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Armenian Democrats to Join In Ethnic Diversity Celebration at DNC

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  • Armenian Democrats to Join In Ethnic Diversity Celebration at DNC

    Armenian American Democratic Leadership Council
    1900 S Eads #1231
    Arlington, VA 22202
    E-mail: [email protected]

    July 25, 2004
    Contact: Tsoghig Margossian
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Armenian Democrats to Join In Ethnic Diversity Celebration at the
    Democratic Convention

    * DNC Convention Features Ethnic Caucus Meeting; Highlights
    Pivotal Role of Ethnic Vote

    Boston, MA: The Armenian American Democratic Leadership Council
    (AADLC) and Armenian American Democrats from across the country
    will participate in a celebration of ethnic community activism
    hosted by the National Democratic Ethnic Leadership Council (NDELC)
    at this week's 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston. The
    reception is part of a series of programs, meetings and events
    spotlighting the key role of ethnic communities in this election
    season and throughout the American political process.

    Grassroots leaders representing a diverse groups of ethnic American
    communities, including Albanians, Arabs, Armenians, Germans,
    Greeks, Italians, Irish, Polish, Serbian among many others, will be
    joining together at the reception on Wednesday, July 28th, at The
    Harp, across from the Fleet Center. Participation in the "NDELC's
    Celebration and Appreciation of Ethnic Democrats" is by invitation
    only and has received enthusiastic responses from Convention
    delegates, Members of Congress and community leaders who understand
    the pivotal role that ethnic voters are expected to play in
    electoral swing states this November. The reception is one of
    several daytime and evening functions organized by ethnic
    communities throughout the Convention week.

    "The Armenian American Democratic Leadership Council is proud to
    partner with the NDELC as it brings together ethnic community
    leaders from across the country in support of the Democratic Party
    agenda," stated NDELC Board Member and AADLC activist Sushan
    Demirjian. "We look forward to mobilizing the Armenian American
    community, with its active presence in key swing states across the
    country, to play a decisive role in support of the Kerry/Edwards
    ticket and pro-Armenian democratic candidates on November 2nd."

    The National Democratic Ethnic Leadership Council (NDELC) is an
    ethnic constituency based organization encompassing the community
    of immigrants and descendants of immigrants who primarily trace
    their heritage from Europe and the Mediterranean. During the
    Clinton presidential campaign in 1992, democratic activists began a
    deliberate initiative to redefine the Democratic Party's
    relationship with Ethnic Americans. Over the past twelve years, the
    party has made great strides to ensure that Ethnic Democrats
    continue to be players in American politics. The NDELC, with its
    diverse membership including representatives of the Armenian
    American Democratic Leadership Council, plays a pivotal role in
    nurturing that relationship.

    ================================================== ============
    Democratic Party to Host Ethnic Democrats Caucus Meeting and
    Workshop at Democratic National Convention
    ================================================== ============
    The 2004 Democratic Convention will also feature a first-ever
    Caucus Meeting and Workshop bringing together ethnic leaders
    committed to a Kerry-Edwards victory in November. Community
    representatives will participate in briefings and a full agenda of
    activities on Wednesday, July 28th from 10:00am to 12:00pm at the
    Sheraton Hotel.

    "Ethnic Americans have always been a base in the Democratic party.
    The values of family, hard work, faith and opportunity are the
    values that they bring to the Democratic Party and contribute to
    building a stronger America," explained John Kerry for President
    Director of Ethnic Outreach George Kivork, who is helping to
    coordinate the function.

    The AADLC works with the Democratic National Committee to
    foster support within the Armenian American community for
    the Democratic Party and national Democratic office
    holders, while promoting the election of Armenian American
    Democrats to political office and encouraging participation
    by Armenian American Democrats at all levels of the public
    policy process.