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PAKISTAN: Turkey and the Armenian myth

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  • PAKISTAN: Turkey and the Armenian myth

    The International News Pakistan
    July 23 2004

    Turkey and the Armenian myth

    Masud Akhtar Shaikh

    The writer is a retired Colonel and freelance columnist

    [email protected]

    Ever since Turkey started its arduous journey towards the membership
    of the European Union (EU) over three decades ago, some members of
    the Union who are allergic to the very name of this country have been
    confronting it with one set of obstacles after another in order to
    prevent it from gaining entry to this exclusively Christian club. It
    goes to the credit of the tenacious Turks that they have been
    faithfully complying with all the preconditions specially tailored in
    order to keep the doors of the EU shut on their country. Turkey's
    crisis-ridden economy, its allegedly unsatisfactory human rights
    record and maltreatment of the Kurdish minority, the discordance of
    its civil and criminal penal code with the EU standards, and a host
    of other objections have been cleared one by one, only to be
    supplemented by fresh preconditions. The latest in the series comes
    from the Socialist Party leader of France who has linked the start of
    talks scheduled for December next regarding Turkey's entry into the
    EU, with the Turkish government's recognition of the alleged mass
    killing of Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman forces in 1915 as
    "genocide". This preposterous conditionality is based on an
    allegation that the Armenians and their Turkey-hater Western
    supporters have failed to prove with credible evidence but which has
    been successfully implanted in the minds of ignorant people as truth,
    thanks to the sheer power of mighty propaganda machinery that has
    been working in this direction for years.

    The hoax of Armenian "genocide" is revived every now and then in
    order to blackmail Turkey for some specific purpose, or just to
    rekindle the flame of hatred against the Turks in the minds of the
    younger generation of Armenians and their supporters. The present bid
    to revive this frozen issue for use as a gimmick to block Turkey's
    membership of the EU, was reinforced by commandeering a large number
    of Armenians settled in France to organise a demonstration against
    Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister, during his three-day
    visit to that country.

    The aim of the present article is to give a brief account of the
    so-called "Armenian genocide" and to show how the resources of a
    group of determined enemies can be pooled to churn out highly
    effective propaganda that can inflict mortal damage on their

    The Armenians had been living as one of the most trusted minority
    communities in the Ottoman Empire for centuries, many of them
    enjoying key positions in the official hierarchy throughout that
    period. They were generally more prosperous than their Turkish fellow
    countrymen, holding a monopoly of some of the most lucrative
    professions. It was only towards the last quarter of the 19th century
    that they were instigated by Russia and the Western powers to revolt
    against the Ottoman Empire so as to expedite its liquidation. These
    powers promised them an independent Armenian republic on the
    Caucasian, Iranian, and Eastern Anatolian soil. The misguided
    Armenians who also indulged in covert sabotage activities for more
    than two decades attempted a series of open revolts. These operations
    were planned and executed by highly organised Armenian terrorist
    organisations with the active moral and material support of outside
    powers interested in the fall of the Ottoman Empire. In this process,
    they killed thousands and thousands of innocent Turkish men, women,
    and children in various towns and villages of Eastern Turkey where
    the two communities had been living in peace and harmony for
    centuries. The mass killing of Turks at the hands of the Armenian
    terrorists continued during the first year of the First World War.
    With the Ottoman Empire busy fighting a war of its survival, the
    Armenians joined hands with the enemy and participated in operations
    against the Turks, both on the frontline as well as in the rear
    areas. Voluntary regiments composed of Ottoman and Russian Armenians
    acted as vanguards, leading the main body of the Russian army into
    Eastern Turkey. Armenians serving in the Ottoman ranks deserted the
    army along with their arms and ammunition, some of them joining the
    ranks of the Russian army while others organised themselves into
    terrorist gangs.

    In cooperation with the Armenians living in various towns and
    villages of Eastern Anatolia, these gangs put to sword most of the
    Turkish women, children, and old persons left behind by their male
    family members who had gone away to the battlefield. They also
    indulged in widespread sabotage activities, stabbing the Ottoman
    forces in the back, cutting off their lines of communication,
    blocking their logistic supplies, blowing off bridges, and inflicting
    casualties on soldiers by ambushing military convoys. The Armenian
    rebels captured the Ottoman province of Van and handed it over to the
    Russian army, an "achievement" for which the Tsar of Russia thanked
    them telegraphically for the services they had rendered to the

    Under these circumstances, the Ottoman government was left with no
    alternative but to order the arrest of mischief-makers and to order
    the mass transfer of all Armenians from the Eastern war zone to areas
    in the interior of the Empire. More than two thousand Armenian
    terrorists were arrested in April 1915. A large number of Armenians
    died on the way during move from the East to the West due to severe
    climatic conditions, disease and epidemics on account of poor medical
    facilities, interrupted food supplies, and delays in movement caused
    by damaged lines of communication. There were also many casualties as
    a result of retaliatory attacks on the way by local Turks whose
    families had suffered human and material losses at the hands of the
    Armenian terrorists. Of course the Turks also sufffered heavy
    casualties due to climatic conditions, disease, shortages of
    foodstuffs, and skirmishes with the Armenians, but this fact is
    completely ignored by the Armenian chroniclers. The Armenians
    designate this whole operation as "genocide" that they claim was
    replanted, officially sponsored scheme which resulted in the killing
    of 1.5 million Ottoman Armenians. To prove their point of view, they
    launched a massive campaign to produce volumes and volumes of forged
    documents and fabricated evidence, most of which has since been
    exposed as fake, not only by Turkish researchers but also by many
    neutral foreign scholars. Unfortunately, the response from the
    Turkish side was considerably delayed, primarily because of Ataturk's
    policy of "peace at home and peace abroad", a tenet based on the
    principle of "forgive and forget". As a result of this policy, the
    Turkish side of the story has remained in the dark for many decades,
    allowing free play to the Armenian fabricators to poison the mind of
    the world community against Turkey by painting a one-sided picture of
    the Armenian issue on the basis of forged documents, exaggerated
    figures, and concocted evidence.

    Rather than telling the world community to forget the bitter past and
    talk about making the future pleasant for everybody, the Turkish
    government should now use all the resources at its disposal to expose
    the myth of Armenian genocide by presenting the true picture of the
    events that has emerged on the basis of authentic documentary
    evidence. Let the Armenians not get away with the mass murder of
    thousands of innocent Turks by taking shelter behind the cooked up
    story of the so-called Armenian genocide. As far as the prospects of
    Turkey's admission to the EU are concerned, our Turkish friends
    should not nourish great hopes because the members of this entirely
    Christian association see Turkey, a nation of 70 million hardworking
    Muslims, as a real nightmare. They are terribly scared of accepting
    Turkey as a member state because this country has common borders with
    Iran, Syria, and Iraq, each one of these being an anathema for the
    West. With the ruling party of Tayyip Erdogan having its roots in
    Islam, they visualise the rise of Islam in Turkey in the not too
    distant a future. How can they afford to let Muslim Turkey share with
    them the secrets meant to be shared exclusively by the non-Muslim