European Union has been growing; since 1996; the
    amount of exports to the EU has more than doubled from $10 billion to
    $25 billion and imports have gone from $20 billion to $32 billion.
    One third of new television sets sold in the EU last year came from

    The inflation rate which had been running at a double digit rate for
    35 years finally fell to a single digit level this February. The
    government deficit of 10 percent of the GDP far exceeds the EU target
    of 3 percent. Be that as it may, the stated economic criteria for
    admission to the European Union is not perfection but the existence
    of a "functioning market economy."

    Some political and social sticking points remain. The average
    literacy rate is 87 percent with a significantly higher rate of 94
    percent for males as against only 88 percent for females. However,
    elementary school education is now compulsory for children of both
    sexes. Average life expectancy at birth of 72 years is only slightly
    below the developed world average, but the rate of 42 infant deaths
    per 1,000 live births is shamefully high.

    Of course, the main problem is the unrest and unease among the
    minority Kurds, who constitute 20 percent of the population. The
    current administration has eased relations with the Kurds, allowing
    the public use of the Kurdish language and the development of Kurdish
    culture. At any rate, Turkey would not be the sole EU member with a
    minority problem; Spain has the Basques, Slovakia has the Gypsies,
    and Great Britain has the IRA of Northern Ireland. The social,
    political criteria for entrance to the EU is phrased as a "union of

    >From my readings and experience of visiting the Middle East and
    Turkey, I believe the admission of Turkey to the European Union would
    be a worthwhile accomplishment. Certainly, it would help the Turkish
    economy. But perhaps, more importantly, the successful assimilation
    of a moderate, modern Muslim country into a vital democratic,
    economic society would provide an attractive role model for other
    countries to follow.

    Eli Schwartz of Allentown is professor emeritus of business and
    economics at Lehigh University in Bethlehem.,0,6258142.story?coll=all-newsopinion-hed