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Bilateral Jealousy Hinders development of Political-Economic Relns.

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  • Bilateral Jealousy Hinders development of Political-Economic Relns.

    Bilateral Jealousy Hinders development of Political-Economic Relations

    24 July 2004

    On July 22 Georgian Foreign Minister in his interview to the
    journalists in the airport before leaving for Tbilisi, said that the
    two countries should act as a united region in the relations with the

    The official Yerevan is likely to be concerned about the position
    Georgia has undertaken in the relations with EU. Tbilisi authorities
    spare no efforts for emphasizing their country's importance among the
    three Caucasian countries, their devotion to Europe.

    Salome Zurabishvili's statement is likely to please the Armenian
    side. In the airport Vartan Oskanian explained what it means "to act
    as united region." "It is really desirable, as the European
    structures want that too. Unfortunately, there are problems in our
    region and Azerbaijan is the only obstacle for being united. But we
    will try to coordinate our cooperation with Georgia inthe best way. If
    Azerbaijan wishes, it can join us", Oskanian said.

    Zurabishvili met with RA President, RA Prime Minister and RA NA
    Chairman, besides meeting with her colleague. She evaluates her first
    visit to Armenia positively. "We are determined to deepen our economic
    relations. The political relations are very good, but they need to be
    deepened too," Zurabishvili said.

    Vartan Oskanian also evaluates the visit of Georgian Foreign Minister
    to Armenia positively.

    There are two main blocks in our relations: business cooperation,
    economic issues that will be discussed more thoroughly during the
    visit of RA prime Minister to Tbilisi in the course of the
    inter-governmental sitting. Duringthis visit we were more concentrated
    on the conceptual issues, projects and programs. Regional issues,
    general processes of our cooperation were touched upon. We discussed
    railroad, gas pipeline, oil pipeline and transportation, transit
    programs in general, as well as the Armenian-Georgian cooperation
    within the framework of TRANSECA. There are certain agreements, but
    according to the foreign minister, at present, there are no results
    yet. We agreed to deepen cooperation and coordinate our activities in
    other issues, particularly, in the European direction," Oskanian said.

    On June 14 Yerevan, Baku and Tbilisi joined "Larger Europe. New
    Neighbors" EU initiative that envisages new level of relations between
    the Caucasian countries and the EU. As we stated already, Tbilisi
    tries to leave behind its two neighbors. Supposedly, Yerevan is
    concerned about Georgia-NATO relations. The three Caucasian countries
    cooperate with NATO on equal level within the framework of
    "Partnership for Peace" program. The probable fast entry of Georgia to
    NATO, the Georgian authorities often talk about, may cause dividing
    lines in the Caucasus.

    The integration into the European structures will be discussed during
    the meeting of Zurabishvili with Andranik Margarian. "Emphasizing
    Armenia=80=99 and Georgia 's determination in the European integration
    issues, the sides pointed out the big possibilities for cooperation,
    especially, taking into account the involvement of the Caucasian
    countries into "New Neighbors" EU program," writes the pres release of
    RA President's Press Office.

    Robert Kocharian and Salome Zurabishvili stated that the level of the
    bilateral economic relations doesn't keep in line with the real
    possibilities and intentions of the two countries. Kocharian
    emphasized the importance of the economic cooperation issues and
    intergovernmental committee's activities. Let's remind that RA Prime
    Minister will leave for Georgia on July 25-27. Kocharian emphasized
    "the high level of the Armenian-Georgian relations that are based on
    mutual trust and friendship of the two peoples" during the meeting
    with Zurabishvili.

    Notwithstanding the fact that the Armenian-Georgian relations are
    called friendly, there are many complicated issues in the
    Tbilisi-Yerevan relations. The existence of a common border causes
    some complications in the relations, as usual. In this respect, the
    Armenian-Georgian relations can be no exceptionto the rule. On the
    other hand, the relations between the two peoples lack mutual
    trust. The lack of trust in the relations of the two countries is
    conditioned by different, sometimes contradicting vectors in their
    foreign policies. Very often Georgia is considered as a territory
    divided in many parts that hinder the Armenian-Russian relations. In
    its turn, Georgia considers Armenia as "Russia's backdoor" and the
    Russian soldiers located in Armenia as destabilizing factor for the
    whole region.

    Many other issues existing between Armenia and Georgia can be pointed
    out. The most undesirable one among them is the mutual mistrust of
    the common Armenian and Georgian towards each other. No one tried to
    hold a poll to find out how much the Armenians mistrust the Georgians,
    but a year ago, as a result of a poll, the Georgians found out that
    they mistrust the Armenians most of all among their neighbors.

    By Tatoul Hakobian