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Hastert slices Turkey bill

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  • Hastert slices Turkey bill

    The Hill, DC
    July 19 2004

    Hastert slices Turkey bill
    By Jonathan E. Kaplan

    House GOP leaders are vowing to kill a controversial amendment that
    chastises a key U.S. ally following a successful Democratic maneuver
    to pass the bill late last week.

    Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.), chairman of the Appropriations Foreign
    Operations Subcommittee, exasperated House leaders last Thursday when
    he accepted a Democratic amendment, which would bar Turkey from
    lobbying against a Republican-backed resolution that would call the
    Ottoman Empire's killings of 1.5 Armenians during World War I

    patrick g. ryan
    Turkey would be barred from lobbying against a bill sponsored by Rep.
    George Radanovich (Calif.) under a foreigh-operations amendment.


    Rep. Adam Schiff's (D-Calif.) amendment would deny Turkey the use of
    U.S. foreign aid money to lobby against the Armenian genocide
    resolution sponsored by GOP Rep. George Radanovich (Calif.). If
    enacted, Radanovich's resolution would be the first time Congress
    formally marked the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians between 1915 and

    But House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) said he will not schedule
    Radanovich's bill for a vote this Congress even though the Judiciary
    Committee has passed it.

    Schiff, who represents one of the highest concentrations of Armenians
    in the United States, said he used the appropriations process because
    Hastert has not scheduled a vote. `Leadership understands the House
    will vote overwhelmingly to recognize Armenian genocide. ... They chose
    wisely to let it be voice voted,' he told The Hill.

    Radanovich told The Hill: `I think [the amendment] was a good way to
    keep Armenian genocide in front of people,' adding that his bill will
    never be passed because `of the force of the Turkish lobby.'

    Turkey has tapped former House Appropriations Committee Chairman Bob
    Livingston, a lobbying powerhouse, as its Washington representative.
    Livingston's associate referred calls to the Turkish Embassy,.

    `There is a Turkish-American presence here. [But] the Turkish lobby
    is not considered a very strong lobby,' said Timur Soylemez, a
    Turkish Embassy official. `We are not putting [this issue] at heart
    of the Turkish American relationships. Some on the Hill are trying to
    poison that relationship. I would very much doubt either the
    Armenians or Turks would call it symbolic.'

    Schiff had redrafted his original proposal, which could not have been
    considered under the House rules. But his redrafted account caught
    House leaders off guard. During the debate, Kolbe said that was the
    first time he had seen the amendment and complained that the language
    was not clear.

    Republican sources told The Hill that they did not think the House
    parliamentarian was going to make Schiff's amendment `in order' and
    were surprised when the parliamentarian decided it was. With a few
    minutes' notice, appropriators and their aides chose to accept the
    amendment. The alternative choice was to risk losing a roll call

    In a harshly worded statement, Hastert, Majority Leader Tom DeLay
    (R-Texas) and Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) acknowledged their
    displeasure with Kolbe and the amendment.

    `We are strongly opposed to the Schiff Amendment to the
    foreign-operations appropriations bill, and we will insist that
    conferees drop that provision in conference. We have also conveyed
    our opposition to Chairman Kolbe, and he has assured us that he will
    insist on it being dropped in the conference committee,' Hastert

    Kolbe said, `I allowed this because I determined that the amendment
    had no practical effect. ... As the chair of pending conference
    committee on the Foreign Operations bill, I will insist this
    meaningless language be removed in conference.'

    Armenian genocide has flummoxed Hastert and House Republicans over
    the past several years. Many lawmakers want the House to acknowledge
    the genocide even though Turkey, a longtime U.S. ally and NATO
    member, objects to any such legislation.

    In 2000, Hastert promised Schiff's predecessor, then GOP Rep. Jim
    Rogan, a vote on a resolution condemning the genocide. But the
    Clinton administration lobbied against a vote and Hastert yanked the
    bill minutes before its consideration.

    Also that year, George W. Bush said that as president, he would
    `ensure that our nation properly recognizes the tragic suffering of
    the Armenian people.'

    The White House was less involved this time, said John Feehery,
    Hastert's spokesman, simply because House leaders knew the
    administration's position.

    Even if GOP leaders strip his amendment in a conference committee,
    Schiff said:

    `I think amendment succeeded in drawing out opposition into the open.
    The battle has been joined.'

    Debate over spending bills has grown increasingly bitter as lawmakers
    push their own projects or gain political points. On the foreign aid
    bill, lawmakers used the process to object to Bush administration
    policies toward Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

    Rep. Steve Buyer (R-Ind.) introduced an amendment that would bar the
    government from using taxpayer money to have United Nations officials
    monitor the 2004 elections.