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Turkish Prime Minister Seeks France's Support Ahead Of Summit

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  • Turkish Prime Minister Seeks France's Support Ahead Of Summit

    Radio Free Europe, Czech Republic
    July 20 2004

    Turkish Prime Minister Seeks France's Support Ahead Of Summit

    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has started a three-day
    visit to France aimed at gaining support for Ankara's bid to join the
    European Union. RFE/RL reports that Turkish officials attach great
    importance to this visit, noting that opposition to Ankara's goal of
    EU membership remains high in France.

    20 July 2004 -- Before leaving Ankara yesterday, Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made it clear his visit would focus on
    his country's efforts to join the 25-member European bloc.

    Although Ankara applied for entry into the EU in 1987, it was granted
    candidate status only in 1999. And five years later, accession talks
    have yet to start -- a delay mainly due to European concerns about
    Turkey's poor human rights record.

    The European Commission in October will review reforms implemented by
    Erdogan's Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party since it came
    to power two years ago. Ankara hopes a positive assessment will
    prompt EU leaders to set a date for accession talks when they meet in

    Before boarding a plane for Paris, Erdogan said, "I will explain [to
    French leaders] what steps Turkey has [already] made on its way
    toward the EU...and reiterate its commitment to bringing its
    legislation in line with EU laws."

    Erdogan, who is traveling with several ministers and a large business
    delegation, met today with French President Jacques Chirac at the
    Elysee Palace. No details of the talks were immediately available.

    Addressing journalists after meeting his French counterpart
    Jean-Pierre Raffarin yesterday, the Turkish leader said he is
    counting on support from Paris when EU leaders meet in December to
    decide whether to open entry talks with Ankara. "We talked at length
    with the [French] prime minister about the EU summit next December
    and we hope all the support France has lent us on the European issue
    -- notably through the intermediary of President Jacques Chirac --
    will continue in the future," Erdogan said.

    Yet France, where Turkey's accession into Europe has largely
    dominated the recent campaign for EU parliamentary elections, remains
    divided over the issue.

    The Paris-based left-wing "Liberation" daily noted today that Turkey,
    which has already secured the support of most European capitals, sees
    France as the biggest obstacle remaining on its road to Brussels.
    With the notable exception of the Greens, all French political
    parties have either voiced opposition to Ankara's entry into the
    European bloc, or refused to take a firm stance on the issue.

    The strongest opposition comes from right-wing nationalist groups and
    the moderate, center-right Union for the French Democracy party. They
    say they are concerned at the prospect of nearly 70 million Muslims
    joining the EU and claim neither history nor geography justifies
    Turkey's claim.

    The opposition Socialist Party generally supports Ankara's membership
    bid and hails the significant reforms made by Erdogan's government.
    But it believes conditions have still not been met for Turkey to join
    the bloc and cautions against hasty decisions. The Socialist Party
    also says a precondition for Ankara's bid should be its recognition
    of the killing of hundreds of thousands of Ottoman Armenians during
    World War I as genocide.

    Even in Chirac's Union for a Popular Majority (UMP) party there is no
    consensus on the issue. Three months ago, the top UMP leadership said
    it was opposed to Turkey's becoming a EU member. The move then forced
    Chirac -- a longtime advocate of Ankara's accession -- to cautiously
    enter the fray.

    "I am convinced Turkey is destined to become a member of Europe. But
    I am also convinced that its entry into the [European] Union will be
    possible only under certain conditions that, as of today, are still
    not met," Chirac said.

    In an interview with Marc Tronchot of France's Europe 1 private radio
    station, the French foreign minister today gave a similarly cautious
    assessment. While praising Turkey's efforts to meet conditions
    required to join the EU, Michel Barnier warned against Ankara being
    overly optimistic.

    "We have to tell the truth: Turkey is not going to join the European
    Union tomorrow morning. Turkey has still a long way to go before it
    happens. Yet, it has been on this road for some time, preparing
    itself and making progress," Barnier said. He made it clear his
    remarks were also meant to reassure those in France who believe
    Turkey is not ready to join the bloc.

    Talking to reporters on his way to Paris, Erdogan yesterday
    acknowledged that Ankara's membership bid may be heavily influenced
    by European public opinion. "At [last month's] NATO summit in
    Istanbul, Chirac in person told me that 60 to 70 percent of France's
    public opinion was in favor of Turkey's joining the EU," he said.

    The Turkish leader added that he hoped France's political leaders
    would eventually heed their voters' opinion and voice support for
    Ankara's EU bid.

    (Turkish TV, Anadolu, "Liberation," Europe 1)

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress