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ANKARA: Pushing EU Entry, Turkish PM Starts French Visit

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  • ANKARA: Pushing EU Entry, Turkish PM Starts French Visit

    Turkish Press
    July 19 2004

    Pushing EU Entry, Turkish PM Starts French Visit
    AFP: 7/19/2004

    by Hugh Schofield

    PARIS, July 19 (AFP) - Turkey`s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan
    held talks in Paris with his French counterpart Jean-Pierre Raffarin
    Monday at the start of a three-day visit to push Turkish entry into
    the European Union.

    Speaking to reporters at Ankara airport, Erdogan said that in his
    meetings with French leaders he would "explain what steps we have
    taken in order to align ourselves with the EU and where we are in
    terms of implementation (of reforms)."

    The prime minister, whose Justice and Development Party (AKP) has
    Islamist origins, was to lunch with President Jacques Chirac Tuesday
    after a meeting with business leaders. He will also see the heads of
    the three main political parties before leaving Wednesday.

    A crucial period is approaching for Turkey`s application bid, with
    the European Commission due to give its opinion in October on a
    possible opening of negotiations, followed by a decision in December
    by European leaders on whether enough progress has been made towards
    the EU`s reform demands.

    Erdogan was expected to use the French visit to build up support in
    the European country which has seen probably the most heated public
    debate over the suitability for the EU of a predominantly Muslim and
    Asian nation.

    While Chirac has indicated in recent speeches that he now regards
    Ankara`s progress to EU membership as "irreversible" and spoken of
    its "historic and very ancient European vocation," many in his own
    government are deeply opposed to its accession.

    In addition opinion polls indicate that a majority of the population
    is against Turkey`s admission to the 25-nation body.

    "The opposition comes in various forms: fear of Islam and immigrants
    at one end, fear of seeing Europe dissolve into a vast free-trade
    zone for others," said Eddy Fougier of French Institute for
    International Relations (IFRI).

    France also has a large Armenian community of some 450,000 people,
    whose pressure in 2001 secured the official recognition by the French
    parliament of the Armenian genocide. This remains a highly
    contentious issue between Ankara and Paris.

    The opposition Socialist party said Monday it supports Turkish entry
    "as long as the accession criteria are respected," but both Chirac`s
    ruling Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) and its junior partner the
    Union for French Democracy (UDF) are sceptical.

    "Europe`s historical identity is indissolubly linked -- not with the
    religious convictions of Europeans today -- but with a cultural and
    political model fashioned by 15 centuries of Christianity... Turkey
    is a stranger to this history," said UDF Euro-deputy Jean-Louis

    The left-wing daily Liberation said in an editorial that the
    "sticking-point between Europe and Turkey is not Islam or
    Christianity, but the secular basis for social ties and institutions.
    Turkey will have its own place in Europe ... once it has given up
    Sunni Islam as the de facto state religion."

    But it went on in more encouraging vein: "There is no convincing
    reason to think that Islam is not in its essence compatible with
    democracy and secularism. Helping Turkey to prove this should be an
    uplifting challenge for Europeans."