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BAKU: Azerbaijan may bankrupt company printing money for Karabakh

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan may bankrupt company printing money for Karabakh

    Azerbaijan may bankrupt company printing money for breakaway Karabakh - TV

    Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
    19 Jul 04

    [Presenter] The Educational Coin Company of the USA does not intend to
    stop its campaign to promote the illegal money being printed for the
    Karabakh separatists. In response to a query from the Azerbaijani
    government, the company said that it is carrying out the promotion
    campaign on the basis of a contract. All issues that cause
    controversy must be resolved by the sides themselves, the company

    [Correspondent over archive footage, web page of Education Coin
    Company] The National Bank of Azerbaijan [NBA] has received a reply to
    its protest letter sent to the Educational Coin Company of the
    USA. The bank protested against the printing of the money under the
    name of the self-styled Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR] and demanded
    that the printing of the money be stopped.

    The company said that Azerbaijan's claims were true only to some
    extent. The company confirmed that it promoted the money of the
    separatists but said that another body is printing the money. We are
    only promoting the money and in accordance with the mutual agreement
    we cannot disclose who prints it or from whom we receive the 10-dram
    and 20-dram banknotes presented as the currency of the NKR. This is a
    secret. The Education Coin Company also said that it could not stop
    its promotion campaign because of the contract with the unnamed body.

    Then the NBA asked international experts to track down the company
    which is printing the money for the Karabakh separatists. There are
    only two companies in the world which produce money-printing
    equipment. They either sell the equipment to well-known and affluent
    companies or to states. Currently, the NBA and the Azerbaijani Foreign
    Ministry continue their investigation into this. If the investigation
    reveals the name of the company printing the money, then the
    Azerbaijani government will sue it and this could result in the
    bankruptcy of the company in question, the NBA said. However, if it is
    revealed that the money are being printed under the aegis of a country
    then this would lead to an international scandal because the currency
    is considered an official attribute of a sovereign state and therefore
    Azerbaijan will immediately issue a protest note. End of quote.

    As for the separatists, they want to increase the amount of money in
    circulation. To recap, the 10-dram and 20-dram banknotes feature the
    writing "NKR" and Azerbaijan's national ornaments and historical
    monuments like the Xudafarin bridge [between Azerbaijan and Iran, in
    the southwestern Cabrayil District now controlled by the Armenian
    forces]. Like the national currency of Armenia, these notes are also
    called drams.