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The Farce of the Fence

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  • The Farce of the Fence

    The Farce of the Fence
    By Jonathan Eric Lewis ?ID=3D2333
    July 21, 2004

    With Tuesday's United Nations General Assembly vote that
    condemnedIsrael for building an anti-terrorism fence to save innocent
    lives, it is finallytime for a nationwide discussion in this country
    as to whether the United States wants to continue to lend any
    legitimacy to the United Nations. This is, after all, an organization
    that has dictatorships like Cuba and Sudan on its Human Rights
    Commission and that regularly singles out the world'sonly Jewish State
    for condemnation, while turning a blind eye to the persecution to
    minority groups throughout the Arab world such as the Iraq's
    indigenous Assyrian Christians or Algeria's long suffering Kabyles.

    This is an organization that wants the money of American taxpayers and
    yet allows the most anti-American regimes in the world to define that
    amorphous farce that has become `international law.' At a time when
    the Sudanese government is committing genocide against Black Africans,
    when Kurds are denied their most basic rights in Syria; when Armenians
    and Azerbaijans live in a situation that could easily once again erupt
    into savage violence in which Armenian civilians are targeted for the
    most horrific violence, and when the Palestinian Authority is in an
    anarchic state, the community of nations chooses to spend an
    inordinate amount of time condemning and vilifying the only democracy
    in the Middle East, a country that many in the Arab-Islamic world
    would like to see obliterated by Iranian nuclear weapons.

    Although General Assembly rulings are not binding and are, in the
    parlance of the United Nations, `expressions of sentiment,' the
    Palestinian Authority and its supporters will use this diplomatic
    farce in order to incite violence against Israelis. As Gaza begins to
    look less like Egypt and more like Somalia, one would think the
    Palestinians would want to use their diplomatic influence in the
    United Nations in order to provide safety and security for their own
    people in the face of rising crime and gangster-land violence. One
    would think that the Palestinian Authority might like to explain to
    Francewhy several French aid workers were recently kidnapped in
    territory in which their police forces are essentially terrorist
    organizations. One would think the Palestinian Authority would
    realize that its position at the United Nations is more intact than
    its very legitimacy among many Palestinians and act accordingly.

    Not surprisingly, however, the Palestinian Authority has used its
    international voice to condemn Israel and to win a propaganda war.
    Islamic extremists throughout the region will laugh at the precedent
    set by both the International Court of Justice and the United Nations
    General Assembly, for they know that someday they too will be able to
    use the `rule of law' to prevent democratic societies from defending
    their own citizens against an enemy that hides among civilians and
    intends to inflict massive casualties on innocent men, women, and
    children. Islamists are not concerned about tomorrow, so much as
    preparing the groundwork for a long-term jihad against the West.
    Sadly, the United Nations has once again helped them in their task.

    Let there be no mistake about it: in its fury to condemn Israel, the
    United Nations has drastically weakened the struggle against global
    terrorism. For instance, if Israel is not permitted to use non-lethal
    force to protect its citizens from mass murder, why should any
    European state be allowed to take similar drastic, but non-lethal
    measures, if and when they are faced with a campaign of nihilistic
    terrorism launched from their own territory against their own
    citizens? And if the General Assembly is so devoted to Palestinian
    self-determination, on what grounds can they deny it to the Abkhaz or
    the Karabagh Armenians?

    The fact that the Palestinian Authority chose to make a mockery of
    international law in order to convince the world that Israel's
    self-defense against terrorism and the protection of its Christian,
    Jewish, and Muslim citizensis worse than terrorism itself belies an
    important fact, namely, that outsideof their rhetoric and propaganda
    meant to defame (and eventually destroy) Israel, the Palestinian
    leadership has no vision of what it wants. Think of it.

    Outside of the sloganeering of `Free Palestine' and `End the
    Occupation,' have you ever heard a Palestinian official discuss his or
    her vision for a Palestinian state? We have heard pro-Palestinian
    propagandists label the anti-terrorism fence an `apartheid wall,' but
    we have never heard what they would do if the fence were to be taken
    down. Are we to believe that, if there weren' t a fence, the
    Palestinian leadership would use their diplomatic victory to encourage
    international investment into the Palestinian territories so that they
    could build world-class scientific institutions or centers of
    interfaith discussion?

    In light of the United Nations General Assembly ruling, it is time for
    all Americans of goodwill to discuss whether they want their hard
    earned tax dollars to be spent for an organization that allowed Saddam
    Hussein to build elaborate palaces from money meant for the Iraqi
    people; that refuses to condemn China for its illegal occupation of
    Tibet; that turns a blind eye to the persecution of innocent
    Christians in places like Egypt and Indonesia; andthat spends hours of
    time and millions of dollars to defame Israel, a country that has long
    been a vital ally and friend to the United States and a state which,
    unlike Egypt or Saudi Arabia, does not promote hatred of America and
    Americans in its media.

    It is time for all Americans to decide whether they will put their
    faith in an organization that condemns Israel for building a fence to
    prevent terrorism, but one that has, throughout the past several
    decades, turned ablind eye to regimes that have killed Middle Eastern
    Christians with impunity. Without taking a position on the resolution
    of the Arab-Israeli conflict, one that will almost certainly result in
    the creation of an authoritarian Palestinian state in all of Gaza and
    much of the West Bank, one has to seriously consider the moral
    implications of United Nations resolution that calls upon Israelto
    dismantle an anti-terrorist fence, but one which does not specifically
    call upon the theocrats in Iran to stop building nuclear weapons which
    they hope to one day use against Israel and, if they could reach it
    with their ballistic missiles, the United States.

    It is this mockery of international law and common decency that will
    make it that much more difficult for the United States to protect its
    own citizens from religious fanatics who have no agenda aside from
    killing and destroying societies that respect freedom and pluralism.
    It is a sad day indeed, for we all know that the liberal-leftist
    elites that dominate our universities will laud this United Nations
    ruling and condemn the United States for refusingto go along with the
    show. Our enemies are once again laughing, for they know they have
    scored a victory against law, justice, truth, and human decency.