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A Nation So Strange Albeit With A Bizarre Mentality

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  • A Nation So Strange Albeit With A Bizarre Mentality

    A Nation So Strange Albeit With A Bizarre Mentality

    Muslim World Today
    Friday, July 16, 2004

    By Jamal Hasan

    One may surmise that the information superhighway is like a double-edged
    sword. While Internet is being utilized as a powerful tool to break
    age-old religious dogma, its Midas touch can very well be exploited by
    would-be Islamic terrorists who mastered the art of sending encrypted
    messages with a very familiar method of up-linking. Lest we forget, the
    perpetrators of September 11 tragedy successfully took advantage of this
    modern invention with disastrous result, to put it in milder terms.

    For the last seven years I had been an avid reader of a superb
    non-conformist e-journal from Bangladesh, the News from Bangladesh.
    During this period I contributed my write-ups on myriad topics. The 1971
    Bangladesh genocide issue had always been the focus of my writings since
    I am an unabashed pro-1971 activist. Even five years ago, I remember
    that we had quite a few receptive readers who would comment in the
    Readers' Opinion column about the need for war crime tribunal, the need
    for Pakistani regime's apology for the crime they had committed in
    occupied Bangladesh, etc.

    But lately, when I open the same Opinion column n, I am not only stunned
    I am totally dumbfounded. What is going on with the new trend of
    Bangladesh born readers? Why not a single voice among Bangladeshi
    Muslims wants to talk about 1971? Let us take into account the last
    three four days' postings in NFB Readers' opinion section. Four letters
    came from countries like Austria, USA and UK. Three of the writers were
    women and one was a man. But the comments about 1971 episode coming from
    their computer keyboard were quite shocking! One lady wrote, "Bangladesh
    can't go with the inane discussion about 1971. It has hardly produced
    any intellectual vigor into Bengali culture."

    Another lady lamented, "I want to stop creating hatred between us over
    1971." A cavalcade of ladies comes in the forefront to denounce
    discussions on 1971. The other individual of fair sex commented, "We
    know your are all hung-up over 1971 and all that." Of course man should
    not be left out of this unique cacophony. One gentleman felt the urge of
    giving his vacuous opinion by saying, "1971 means little to me just as
    the World War I and WW2 mean little to the generation before me." What a
    banal comment!

    Who are these people? Where they all are coming from? Are they the
    perfect example of a Munafeq (treacherous) nation? Or, are they so much
    Islamized that they do not want to discuss the name of an in-law, in
    Bangla whom we call Bhashur? Remember, most of these individuals came
    to the West in search of greener pasture where they live now but they
    fail to see a la proverbial ostrich the on going debates the westerners
    have to dissect the past mistakes or tragic events. The West is making a
    conscious effort to make morrow a better day. Yet, why are they (the
    Bangladeshi expects) so much nonchalant? There are different theories
    for this sordid state of affairs. One theory some analysts say that this
    happened due to heavy dosage of Islamization in Bangladesh in their
    formative years.

    Some analysts would argue in the realm of political Islam, if a Muslim
    becomes a vicious killer and killed another Muslim there is scope for
    forgiveness. That is not so in case of infidels versus Muslims, though.
    So, the 1971 Liberation War and the crime against humanity perpetrated
    by Yahya junta and theirs Jamaati cohorts is now diluted to be like a
    friendly wrestling match between two Muslim brothers. That is why 1971
    appears to be like a World War I to some Bangladeshi Muslims, which
    happened eons ago.

    We can cite many examples where genocide issue is still very much alive
    in civilized nations' collective psyche. For example the Armenian
    Genocide perpetrated by the Turkish Sultanate more than 113 years ago.
    See: []
    [] Even today, Armenian Diaspora
    scattered all around the globe keep the memory of the Armenian Genocide
    victims alive.

    In USA, the Armenian-Americans became such a powerful lobby that they
    can influence U.S. Congress in decision-making. Armenian Genocide issue
    is a widely talked about subject in U.S. Capitol. Already the very
    significant lobby of the Armenian Diaspora initiated a number of U.S.
    Congressional Hearings on Armenian Genocide. I am very much aware of the
    activism of this very proud nation. I have serious doubt if a single
    individual of Armenian descent would ever comment anything close to an
    outrageous remark by Bangladeshi Muslims as displayed in the Readers'
    Opinion page of NFB.

    Yes, the situation in Bangladesh is extremely in dire strait. Two
    Islamist military dictators changed the course of the nation to Ummatic
    Utopia. That is why, as time goes by, Bangladeshi Muslims are becoming
    more and more intolerant and communal. In an Ummatic world view, all
    crime committed by a Muslim brother has to be forgotten. That is why
    crime against humanity committed by Jamaat-i-Islami war criminals has
    become a taboo subject amongst Bangladeshi Muslims.

    But should the Jamaati criminals get off the hook from international
    public opinion so easily? They are the perpetrators of crime against
    humanity. Still now, many of the victims are alive who can testify
    against the criminals. Their misdeeds can still be traced in various
    documents scattered all around the world. See:

    If we look into the history of genocidal maniacs or mass murderers
    worldwide, we may find a few examples where the criminal admitted his or
    her crime and showed remorse. A few years ago one military guard in
    Chile expressed his deep regrets for killing innocent people in a
    stadium. We also see examples where offspring of killers admitted their
    parents' crime openly and expressed deep regrets for the victims. A few
    years ago, ABC News' Nightline program showed a group of visitors from
    Germany who were on a tour in Israel. They were the children of Nazi
    officers. We know, unlike Bangladesh, Israel is a nation, which
    cherishes the memory of Holocaust victims greatly.

    The German visitors on the record expressed their emotional outburst for
    the crime their forefathers had committed some sixty plus years ago from
    now. They even apologized to the Israeli people. Could this ever happen
    in Bangladeshi Jamaatis case? It is most unlikely. Maybe pigs will fly
    if Delwar Hussain Sayedee or Ashrafuzzaman Khan will say they are sorry
    for they killed or were instrumental in killing many innocent civilians.

    In political Islam, there is no scope for such remorse when it is well
    established the killer committed the crime to save Islam. The war
    criminals of Bangladesh Jamaat-i-Islami were convinced whatever killing
    they did was to save the religion of peace. They believe in the axiom
    "end justifies the means." In 1971, their conviction was to save
    Jinnah's Pakistan, which was analogous to saving Islam. They wanted to
    save Pakistan by hook or by crook. So, Ashrafuzzaman Khan, who killed
    seven Dhaka University teachers in cold blood in December of 1971, could
    have a sound sleep in his modest house in Queens, New York. Such is the
    result of a dogmatic mindset!

    See: []
    Let me go back to the young generation of our native land once again. I
    mentioned in the beginning a few individual's strange psychological
    outburst on the pages of NFB.

    In my opinion they are the product of a dogmatic political entity.
    Today's Bangladesh Nationalist Party is not a secular nationalist
    organization. It has been hijacked by the nemesis of Bangladesh
    liberation - the notorious Jamaat-i-Islami party. No wonder an average
    BNP supporter would be very defensive of Jamaati war criminals. In this
    case, I want to make a parallel with the September 11 hijackers. The
    9/11 hijackers did not have remorse knowing that their action could
    result in numerous losses of civilian lives. Similarly, the defenders of
    Jamaati war criminals would not care if someone describes them the
    gravity of the crime committed by their favorite godfathers. Their
    immediate attitude would be to push the issue under the rug. They do not
    want to be hung-up over 1971, do not want to go with inane discussion
    about 1971 or do not like to create hatred between them over 1971.

    Now, the question arises about the hatred between whom? If a serial
    killer kills 12 people, even after 20 years the perpetrator gets the
    punishment. Isn't it so? Today the Roman Catholic Church in USA is
    facing a serious financial melt down. This is due to the paying for
    litigation of a number of Catholic priests' pedophilic behavior. Many of
    those crimes were committed more than thirty years ago. In Bangladesh's
    case, the Jamaati apologists become very nervous when somebody wants to
    expose the dirty laundry of their religious heroes.

    I had no idea that Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-i-Islami are
    now more than a conjoin d twin. I did not have any idea that BNP is like
    the sugarcoated cover of a capsule and the Jamaat-i-Islami is the main
    bitter ingredients until I encountered an interesting fellow on the Net.
    This person like many other Bangladeshis are openly BNP activists who
    would jump to defend Jamaatis in a second. This is a very unique
    situation. I doubt if a typical Awami Leaguer would be any degree
    defensive for Rashed Khan Menon's Worker's Party or Dr. Kamal Hossain's
    Gono Forum.

    Anyway, going back to the young gentleman who claims to be
    non-fundamentalist and a follower of Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Two
    years ago, I used to post messages in different forums, some of which
    were critical of Jamaati war criminals. Once I put a short comment
    about the notorious war criminal Abdul Kader Molla who was planning to
    visit USA. This is the same Kader Molla who was alleged to be the
    ringleader in killing innocent Bengalis in Mirpur area.
    [] This young man, a Ph.D.
    student at a prestigious Ivy League college in USA jumped from nowhere
    and attacked me viciously, of course on the Net. First I was surprised
    to see the person lives in USA and apparently did not look like a
    typical molla (his image was very much visible on his website). I did
    not understand why he had to be so much defensive about a mass murderer!
    I did not realize the person is a die-hard supporter of

    I was far from being aware that Bangladesh has become enough Talibanized
    nowadays. I then became more and more interested in knowing more about
    this apparently modern young man from Bangladesh. He is a web maker and
    I visited the site he used to advertise in all his postings. When I
    first visited the site, I was startled. It was a unique creation. There
    was sound animation, cartoon and the whole nine-yards. Nonetheless,
    there was an interesting slant in content management. The characters he
    chose to caricature are not known to be Islamic fundamentalists, nor any
    of them had any reputation of being war criminals. Rather quite a few of
    the subjects gained fame to uphold the causes of Bangladesh Liberation

    More surprisingly, the website had a computer game which allows the
    players to "kill" Indian Border Security Force personnel. I thought this
    could be an ideal creation of a typical young Bangladeshi whose hatred
    towards India (read Infidel) is so much so that they hate anything and
    anybody dealing with "embarrassing" 1971 genocide issue. After all, the
    1971 issue cannot be a part of any Ummatic mindset. The web maker and I
    recently communicated. We had quite a few lengthy exchanges. In some of
    my communications I tried to feed him information about the crime
    committed by Jamaati war criminals. Later on, I realized I was talking
    to a wall.

    Bangladesh has been a breeding ground of confused young generation who
    does not want to listen anything derogatory about Jamaati leaders, who
    are in great reverence. In this context one Bangladeshi Ummah watcher
    sarcastically commented, "If Jamaatis were Hindus or Jews, I bet my
    bottom dollar, most young die-hard Islamists would curse them to the
    hell". I thought maybe he is right.

    The mindset I have been witnessing among young Bangladeshis is
    symptomatic of a sickening state of mind. With each passing day, the
    country is proceeding to another step towards darkness. Death threat
    against liberals by the Islamic fanatics has been jumping up in
    geometric progression.

    In a sense, Bangladesh is becoming an emerging neo-Taliban factory. The
    secular voice is becoming marginalized. Once dominant, the secular
    people are now laughing stock amongst young generation, who are becoming
    more and more religious zealots. Anybody who wants to raise the war
    crime issue of 1971 is taunted as a "Chetonized" person. Such sick
    nation is sending young people abroad.

    Many of them came here to stay in Western countries for the rest of
    their life dreaming of settling in those infidel lands someday. But will
    they ever change their infirm mindset or would they driven by their
    Ummatic zeal continue to be a security threat in their adoptive lands,
    is everybody's guess. In the television advertisement to get more
    funding for Black universities the slogan says, "Mind is a terrible
    thing to waste." Now I see what has happened to zillions of post-Zia
    generations. Lord have mercy on them.

    (Jamal Hasan writes from Washington DC. His email address is
    [email protected])