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On this day - 07/25/2004

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  • On this day - 07/25/2004

    ONASA News Agency
    July 25, 2004


    1924 - Greece announced the deportation of 50,000 Armenians.

    0326 - Constantine refused to carry out the traditional pagan
    1394 - Charles VI of France issued a decree for the general expulsion
    of Jews from France.
    1564 - Maximillian II became emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
    1587 - Japanese strong-man Hideyoshi banned Christianity in Japan and
    ordered all Christians to leave.
    1593 - France's King Henry IV converted from Protestantism to Roman
    1759 - British forces defeated a French army at Fort Niagara in
    1799 - Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the Ottomans at Aboukir, Egypt.
    1805 - Aaron Burr visited New Orleans with plans to establish a new
    country, with New Orleans as the capital city.
    1845 - China granted Belgium equal trading rights with Britain,
    France and the United States.
    1850 - In Worcester, MA, Harvard and Yale University freshmen met in
    the first intercollegiate billiards match.
    1850 - Gold was discovered in the Rogue River in Oregon. 1854 - The
    paper collar was patented by Walter Hunt.
    1861 - The Crittenden Resolution, which called for the American Civil
    War to be fought to preserve the Union and not for slavery, was
    passed by the U.S. Congress.
    1866 - Ulysses S. Grant was named General of the Army. He was the
    first American officer to hold the rank.
    1868 - The U.S. Congress passed an act creating the Wyoming
    1871 - Seth Wheeler patented perforated wrapping paper. 1907 - Korea
    became a protectorate of Japan.
    1909 - French aviator Louis Bleriot flew across the English Channel
    in a monoplane. He traveled from Calais to Dover in 37 minutes. He
    was the first man to fly across the channel.
    1914 - Russia declared that it would act to protect Serbian
    1924 - Greece announced the deportation of 50,000 Armenians.
    1934 - Austrian chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss was shot and killed by
    1939 - W2XBS TV in New York City presented the first musical comedy
    seen on TV. The show was "Topsy and Eva".
    1941 - The U.S. government froze all Japanese and Chinese assets.
    1943 - Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini was overthrown in a
    1946 - The U.S. detonated an atomic bomb at Bikini Atoll in the
    Pacific. It was the first underwater test of the device.
    1946 - Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis staged their first show as a team
    at Club 500 in Atlantic City, NJ.
    1947 - Fortune Gordien of Oslo, Norway set a world record discus
    throw of 178.47 feet.
    1952 - Puerto Rico became a self-governing commonwealth of the U.S.
    1956 - The Italian liner Andrea Doria sank after colliding with the
    Swedish ship Stockholm off the New England coast. 51 people were
    1978 - Louise Joy Brown, the first test-tube baby, was born in
    Oldham, England. She had been conceived through in-vitro
    1978 - Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Red's broke the National League
    record for consecutive base hits as he got a hit in 38 straight
    1984 - Soviet cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya became the first woman to
    walk in space. She was aboard the orbiting space station Salyut 7.
    1987 - The Salt Lake City Trappers set a professional baseball record
    as the team won its 29th game in a row.
    1994 - Israel and Jordan formally ended the state of war that had
    existed between them since
    1948. 1997 - K.R. Narayanan became India's president. He was the
    first member of the Dalits caste to do so.
    1998 - The USS Harry S. Truman was commissioned and put into service
    by the U.S. Navy.
    1998 - U.S. President Clinton was subpoenaed to appear before a
    federal grand jury regarding the Monica Lewinsky case. The subpoena
    was withdrawn when Clinton agreed to give videotaped testimony with
    his lawyers present.
    1999 - Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France. He was only the second
    American to win the race. He won the race again in 2000.
    2000 - A supersonic Concorde crashed outside Paris, France, killing
    all 109 people aboard and 5 on the ground.