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BAKU: Azeri army set to buy weapons from Pakistan, Russia

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  • BAKU: Azeri army set to buy weapons from Pakistan, Russia

    Azeri army set to buy weapons from Pakistan, Russia


    Ayna, Baku
    21 Jul 04

    Ekho, Baku
    21 Jul 04

    Azerbaijan and Pakistan may reach agreements on purchasing weapons and
    training army officers during the upcoming visit of a top Pakistani
    general to Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani newspaper Ayna has reported. The
    chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, Gen Muhammad Aziz
    Khan, is to visit Azerbaijan in about two weeks' time, the report

    "Pakistan may offer its close ally Azerbaijan military hardware and
    weapons at discount prices. This is crucial for the Azerbaijani
    government because Armenia, which has occupied our territories, buys
    weapons and military hardware from Russia at reduced prices in
    accordance with the regulations of the Collective Security Treaty
    Organization," the report said.

    Quoting unnamed military sources, Ayna said that Azerbaijan is
    interested in assault rifles manufactured by Pakistan. "They are not
    inferior in quality to Kalashnikov assault rifles used by our army and
    are cheaper," the report said.

    "Almost 10 Azerbaijani officers are studying in Pakistan. I believe
    that if the talks go well and an agreement is reached, then this
    number will be increased many times over," retired Lt-Col Uzeyir
    Cafarov told the newspaper.

    In turn, Ekho newspaper reported that Azerbaijan wants to buy 120mm
    Nona-K towed cannons from Russia's Motovilikhinskiye Zavody
    company. The rumours about the deal emerged after Maj-Gen Vahid
    Aliyev, the Azerbaijani president's aide on military issues, visited
    Russian Expo Arms-2004 which was held in Nizhniy Tagil on 6-10 July.

    Ekho contacted the head of the external relations department of the
    plant, Igor Vagan, but could not get concrete information. "Indeed,
    people from relevant state bodies of Azerbaijan have approached
    representatives of our company," he said, "but I cannot tell you in
    which stage the negotiations are at the moment or the approximate
    number of weapons Azerbaijan could potentially buy".

    Speaking about the Azerbaijani army's need for new weapons, military
    expert Uzeyir Cafarov told Ekho that "there are reports - which are
    not disseminated by the mass media - that Armenia is now actively
    renewing its military potential. This refers to Armenia's artillery,
    as well as to military hardware".

    On the contrary, the Azerbaijani army has not seen a considerable
    replacement of various weapons over the last decade and even more,
    Cafarov said. "When it comes to purchasing new weapons, we lag behind
    Armenia," he said. The Nona-K cannon is more effective than what
    Azerbaijan and Armenia currently possess, he said.