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Woman of the Year

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  • Woman of the Year

    Main Gate, Magazine of the American University of Beirut
    Spring Vol I, No. 3

    Woman of the Year

    Alumnus Mary Najarian (RN '55) has spent much of the last twenty
    years working day and night to improve medical care in Armenia.
    Attending a gala in her honor, Lynn Mahoney finds in the woman an
    inspiring mix of courage, humility, and dedication.

    There are tributes, and then there are tributes.
    So I discovered in Los Angeles the evening of February 2, 2004. It
    happened to be Superbowl Sunday, a tough night in the United States
    to draw a crowd to any event without the lure of a wide screen
    television broadcast of the game. But as I realized while watching
    the large crowd arrive to recognize her twenty years of humanitarian
    service in Armenia, Mary Najarian is no ordinary woman.
    Some 500 hundred friends and members of family filled the George
    Deukmejian Ballroom at the Ararat Home in Los Angeles. Each table was
    lavishly spread with mezzeh and flowers, as well as with a charming
    selection of Armenian folk dolls and prayer beads donated by
    Najarian. As we all sat down for dinner, the heartfelt laudatory
    speeches began. Each speaker commented on how Najarian had touched
    the lives of so many people in Armenia, as well as their own - a
    profound tribute to a woman who makes no fuss about her vital work
    and has no expectations of recognition.
    Mary Najarian's humanitarian activities in Armenia began in 1984,
    while the country was still under the heavy yoke of the former Soviet
    Union and entry was close to impossible for foreigners. Just one year
    after that visit, she and her husband, Vartkes Najarian (MD '57)
    founded Medical Outreach for Armenians, which since then has raised,
    donated, and transported over 46 million dollars worth of medical and
    surgical supplies to Armenia and Karabagh.
    Najarian's commitment to improving medical care in Armenia has been
    extraordinary, and the extent of it was personally relayed during the
    dinner by her friends and family, particularly by her beautiful
    daughter Maro Yacoubian, who totally shares her mother's dedication.
    She told of countless late nights, phone calls to Armenia at all
    hours, and the hard work of preparing the shipments of medical
    supplies. In fact, Maro noted, her parents' labor of love consumed so
    much of their time that it was not until January 2004 that they took
    their first vacation ever - a cruise around the Caribbean.
    Commenting on the tributes, Najarian observed with characteristic
    understatement, `It makes you feel's so encouraging to know
    people appreciate what you have done. That I am a woman and was able
    to accomplish as much as I have makes a difference, too. You know,
    Armenia is a man's world, and it is hard for women to open doors.'
    Mary and Vartkes Najarian have taken a decidedly hands-on approach to
    medical outreach. In 1985, Vartkes himself carried the first
    arthroscopic set to Armenia and taught the local physicians knee
    surgery using the latest medical equipment. Mary, on her part,
    personally supervised the renovation of an operating room and trained
    nurses in the aseptic technique.
    `My nursing education at AUB was a huge help in my relief efforts. As
    a nurse, I worked side by side with my husband. I would check
    supplies while in the field and find out what is needed,' she said,
    reflecting on her education. `The training at AUB was and is still
    superior to anything I have seen, especially in surgical nursing.'
    It was during the first trips to Armenia that she saw just how far
    behind the hospitals were on modern surgical techniques. `It was like
    being in the Middle Ages,' she recalled. `It took Vartkes and me
    three to four weeks to get the doctors trained in aseptic techniques -
    before that they didn't even wear facemasks or scrub for surgery.'
    The war in Karabagh brought new challenges for the Najarians. Medical
    Outreach for Armenia, the non-profit organization they founded to
    improve healthcare in Armenia, continued sending medical supplies
    from Los Angeles when the war started, but as the number of
    casualties rose, they simply had to go to Armenia to help. `Vartkes
    and I traveled to the war zone and worked there. This was the hardest
    challenge of all.'
    Once in Karabagh, they literally worked in the trenches, as wounded
    soldiers were brought in from the battlefield. `There were no
    hospitals in the war zone. We operated in tunnels with flashlights
    that would only work for 20 minutes and Vartkes would be performing
    surgery on the floor.' She tells how saddening it was to see these
    young men, many of them only 18 or 19 years old, suffer. `They were
    kids and would usually stay with us for a week recovering. Later,
    they would return with their parents to thank us - that, in itself, was
    payment enough for our hard work.'
    Throughout those difficult war years, while continuing to return to
    Armenia to assist with surgeries, the Najarians also kept sending
    cartloads of medical supplies gathered from top pharmaceutical and
    surgical equipment companies - in one year alone they shipped 50
    containers to Karabagh. `The Armenian medical community was just
    astounded - they had never seen so many new medications in such
    quantities before,' she exclaimed.
    Considering her many travels to Armenia, Najarian's dedication is
    obvious. She has been to Armenia 46 times and Karabagh 22 times - at
    the rate of two or three times a year, especially during the war for
    stays of two to six weeks.
    One of her greatest accomplishments, which she modestly mentions, is
    her work at the Veterans Hospital in Yerevan. `The conditions were
    unbelievably bad. There were eight to ten patients to a room, with
    the beds all connected. There was no running water except for two
    hours a day. The toilets were horrible - there was one toilet for every
    50 patients and you could not get in and out without carrying traces
    of fecal matter.' Medical Outreach for Armenians renovated seven
    floors in the hospital, in addition to three annex floors. Bathrooms
    were constructed as well with one for each ward of five patients
    along with more bedrooms for patients. Operating rooms were
    modernized with equipment from the US.

    But there is still much work to be done, says Najarian. `While the
    Veterans Hospital has improved tremendously and can now provide
    proper medical care for the military and their families, it is not
    available to the poor and the needy. Many patients go to the hospital
    to die because that is all they can afford to do,' she explains.
    `This causes me much pain.'
    Not surprisingly, the Najarians are determined to find a way to fix
    this problematic situation, much as they did with renovating the
    Veterans Hospital. `We are planning to establish a hospital, equipped
    with foreign doctors working on a volunteer basis to provide free
    health care for those who need it.' What they are lacking, however,
    is the facility. `I am determined to insist in the Armenian
    newspapers that the government must provide us with a building. I
    feel I have not accomplished anything until the public has free
    access to medical care.'
    Until then, the Najarians will continue with letters to the
    government and rallying the support of the American medical community
    to establish the hospital. And the shipments of medical supplies will
    go on. `We have been lucky in getting out a container every two to
    three weeks. And we can support a hospital, if given the chance.'

    Najarian also shared memories of her student days: `The University
    was very prestigious. To say you were an AUB student was something
    big.' She arrived at AUB with three very close friends from the
    American School in Aleppo, Syria - Angie Bahuth, Adrin Beheler, and
    Knarig Méyer. Their first year was not only special academically but
    personally as well. `We all met our boyfriends then,' Najarian notes,
    laughing. No rivalries existed between the women and they lived like
    sisters, encouraging each other and always helping one another in a
    pinch. Throughout the years, those friendships have remained strong
    and precious to Najarian - and to the other women as well. This was
    apparent in the touching account Angie Bahuth gave of their AUB days
    and in the high respect and admiration she expressed for Najarian at
    the dinner, which was organized largely through her efforts.
    Najarian considers AUB the major stepping stone that enabled her and
    her friends to go to America and support themselves there. She likes
    to tell people that she went from Beirut to Chicago with only 90
    cents in her pocket, with which she purchased a bowl of chili with
    some saltines, `The absolute best!' she recalls. In no time at all,
    she found work at Wesley Memorial Hospital and they paid her tuition
    to go to Northwestern University for additional schooling. By then,
    she and Vartkes had married and the couple moved to Cleveland, Ohio,
    where they stayed for twenty years. There, she became the mother of
    three boys and one girl, who all grew up to become successful
    professionals. For the last twenty-five years, the family has lived
    in southern California.
    It is not surprising that Najarian should care so much for the
    welfare of others. Her early years were a time of severe hardship for
    the family. She grew up poor, but very much loved, the child of
    parents who fled Armenia during the genocide. Despite limited
    financial circumstances, giving was a tradition deeply rooted in the
    family. `My sister and I once won a cash prize award at school, and
    we were so happy. On our return home, my father congratulated us, but
    said we had to give the money to others in the community who needed
    it more. This is where I got my philanthropy from,' she recalls.
    Turning her thoughts to nursing education, Najarian says, `I find it
    disappointing that not many Armenian girls are enrolled in AUB's
    Nursing School today. We need to draw more young women into the
    program. There is such a huge nursing shortage in the United States,
    and what I want is for AUB to prepare nurses for job placement in
    Najarian feels so strongly about the matter that, true to form, she
    is thinking of launching a grass roots effort to help. `I will simply
    go into the high schools in Beirut or Aleppo, where I graduated from
    high school and persuade the young women to consider a career in
    nursing and apply to AUB. I am positive we can find them financial
    assistance as needed.'
    The tribute came to an end following speeches from leaders in the Los
    Angeles and Armenian-American community, as well as friends and
    family. The AUB Alumni Association of North America presented
    Najarian with a resolution commending her humanitarian service.
    All without exception dwelled upon the humanitarian essence of her
    work to improve the quality of medical care in Armenia, as they spoke
    of the many ways in which this one woman had touched and enhanced the
    lives of countless people, patients and doctors alike. Watching her
    face glow during this gratifying show of respect, admiration, and
    affection, one was also made to realize the extent to which Mary
    Najarian's modesty, compassion, and tireless dedication have made her
    an inspiration to all those who know her.