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ASBAREZ Online [07-19-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ Online [07-19-2004]


    1-Schiff Critical of Speaker Hastert's Opposition to Armenian Genocide
    2-Armenian Editor Murdered in Moscow
    3-ARS Convention Adjourns, Elects Western Region Executive
    4-New Clashes on Ossetia Border

    1-Schiff Critical of Speaker Hastert's Opposition to Armenian Genocide

    House leadership vow to take Schiff Amendment out of final bill, block
    genocide resolution

    WASHINGTON, DC--California Congressman Adam Schiff responded on Friday, to a
    joint statement by House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader Tom DeLay,
    and Majority Whip Roy Blunt, opposing the Schiff amendment on the Armenian
    In their statement, the House Majority Leadership conveyed their
    to drop the Schiff amendment from the final version of the FY 2005 Foreign
    Operations Appropriations bill (HR 4818), and intend to block the
    of HR 193--a resolution officially recognizing the Armenian Genocide--for the
    remainder of the 108th Congress.
    "These are completely unacceptable positions of the House Majority
    Leadership," Congressman Schiff said. "To stand in the way of acknowledging
    Armenian Genocide is to deny the memory of 1.5 million victims."
    On Thursday, the House of Representatives voted to adopt an amendment
    sponsored by Congressman Schiff to the House version of the Foreign Operations
    spending bill. The amendment prohibits the government of Turkey from using US
    foreign aid to lobby against HR 193, a resolution that officially recognizes
    the Armenian Genocide and marks the 15th anniversary of President Ronald
    signing the 1987 Genocide Convention Implementation Act (Also known as the
    Proxmire Actthis put the United States on record as being strongly opposed to
    the heinous crime of genocide).
    HR 193 passed the House Judiciary Committee on May 22, 2003, shortly after
    introduction on April 10, 2003. Since then, the resolution has languished on
    the House calendar for over a year.
    Congressman Schiff, who has consistently fought for official US
    recognition of
    the Armenian genocide, said he firmly believes in the appropriate and accurate
    commemoration of the event.
    "Our relationship with Turkey is important," Congressman Schiff wrote, "but
    that relationship must not compel us to acquiesce in a shameful unwillingness
    by Turkey to confront the actions of its Ottoman forbears...
    "I am deeply troubled by your assertion that you will not schedule HR 193 for
    consideration by the House of Representatives. Your refusal to allow the
    genocide resolution to be brought up for a vote directly contradicts your
    promise, made in a meeting with Armenian-American community leaders in my
    congressional district in 2000, that you would bring the Armenian Genocide
    Resolution to a floor vote in the United States House of Representatives.
    "Mr. Speaker, we are still waiting and the world is watching. You may not
    attach great importance to memorializing the 1.5 million victims of the
    Armenian Genocide. Yesterday evening, the House said otherwise."
    Congressman Schiff is a Member of the Congressional Armenian Caucus, a
    co-founder of the Democratic Study Group on National Security and a member of
    both the House Judiciary and International Relations committees. He represents
    California's 29th Congressional District, which includes the communities of
    Alhambra, Altadena, Burbank, East Pasadena, East San Gabriel, Glendale,
    Monterey Park, Pasadena, San Gabriel, South Pasadena and Temple City.

    2-Armenian Editor Murdered in Moscow

    MOSCOW (The Independent)--The Armenian editor of the Russian-language monthly
    Armyansky Pereulok (Armenian Lane), magazine focusing on Armenian issues was
    beaten and stabbed to death Saturday, and his body dumped on the outskirts of
    Moscow, police said.
    The killing of Pailag Peloyan, comes barely a week after Paul Klebnikov, the
    US editor of the Russian version of Forbes magazine, was gunned down in cold
    blood. Nobody has been arrested for his murder.
    Peloyan's body was found dumped by the side of the city's outer ring road or
    MKAD far from the city center on Saturday morning.
    He had multiple stab wounds in the chest and had been savagely beaten; his
    skull was cracked and his face covered in blood and bruises.
    Information about his last movements is sketchy, though he is known to have
    died between two and three o'clock on Saturday morning and his body lay
    undiscovered for at least four hours.
    Investigators say they have scanned the crime scene in order to gain clues
    about the act and prosecutors have opened a criminal case into the killing.
    They are not ruling out the possibility that Peloyan was murdered because of
    his professional activity.
    In contrast to the late Klebnikov, however, Peloyan's work appears relatively
    uncontroversial. While the dead American journalist made waves by publicizing
    the names of Russia's wealthiest people and delving into their often
    insalubrious financial affairs, Peloyan's magazine was an arts publication.
    Peloyan's magazine carried features about literature, the arts and history and
    included prose and poetry from Armenian writers. Nobody was answering the
    phones at the magazine's Moscow office yesterday.
    Klebnikov was killed in a drive-by shooting by at least two gunmen and
    died in
    a hail of bullets just yards from his office. His murder had all the hallmarks
    of a contract killing.
    An online news site, the Russia Journal, spoke yesterday of "an undeclared
    against media representatives" and claimed that Russian and foreign
    had become an endangered species in Moscow.
    It said: "These two senseless killings have once again put the issue of
    journalists' safety in Russia back on the agenda and raised well-founded
    concerns among representatives of the fourth estate.
    "This is not because killing journalists is a rarity in Moscow or in
    Russia at
    large but two murders of journalists in less than 10 days in a city that is
    at war is something unusual, even by Russian standards." The Russian media
    itself made far less of Peloyan's murder, possibly because as an Armenian
    hailing from a part of the former Soviet Union once ruled by the Russians, he
    would not be considered a bona fide foreigner like Klebnikov.
    It is estimated that two million Armenians live in Russia and the two
    countries have a close relationship going back hundreds of years. Officials at
    the Armenian Embassy in Moscow said that they were profoundly shocked by
    Peloyan's murder. "Naturally we learned of this information with great
    Armen Gevondyan, the embassy press secretary, told Interfax news agency.
    "We are taking all the measures we can together with Russia's law enforcement
    authorities to ascertain the circumstances of Peloyan's death." Peloyan is the
    16th journalist to be murdered in Russia since 2000. The US-based Committee to
    Protect Journalists says the country is one of the deadliest places to be a
    reporter. It addressed an open letter to Putin after Klebnikov's killing,
    complaining about "the climate of lawlessness and impunity."
    "Cases [of journalists being killed] have not been properly investigated or
    prosecuted, a testament to the ongoing lawlessness in Russia and your failure
    to reform the country's weak and politicized criminal justice system," it

    3-ARS Convention Adjourns, Elects Western Region Executive

    GLENDALE (ARS)--After three days of reviewing fiscal year activities, and
    targeting new projects and goals for the coming year, the 84th convention of
    the Armenian Relief Society, Western Region ended on July 18. As its last
    of business, the convention elected four new members to its executive body:
    Angela Savoian, Nanig Kupelian, Rita Hintlian and Maral Nashalian, to replace
    Nova Hindoyan, Asdghik Tejirian, Gitarig Kocharian and Nora Sherikian whose
    terms have ended.
    At the conclusion of the convention, the new ARS Regional Executive body,
    along with convention co-chairs Maro Chalian-Reed and Nairi Derderian, ARC
    Central Executive representative Hasmig Derderian, and Regional Executive
    members still serving terms, held its first meeting to elect members to
    executive posts.
    The body elected Angela Savoian (chair), Sona Madarian (vice chair), Rita
    Hintlian (secretary), Knar Avedisian (treasurer), and Alice Yeghiayan,
    Meserlian, Vickie Marashlian, Maral Nshanian, Nanig Kupelian (advisors).
    The ARS operates in 24 countries throughout Africa, Australia, Europe, the
    Middle East, North America, and South America to provide aid and support to
    educational, social, health and welfare needs of Armenian people through
    schools and health and social service centers. Its volunteer force of 18,000
    active members throughout the world function according to local governmental
    regulations applicable to charitable organizations.

    4-New Clashes on Ossetia Border

    (BBC)--Clashes have been reported between Georgian troops and separatist
    in Georgia's breakaway South Ossetia region.
    Georgian television reported intense shooting near the front line on Sunday.
    The territory has seen growing tension recently, with fears of a return to the
    civil war of the early 1990s.
    But earlier this month Russia, Georgia and South Ossetia agreed not to use
    force to try to end their simmering territorial conflict.
    Tensions were raised earlier this month when Georgian troops detained a
    of Russian peacekeeping vehicles they claimed were smuggling arms to the
    region, while separatists held a group of Georgian soldiers hostage for 24
    South Ossetia split from the rest of Georgia during a civil war at the end of
    the Soviet era and now wants to join Russia.
    Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili has pledged to reunite his fractured
    country, by bringing South Ossetia and Abkhazia, another breakaway region,
    under central authority.


    Saakashvili Visits South Ossetia Conflict Zone

    TBILISI (ARMENPRESS)Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili made an
    visit to the South Ossetian village of Eredvi early on July 19. `I came
    here to
    observe the situation in the conflict zone. We are capable of dealing with the
    forces of breakaway South Ossetia, but now it is important to maintain peace,'
    Saakashvili told reporters.
    A special center that seeks to coordinate the Georgian government's
    in the breakaway region was recently established in Eredvi. `The President
    arrived here to encourage our soldiers,' Interior Minister Irakli Okruashvili,
    who also chairs the special center in Eredvi, told reporters.
    Speaking about the Georgian troops, President Saakashvili said, `despite
    fired from the South Ossetian side, our soldiers keep patience and did not
    respond by opening fire.'

    Court of Appeals Upholds Spy Verdicts

    YEREVAN (ARMENPRESS)On Monday, an Armenian court of appeals upheld a lower
    court's verdict, which found four Armenian citizens of Russian descent guilty
    of espionage. The court determined that the four, who were arrested in August
    2002, had served as spies for Azerbaijan since 1993. Nina Shilina, who
    prosecutors targeted as the group's leader, was sentenced to a 15 years prison
    term. Shilina's husband, Edgar Filkov, received a 13 year sentence. Filkov's
    brother, Aleskandar Gasparian, and cousin, Ivetta Filkova, each received 10
    year terms. In addition, the courts also found Shilina guilty for the
    bombing of a Yerevan hotel in 1993an incident that security forces managed to
    avert. Another man, a former Armenian army officer, Arthur Oganezov, was
    sentenced to 18 months.

    900 Karabagh High School Graduates Seek University Education

    STEPANAKERT (ARMENPRESS)Approximately 900 high school graduates from
    throughout Mountainous Karabagh will take Stepanakert University's entrance
    examination on July 20. The country houses only one university.
    The university, which has also received applications from students in
    Russia, Turkmenistan, Belarus and Ukraine, provides full scholarships to two
    hundred of its incoming students. Students at Stepanakert University can
    from the thirty areas of concentration the school offers.

    Two Expeditions to Seek Noah's Ark

    MOSCOW (ARMENPRESS)A Russian group began an expedition of Mount Ararat last
    Saturday. The organizers hope to prove that an object nestled amid the snow
    ice is Noah's Ark. The group will present the Turkish authorities an icon of
    George the Triumphant, who is thought to be the protector of Caucasian
    Mountains. The expedition marks Andrey Polyakov's second attempt at locating
    the ark.
    A joint US-Turkish team of 10 explorers also plan to tackle the mountain this
    summer in an attempt to uncover a mammoth structure of some 45 feet high, 75
    feet wide and about 450 feet long that was partly exposed during last summer's
    European heat wave.
    Explorers have long searched for an ark on the high slopes of Mount Ararat,
    where the biblical account of the Great Flood places it. In 1957, Turkish air
    force pilots spotted a boat-shaped formation in the Agri province. The
    government did not pursue the sighting, however. The entire area, including
    Mount Ararat, was placed off limits to explorers, after the USSR accused them
    of serving as US spies.

    Armenia Takes Part in Rescuer/Medceur International Exercises

    VILNIUS (ARMENPRESS)Armenian rescuers joined some 400 military and civil
    agencies from 13 countries for the Rescuer/Medceur 2004 that began in the
    Lithuanian port city of Klaipeda on Monday. The exercises are organized under
    NATO's Partnership for Peace (PfP) program and financed by the US armed forces
    in Europe. The program, which focuses on proper responses to human calamities,
    natural disasters and acts of terrorism, will come to an end on July 30.

    Crimea Authorities Promise to Restore Spendiarov's Museum

    YEREVAN (ARMENPRESS)The Armenian Foreign Ministry said that the ambassador to
    Ukraine, Armen Khachatrian, recently paid a visit to the Crimean Autonomous
    Republic to discuss the possible development of economic, agricultural, health
    and education cooperation with Armenia. The sides also arranged for the
    restoration of both Armenian composer Alexander Spendiarov's house museum and
    Yevpatoria's Armenian church.

    German Ambassador Bids Farewell to Karekin II

    ETCHMIADZIN (ARMENPRESS)The outgoing German ambassador to Armenia, Hans Wulf
    Bartels, visited Etchmiadzin on Monday to bid farewell to Catholicos Karekin
    II. In his remarks, Karekin II discussed the positive relations between
    and Armenia and commended the ambassador for his contributions to their

    Armenian Nuclear Power Plant to Shut Down for Repairs

    METSAMOR (RFE-RL)The Metsamor Nuclear power plant will be shut down
    temporarily on August 1. The plant, which produces 35 percent of Armenia's
    energy, will be restarted on October 4. Metsamor is temporarily shut down once
    a year for prophylactic work. This time the reactor will be checked, a
    procedure that is conducted every four years.
    Gagik Markosian, the director of the plant, said that the state of the metal
    casing of the reactor will be checked. `The reactor will be unloaded and we
    will check the casing of the reactor' The operation will be performed by the
    Czech company, `Skoda.' `The International Atomic Energy Agency helped us
    evaluate the technical needs. And we invited bids [from international
    companies] according to those needs,' Markosian said.

    Armenian Tennis Players Shine at Davis Cup

    CHISINAU (ARMENPRESS)Last week, eight nations participated in the Davis
    Paribas Europe/Africa Zone Group IVthat was held in Chisinau, Moldova. The
    tennis players representing Armenia defeated their competitors from Botswana,
    Malta, Mauritius, moving on to place the country first in its subgroup.

    Three Armenians Eligible to Compete for World Chess Cup

    YEREVAN (ARMENPRESS)At least three Armenian chess playersVladimir Hakobian,
    Levon Aronian and Karen Asrianwill be eligible to compete for the World Chess
    Cup. The Cup, expected to begin in 2005, is a newly designed contest organized
    by the World Chess Federation (FIDE). Depending on their rankings at next
    year's European chess championship, additional Armenian chess players may be
    included in the World Chess Cup.

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    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress