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Gibrahayer - 07/20/2004

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  • Gibrahayer - 07/20/2004


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    * Thousands participate in demonstration organised by Dashnaktsoutiun and
    Ramkavar parties
    * Cypriots demand withdrawal of Turkish troops from Cyprus
    * Armenians demand Armenian Genocide recognition

    PARIS (AYFFM1/ of demonstrators on Tuesday
    converged on the spot where Prime Minister Erdogan was expected to
    give hispress conference.

    Ramkavar and Dashnaktsoutiun party representatives as well as
    representatives of the Cypriot and Kurdish communities of France
    addressed the demonstrators. Also participating was the Dashnak
    representative of Holland. That country will assume the Presidency of
    the European Union in the coming months.

    ARF Dashnaktsoutiun's Papazian stated that representative of Armenian
    communities would be visiting the European leaders with whom Prime
    MinisterErdogan met during his tour.

    Papazian also reported that on Monday Erdogan had addressed a
    gathering of 3,000 Turks in France in an attempt to reorganize the
    Turkish community there.

    Angered Erdogan blackmails Armenians, tying the Genocide issue with
    border opening

    According to the Turkish Sabah newspaper, while in France Erdogan also
    addressed the Armenian Genocide issue and said: "This is an issue for
    the historians. The Armenian Diaspora makes a mistake by keeping this
    issue high in its agenda. It is not beneficial for Armenia. As long as
    this propaganda keeps going there will be no perspective for the
    Armenian-Turkish relations. If they put an end to this then Turkey may
    be willing to open the border with Armenia.".


    "None of the funds made available in this Act may be used by the
    Government of Turkey to engage in contravention of section 1913 of
    title 18, United States Code, relating to lobbying with appropriated
    moneys, with respect to HRes 193, Reaffirming support of the
    Convention on the Prevention and Punishmentof the Crime of Genocide
    and anticipating the 15th anniversary of the enactment of the Genocide
    Convention Implementation Act of 1987 (the Proxmire Act) on November
    4, 2003."

    -- Amendment to Foreign Operations Bill prohibiting Turkey from
    usingUS foreign aid to lobby against Genocide Resolution

    -- Rep. Knollenberg's Leadership key to maintaining military aid
    parity for Armenia and Azerbaijan

    WASHINGTON, DC - In a powerful rebuke to the Turkish government's
    campaign of genocide denial, the House of Representatives this evening
    adopted the Schiff Amendment, prohibiting the Turkish government from
    using U.S. foreign assistance in its multi-million dollar campaign to
    defeat legislation (H.Res.193) recognizing the Armenian Genocide,
    reported the Armenian National Committeeof America (ANCA).

    The amendment, introduced by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), was passed by a
    voice vote and added to the fiscal year 2005 foreign aid bill
    (H.R.4818). The foreign aid bill was later passed by a vote of 365 to

    In his remarks on the House floor introducing the measure, Rep. Schiff
    told his colleagues that, "today I offer a simple amendment that will
    honor the one and a half million Armenians who perished in the
    Armenian Genocide of the 1915 and 1923. I consider this a sacred
    obligation to ensure that the men, women, and children who perished in
    the Armenian Genocide are not lost to history and that this Congress
    not fund shameful efforts to deny that the Genocide occurred."
    Commenting after the vote, Rep. Schiff said, "We are another step
    closer to silencing those who would deny the murder of 1.5 million
    Armenians," adding that, "This amendment stands true to the memory of
    the victims."

    "The passage of this amendment is a major victory," said Armenian
    Caucus Co-Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. "It clearly sends a message
    that the United States House of Representatives will not tolerate
    Turkey's lobbying against the recognition of the Armenian Genocide."

    In his remarks during consideration of the measure, the New Jersey
    legislator stressed that "it is time for this body to stop defending
    and funding a government that continues to deny its own history, and
    refuses to break with the pattern of intolerance established by past
    Turkish governments which dealt with minority issues by committing
    genocide against Armenians, massacring and driving Greeks from its
    shores, restricting the rights of Christians to worship, and denying
    the existence of its Kurdish citizens."

    "We want, first and foremost, to thank Congressman Schiff for his
    tireless leadership in advancing this amendment, to recognize the
    strong support of Armenian Caucus Co-Chairmen Frank Pallone and Joe
    Knollenberg, and to note the pivotal role that Chairman Kolbe played
    in helping this measure reach the House floor - where, as we all saw
    this evening, it enjoyed overwhelming bi-partisan support," said ANCA
    Chairman Ken Hachikian.

    The Genocide Resolution, H.Res.193, reaffirms U.S. support for the
    Genocide Convention and cites the importance of remembering past
    crimes against humanity, including the Armenian Genocide, Holocaust,
    Cambodian and Rwandangenocides, in an effort to stop future
    atrocities. It faces intense opposition fromthe Turkish government,
    which has enlisted the backing of the White House in its efforts to
    block this measure from being scheduled for a vote of the full House.

    The Genocide Resolution was introduced, in the House, in April, 2003,
    by Representatives George Radanovich (R-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA), and
    Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Joe
    Knollenberg (R-MI). Its Senate companion measure was introduced, in
    June, 2003, by Senators John Ensign (R-NV) and Jon Corzine (D-NJ).
    H.Res.193 was adopted unanimously by the House Judiciary Committee
    last May. Support for the measure has been widespread off of Capitol
    Hill as well, with a diverse coalition of over 100 ethnic, religious,
    civil and human rights organizations calling for its passage,
    including American Values, National Organization of Women, Sons of
    Italy, NAACP, Union of Orthodox Rabbis, and the National Council of La


    Nicosia, Jul 20 (CNA) - Cypriot President Tassos Papadopoulos said
    tonight that although the non-solution of the Cyprus problem was not a
    solution, the Greek Cypriot side could in no way choose a non-viable
    solution, noting that if the non-solution festers the peril of
    uncertainty, then a bad solution cultivates and guarantees the
    certainty of a disaster.

    Speaking at an event organised by the Cypriot government under the
    title ''Cyprus 1974-2004, No to the occupation, Yes to reunification''
    President Papadopoulos said the Greek Cypriot side does not apologise
    for rejecting asolution plan proposed by UN Secretary General Kofi
    Annan in the April 24 referendum, noting that ''our answer was right
    and so was our position.''

    He added that ''we want a solution urgently and we are sincerely
    working for the reunification of our homeland and its people, for a
    solution on the basis of a bizonal, bicommunal and functional
    federation, which the Annan plan can offer with the appropriate
    improvements to it.''

    President Papadopoulos said that lifting the Turkish occupation of the
    island's northern third could be achieved through an agreed solution,
    adding that such a solution could be found on the basis of the Annan


    MOSCOW (ARMENPRESS) A Russian group began an expedition of Mount
    Ararat last Saturday. The organizers hope to prove that an object
    nestled amid the snow and ice is Noah's Ark. The group will present
    the Turkish authorities an icon of George the Triumphant, who is
    thought to be the protector of Caucasian Mountains. The expedition
    marks Andrey Polyakov's second attempt at locating the ark.

    A joint US-Turkish team of 10 explorers also plan to tackle the
    mountain this summer in an attempt to uncover a mammoth structure of
    some 45 feet high, 75 feet wide and about 450 feet long that was
    partly exposed during last summer's European heat wave.

    Explorers have long searched for an ark on the high slopes of Mount
    Ararat, where the biblical account of the Great Flood places it. In
    1957, Turkish air force pilots spotted a boat-shaped formation in the
    Agri province. The government did not pursue the sighting,
    however. The entire area, includingMount Ararat, was placed off limits
    to explorers, after the USSR accused them of serving as US spies.


    FC Pyunik weathered a spirited fight-back from FK Pobeda before
    booking a second-round meeting with FC Shakhtar Donetsk of Ukraine
    courtesy of a 4-2 aggregate win.

    The Armenian champions, 3-1 victors in the first leg, were given a
    scare after 23 minutes when Dragan Dimitrovski gave the
    F.Y.R. Macedonian visitors the lead. A 2-0 victory would have put
    Pobeda through on away goals, however Galust Petrosyan finally calmed
    Pyunik's frayed nerves with an equaliser 13 minutes from time.

    Pobeda's Borce Manevski was sent off in the 89th minute as the tie
    slipped away from his side.


    Gibrahayer has been receiving requests from Armenian businesses, to
    promote their products and services through the pages of Gibrahayer
    e-newsletter. I call upon Armenian Cypriot businesses to make
    donations to Armenian organisations and Charities for the advertising
    space provided by Gibrahayer and urge all of you support Armenian
    businesses and our advertisers ! Simon Aynedjian Gibrahayer
    e-newsletter -


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    Donation Pappagallo Clothing Industry Ltd have decided to donate
    Athletic T-shirts for the AYMA football team.

    - Turkey's showcase express train derailed yesterday (Thursday )in the
    northwest, killing at least 36 people and injuring about 60, after
    critics warned the old tracks along the Istanbul-Ankara line could not
    handle the new high-speed cars.

    - At least three Armenian chess players Vladimir Hakobian, Levon
    Aronian and Karen Asrian will be eligible to compete for the World
    Chess Cup which is expected to begin in 2005, in a newly designed
    contest organized by the World Chess Federation.

    - Armenia topped its Davis Cup Group at the Europe/Africa Zone Group
    IV in Chisinau, by defeating Botswana, Malta and Mauritius.

    - 900 high school graduates in Karabagh participated in Stepanakert
    University's entrance examination - the only one in the country - on
    July 20.

    - A five-year Italian child with leukaemia was saved after her genetic
    makeup matched that of 22-year-old Armenian student, Vahe
    Vardanian. The bone marrow transplant operation was performed on July
    6 in Italy.

    - 33 million drams in emergency assistance was allocated to the
    province of Syunik, which was recently devastated by strong hailstorms
    and winds that destroyed tens of homes.

    - According to Sevan Observatory sources, Lake Sevan is currently
    situated 1897.95 meters above the sea level. Last year, the level was
    half a meter lower.

    -Authorities of Mountainous Karabagh Republic said that after
    consultations with the International Red Cross, they handed over a
    19-year old Azeri soldier that had been detained when crossing a
    cease-fire line last month.

    - An Armenian magazine employee Pail Peloyan's died after being
    stabbed and beaten in Moscow.

    g i b r a h a y c a l e n d a r

    * THE TEKEYAN YOUTH MOVEMENT OF CYPRUS is organizing a unique
    excursion to Armenia, 7-14 August. Participants will exclusively be
    Armenian youth (ages13 to 35) from all over the world. The one-week
    programme is specially organized to include an optimum amount of
    sightseeing, led by expert guides. Trips to Shushi, Stepanakert,
    Noravank, Gladzor, Lake Sevan, Dilidjan, Barz Lidj, Khor Virab,
    St. Etchmiadzin, Zvartnots, Sartarabad, Garni, Keghart,
    Dzidzernagapert are included in the meticulously prepared
    programme. Lodging will be at the "Lousakert" Hotel, 20 kilometres
    North of Yerevan, ideally situated in an orchard. The hotel rooms are
    fully equipped with all the necessary facilities. The price of the
    WHOLE PACKAGE, including FULL BOARD, all the excursions, transfers
    from and to the airport, return air fare from Cyprus and visa to
    Armenia is only 335 Cyprus pounds. Those interested should immediately
    call 99747798 or 99929343, as availability is very limited.

    * The Armenian Youth Federation is organising its 17th Annual Summer
    Camp at the Camp Site of Morphou Prelature at Kalopanayiotis from 9-15
    August 2004.A rich educational and fun programme including Martial
    Arts, Swimming, Trekking, Treasure Hunt, and Kisherayin Arshav. To
    receive more information or to register please contact the following:
    Nareg Tavitian 99488926, Nora Sarian 99439956 or Simon Aynedjian

    * The Armenian Youth Federation organised a youth gathering at Aktea
    Beach in Ayia Napa for the weekend of 17-18 July. Enclosed some images
    from the weekend at the
    link: Once you
    enter the site, click on view as slideshow on the right.

    * The Armenian Youth Federation is organising Beach Party on Saturday
    31 July, 2004 from 7:00 p.m. at The Fig Tree Bay in Protaras
    Beach. Skiing, snacks, drinks, music, dancing and midnight
    swim. Special package: All-inclusive participation to the Beach Party,
    accommodation and breakfast at Aktea Beach in Ayia Napa for only
    17.00. Contact Jirayr Sarkissian 99445018, Hagop Ipdjian 99476305,
    Bedo Mouradian 99319415 and Marie Louise Kouyoumdjian 99839768 for
    more details.

    * CHANGE OF VENUE Khanasor and Lisbon 5 Expeditions commemoration at
    Troodos Picnic site of "Loumada ton Aeton" (last year's site and the
    site of 1981-1982 AYF Camps, one mile before the American Academy Camp
    site. As always follow the tricolours) Sunday July 25, 2004, organised
    by AYMA, Dashnaktsoutiun Cyprus Committee, The Armenian National
    Committee of Cyprus, AYF, Larnaca and Limassol Armenian Clubs,
    Hamazkayin and ARS (HOM) Cyprus Chapters. Hayer hishek nviragan ayn
    ore, Houlis amsoun ksanhinkin gadaretsek mer done. Commemorative
    Programme begins at 12:00 noon. Speaker of the Day, President of
    A.Y.M.A, Adour Karaguelian.

    * A Tour to Armenia is being organised by the Central Executive of
    Hamazkayin from August 20-September 3, 2004 with the participation of
    members and friends from Armenian diaspora communities. Trips to
    Karabagh are also scheduled. To receive more info and to apply for the
    trip please contact the Cyprus Hamazkayin Committee members

    * POSTPONED The Annual General Meeting of The Hamazkayin Cultural and
    Educational Association "Oshakan" Cyprus Chapter has been postponed
    for Tuesday September 14, 2004.

    The Armenian Prelature announces that the next permit for the Armenian
    Cemetery visitation at Ayios Dhometios on the Green line, is scheduled
    for Sunday 25 July, 2004.

    * Armenian Radio Hour on The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation can be
    heard via real audio on . Broadcast times 17:00-18:00
    local Cyprus time (14:00-15:00 GMT) News bulletins at 17:15 local time
    on Sundays, Tuesdays, Fridays. Armenian Cypriots can also tune in on
    the following radio frequencies 91.1 FM (Mount Olympus - for Nicosia
    listeners) 94.2 FM (Paralimni/Protaras/Agia Napa) 92.4 FM (Larnaca)
    96.5 FM (Paphos).

    Gibrahayer is an independent electronic environment, now in its fifth
    year, disseminating news & posting upcoming events about the Armenian
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