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Armenian-Georgian Commission on Economic Coop Opens Third Meeting

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  • Armenian-Georgian Commission on Economic Coop Opens Third Meeting


    TBILISI, July 26 (Noyan Tapan). Armenian Prime Minister Andranik
    Margarian paid a two-day official visit to Tbilisi July 26. The
    Armenian premier and the delegation headed by him attended the opening
    ceremony of the third meeting of the Armenian-Georgian
    Inter-Governmental Commission on Economic Cooperation on July 26. The
    RA Government's Press Office reports to NT, Georgian Prime Minister
    Zourab Zhvania stressed the importance of organizing the meeting after
    a certain break. The fact that the prime ministers of the two
    countries are co-chairmen of the Commission, Mr. Zhvania stated,
    testifies to the serious intentions of the sides to enlarge and
    develop economic cooperation. "It is impossible to imagine Georgia's
    development without the development of Armenia.

    Harmonic development of the closest neighbors, including Armenia, is
    priority for Georgia," Zourab Zhvania stated. RA Premier Andranik
    Margarian also emphasized in his speech that the decision to increase
    the level of the inter-governmental commission proves the two
    countries are serous about improving trade and economic cooperation
    which is a new stimulus for the full use of the potential observed in
    the sphere. He stated part of the decision adopted at the Commission's
    previous meeting were not carried out, thus the relevant ministries
    and departments of the two countries must take efforts to fill in this
    gap. Stressing the importance of both bilateral and multilateral trade
    and economic cooperation between Armenia and Georgia, he emphasized
    that Armenia is really interested in the future development and
    deepening of this cooperation in two directions: East-West and
    North-South. The agenda of the meeting includes around a dozen issues
    among them the approval of the order of the Commission's activity, the
    process of fulfillment of the decisions adopted at the previous
    meeting's, the current state cooperation and development prospects in
    the sphere of legal-contractual base, as well as trade and economic,
    transport, communication, and humanitarian spheres.