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BAKU: Another Armenian defector turns up in Azerbaijan

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  • BAKU: Another Armenian defector turns up in Azerbaijan

    Another Armenian defector turns up in Azerbaijan

    Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
    23 Jul 04

    [Presenter] Another Armenian citizen has arrived in Azerbaijan. Ispirt
    Kazaryan came yesterday by a Moscow-Baku flight and said that his
    visit's objective was to express his protest against the Armenian
    government from Azerbaijan.

    [Correspondent over video of Kazaryan at a briefing and archive
    footage of two other Armenian defectors, Roman Teryan and Artur
    Apresyan] Another Armenian has joined those Armenians who arrived in
    Azerbaijan two months ago to protest against the unbearable living
    conditions in Armenia. This is Ispirt Kazaryan, 65. He was born in
    1939 in the town of Leninakan in Armenia. He is currently living in
    Armenia and working at a plant there. The reason he ran away from
    Armenia seems unusual at first glance.

    He said that the town authorities did not let him sell his house in
    Leninakan and wanted to take it from him. When his appeals to the
    Armenian president, prime minister and other bodies remained
    unanswered, he decided to head for Azerbaijan which is regarded as an
    enemy of his country.

    [Kazaryan speaking in Russian with Azeri voice-over] I came here to
    tell the entire world about the deplorable situation in Armenia. There
    is no law and order there. I have no position or opportunities. I can
    only tell them to leave me alone.

    I treat the Azerbaijani people very well and this is why I chose to
    come here to talk about my problems.

    [Correspondent] It is interesting that Kazaryan who came here to talk
    about his problems admits that he was once employed as a mercenary in
    the Karabakh military operations. However, he said that although he
    received money for going to Karabakh he did not shoot at Azerbaijanis.

    [Kazaryan speaking in Russian with Azeri voice-over] I can no longer
    recall how much money I was paid, but it was very little money. I was
    doing some other work and did not take part in fighting. I heard there
    that there were mercenaries from the Middle East and France, but I
    personally did not see them.

    [Correspondent] His views on the Karabakh problem are also
    interesting. He once went to those lands as a mercenary, but regrets
    the occupation of Karabakh now like most of the Armenians.

    [Kazaryan speaking in Russian with Azeri voice-over] Many people
    regret that they fought. Nowadays everyone is leaving
    Armenia. Everybody knows that sooner or later, Azerbaijan's lands will
    be returned. These lands have to be returned.

    [Correspondent] Kazaryan says that the Armenian people do not want
    another war. He no longer thinks about his fate or the fate of his
    relatives. I only want them to leave me alone, end quote.