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Wolfowitz, Perle and Feith

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  • Wolfowitz, Perle and Feith

    Wolfowitz, Perle and Feith
    One Down - Two To Go


    Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, former chairman of the
    Defense Policy Board Richard Perle and Under Secretary of Defense
    Douglas Feith, are the persons in the Defense Department primarily
    responsible for the erroneous facts and policy judgments regarding
    Turkey to the great detriment of U.S. interests in the region and

    Richard Perle

    Perle resigned on March 27, 2003 as chairman of the Defense Policy
    Board after disclosures that his business dealings included a meeting
    with two Saudis, one an arms dealer, and a contract for $750,000 to
    advise telecommunications firm Global Crossings Ltd. that was seeking
    Defense Department permission to be sold to Chinese investors.

    In a New Yorker article, Seymour Hersch reported that Perle faced
    conflict of interest between his work on the board and his private
    business dealings. He reported that Perle is `a managing partner in a
    venture-capital company called Trireme Partners L.P.' He also reported
    that Perle attended a luncheon meeting on January 3, 2004 with two
    Saudis, Adnan Khashoggi and industrialist Harle Zuhair, who told
    Hersch that the agenda included an item `to pave the way for Zuhair to
    put together a group of ten Saudi businessmen who would invest ten
    million dollars each in Trireme.' (New Yorker, March 17, 2003, pages

    Perle resigned as Assistant Secretary of Defense in 1987, before the
    end of the Cold War, and went to Turkey and negotiated an $800,000
    contract for International Advisors Inc. (IAI), a company which he
    initiated. He recruited Douglas Feith, his special assistant at
    Defense, to head IAI.

    Perle became a consultant to IAI and received $48,000 annually from
    1989 to 1994. IAI registered as a foreign agent with the Justice
    Department. IAI received $800,000 from Turkey in 1989 and then
    received $600,000 annually from 1990 to 1994.

    Douglas Feith

    >From 1989 to 1994, Douglas Feith headed IAI and registered as a
    foreign agent for Turkey. He received $60,000 annually and his law
    firm Feith and Zell received hundreds of thousands of dollars from IAI

    Neither Perle, when he was on the Defense Policy Board, or Feith as
    Under Secretary of Defense, recused themselves on matters dealing with
    U.S.-Turkey relations.

    Feith was Perle's protégé. According to the Washington Post's
    BobWoodward, ` Feith was not popular with the military. He appeared to
    equate policy with paper.' Woodward wrote that General Tommy Franks
    `tried to ignore Feith though it was not easy. The general once
    confided to several colleagues about Feith: ` I have to deal with the
    [expletive] stupidest guy on the face of the earth almost every day.'
    (Woodward, Plan of Attack, p. 281.)

    Paul Wolfowitz

    Wolfowitz has committed major mistakes of policy and judgment
    regarding Turkey to the serious detriment of
    U.S. interests. Wolfowitz's remarks on Turkey have contained false and
    misleading statements with serious errors of fact and omission of
    Orwellian proportions.

    On July 14, 2002, Wolfowitz in a CNN Turkey interview stated:

    `I think a real test of whether a country is a democracy is how it
    treats its minorities. And actually it's one of the things that
    impress (sic) me about Turkish history-the way Turkey treats its own

    How does one respond to such a statement? Armenian, Greek and Kurdish
    Americans have expressed their outrage. See Exhibit 1 to AHI joint
    letter of September 4, 2002 on AHI website at for a
    list of Turkey'sviolations of the human rights of its minorities
    committed throughout the 20th century, a number of which continue up
    to the present time.

    Also on July 14, 2002, in a speech at the Conrad Hotel, Istanbul,
    Wolfowitz referred to Turkey:

    `as a staunch NATO ally through forty years of Cold Warâ=80¦.Itis the
    great good fortune of the United States, of NATO, the West, indeed the
    world, that occupying this most important crossroads we have one of
    our strongest, most reliable and most self-reliant allies.'

    This is another false and misleading statement by Wolfowitz with
    serious errors of fact and omission. The record shows that during the
    Cold War, Turkey brushed aside U.S. interests on many occasions and
    deliberately gave substantial assistance to the Soviet military. See
    Exhibit 2 of the September 4, 2002 letter which sets forth examples of
    Turkey's unreliability as an ally and refutes the assertion of Turkey
    as a self-reliant ally. Turkey's vote on March 1, 2003 refusing to
    allow U.S. troops to use bases in Turkey to open a second front
    against the Saddam Hussein dictatorship is a dramatic example of
    Turkey's unreliability as an ally. Wolfowitz's effusive comments in
    his July 14, 2002 speech regarding Ataturk may play well in Turkey,
    but the rest of the world is familiar with Ataturkas a brutal dictator
    and mass killer of Armenians, Greeks and Kurds. John Gunther in his
    book, Inside Europe refers in his opening sentence to Ataturk as
    â=80=9CThe blond, blue-eyed combination of patriot and psychopath who
    is dictator of Turkey.' (1938 edition p. 378.) See Exhibit 3 of the
    September 4, 2002 letter for the details of Ataturk's mass killings of
    Armenians, Greeks and Kurds. Ataturk and Turkey are hardly the models,
    as suggested by Wolfowitz, for Afghanistan and other Muslim nations to
    follow to achieve democracy.

    In his July 14, 2002 speech Wolfowitz also stated:

    `When the ?illness' of international terrorism struck the United
    States last September, Turkey quickly offered unconditional

    Wolfowitz conveniently omits the fact that Turkey is an international
    terrorist state by virtue of its aggression against Cyprus in 1974,
    and a national terrorist state by its actions of ethnic cleansing,
    crimes against humanityand genocide against its 20 percent Kurdish
    minority. The double standard on the rule of law and international and
    national terrorism that the U.S. applies to Turkey damages the U.S.'s
    war on international terrorism and makes a mockery of our moral and
    legal positions. See Exhibit 4 of the September 4, 2002 letter which
    discusses Turkey as an international and national terrorist state.

    Wolfowitz refers often to Turkey's democracy. The fact is
    otherwise. Turkey is still a military-dominated government, in which
    the military controls foreign affairs and national security policy and
    has harmful influence overdomestic affairs. There is an absence in
    Turkey of minority rights, human rights, press freedom, speech freedom
    and religious freedom. Falsehoods and myths regarding Turkey's
    democracy have been propagated for years by Defense and State
    Department officials. Freedom House in its 2003 annual report calls
    Turkey only part-free.

    On March 13, 2002, in a speech to the Washington Institute for Near
    East Policy, Wolfowitz failed to recognize that Turkey violated the
    NATO Treaty by its invasion of Cyprus and that the violation continues
    to this day. See Exhibit 6 of the September 4, 2002 letter which
    discusses Turkey's violation of the North Atlantic Treaty by its
    invasion of Cyprus.

    The false and misleading statements made by Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz
    on Turkey raise serious questions as to his credibility and the
    factual basis of his advice to the President and Defense Secretary
    Donald H. Rumsfeld on other issues such as Iraq.

    The U.S. double standard policy toward Turkey on the rule of law and
    the appeasement of Turkey these past decades, pursued by a handful of
    Defense and State Department officials and Turkey's paid foreign
    agents, have seriously damaged U.S. national interests. President
    Bush said `enough is enough' regarding the violence in the Middle
    East. The President, in the interests of the U.S., should tell his
    advisors that `enough is enough' regarding Turkey's aggression and
    occupation in Cyprus, its genocide against the Kurds, its blockade of
    humanitarian aid to Armenia, its national torture policy, its
    thousands of political prisoners, its jailing of journalists, the lack
    of religious freedom, its denial of the Armenian Genocide and the
    Turkish military's control of national security and foreign policy and
    its harmful influence on domestic policy.

    Secretary Rumsfeld should ask for the resignations of Wolfowitz and

    Gene Rossides is President
    of the American Hellenic Institute
    and former Assistant Secretary
    of the Treasury

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress