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Tchilingirian lectures at Haigazian on the Armenians of Abkhazia

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  • Tchilingirian lectures at Haigazian on the Armenians of Abkhazia

    Department of Armenian Studies, Haigazian University
    Beirut, Lebanon
    Contact: Ara Sanjian
    Tel: 961-1-353011
    Email: [email protected]


    BEIRUT, Monday, 19 July, 2004 (Haigazian University Department of
    Armenian Studies Press Release) -- Dr. Hratch Tchilingirian lectured at
    Haigazian University on "The Armenian Community of Abkhazia" on
    Thursday, 15 July, 2004.

    Tchilingirian is Research Fellow and Associate Director of Projects of
    the Eurasia Program at the Judge Institute of Management, University of
    Cambridge. He received his PhD from the London School of Economics and
    Political Science in February 2003. The title of his dissertation was
    "The Struggle for Independence in Post-Soviet South Caucasus: Karabakh
    and Abkhazia." Tchilingirian's research interests include political and
    territorial disputes in the Caucasus and Central Asia and their impact
    on economic and geo-strategic developments, the affairs of the Armenian
    Church and the Diaspora. His numerous analytical articles and reports
    have appeared in journals and publications in Europe, North America and
    the Middle East. Tchilingirian's talk on the Armenians of Abkhazia was
    partly based on his two-week trip to Abkhazia in the summer of 2003.

    Tchilingirian first described the overall situation in Abkhazia, which
    lies on the north-eastern shores of the Black Sea and has a territory of
    8,600 sq km. Abkhazia was an autonomous republic within Georgia during
    the Soviet period. With its wonderful climate and developed
    infrastructure for tourism, it was considered the 'Riviera' of the
    Soviet Union. Successive Soviet leaders from Stalin onwards had their
    summer resorts in Abkhazia. About 1.5 million tourists visited Abkhazia
    annually in Soviet times, when its total population was only half a
    million. Agriculture was also a very successful sector of the economy,
    and Abkhazia had one of the highest GDPs in the Soviet Union.

    The Abkhaz form a separate ethno-linguistic group in the North Caucasus,
    said Tchilingirian. Ancient Greek and Roman chronicles already mention
    them as living in this area. Sixty percent of the Abkhaz nominally
    follow the Byzantine Orthodox tradition of Christianity. Abkhazia came
    under Ottoman rule in the fifteenth century and stayed as such in the
    next few hundred years. Some forty percent of the Abkhazians now are
    Muslims. However, both Christian and Muslim Abkhazians remain attached
    to their earlier pagan rites. There is no mosque, for example, on the
    territory of Abkhazia, which was conquered by the Russians in the early
    nineteenth century.

    The lecturer explained that the Abkhaz had been a minority in their
    autonomous republic in Soviet times, forming only 18 percent of the
    total population. Georgians were the majority. Throughout the Soviet
    period inter-ethnic problems existed between the two communities,
    leading to the emergence of an Abkhaz secessionist movement. One of the
    key grievances of the Abkhazians was the systematic policy of
    "Georgianization", which restricted the use of the Abkhaz language and
    culture. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, a war erupted between
    the Abkhaz and the Georgians. It ended in an Abkhaz victory, but at the
    high cost of many deaths and destruction.

    Tchilingirian continued that despite the presence of cease-fire
    observers representing the United Nations and the Commonwealth of
    Independent States (the latter, largely Russians), sporadic clashes do
    continue in the bordering region of Gali. Some 60,000 Georgians have
    recently been permitted to resettle in the Gali region, but another
    250-275 thousand Georgians, who fled Abkhazia during the war, remain
    refugees. Hence, the overall population of Abkhazia has gone down in
    recent years.

    According to official figures, there are now 350 thousand inhabitants in
    Abkhazia. However, Tchilingirian stated that unofficial figures put the
    number at 250 thousand, which is more realistic. The parliament has
    passed a law making Abkhaz the primary language in the country and
    rendering its teaching mandatory in all schools. However, there are not
    enough qualified teachers to teach the native language, and the Abkhaz
    generally remain Russophone, especially in the cities. Moreover, there
    has been a very sharp economic decline since the war. People now largely
    subsist on private, small-scale agriculture. Not much reconstruction is
    going on, and many of the buildings damaged during the war are still not
    repaired, especially in Sukhum, the capital. Post-war Abkhazia is
    completely dependent on Russia. It carries on most of its trade with its
    large, northern neighbor and uses the Russian ruble as its currency. The
    Abkhaz are also following Russian time, which has two hours' difference
    from Georgia.

    There are some signs that the economy, especially tourism, is gradually
    picking up, explained Tchilingirian. Some 300 thousand tourists from
    Russia visited Gagra from January to August 2003, a much cheaper
    destination compared to similar locations in Russia. Moreover, Russian
    companies are now investing in tourism and energy exploration in Abkhazia.

    Tchilingirian then focused on the Armenians living in Abkhazia, who, he
    said, feel isolated from and are largely forgotten by fellow Armenians
    both in Armenia and in the rest of the Diaspora.

    Armenians have lived in Abkhazia for about 150 years, said
    Tchilingirian. Although Armenian merchants had established a small
    community there in the Middle Ages, the first wave of the ancestors of
    modern-day Armenians in Abkhazia arrived only in the 1880s, fleeing the
    regions of Trabzon, Ordu and Samsun-Jenik in the Ottoman Empire. A
    second wave followed after the genocide of 1915, especially from Artvin.
    Hence, the Armenians of Abkhazia descend mostly from the region of
    Hamshen, but unlike the Islamized Hemshin living in Turkey and Adjaria
    today, the Hamshen Armenians of Abkhazia remain Christian.

    Tchilingirian underlined the fact that, after the flight of the
    Georgians, Armenians now form about 30 percent of the population of
    Abkhazia. According to official figures, Armenians number about 100
    thousand out of the total 350 thousand inhabitants of Abkhazia. The
    lecturer gives more credence, however, to the estimate of 60-80 thousand
    Armenians currently living in Abkhazia, out of a total estimated
    population of 250 thousand. Armenian presence is significant in Sukhum,
    Gudauta, Gagra and their vicinities, while Armenians living previously
    in and around Ochamchira have left their homes. There are now around
    50-60 Armenian villages in Abkhazia, while, in the past, that number was
    as high as 100. Moreover, Armenians living in the city of Adler in
    southern Russia have family ties with the Armenians in Abkhazia.

    Tchilingirian explained that even after the expulsion of the Georgians,
    Abkhazians now only form a plurality in their country and are destined
    to remain less than half the total population in the foreseeable future.
    Following the Armenians, the Russians are now the third largest group.
    The Abkhaz are trying to forge close ties with the other minorities in
    their republic, and, hence, the Armenians can play a significant role in
    the country's internal and external politics. The strong Armenian voice
    in Abkhaz politics is also conditioned by the extensive Armenian
    participation in the Abkhaz war against Georgia. There were two Armenian
    battalions, totaling 1500 soldiers, in the Abkhaz army, which consisted
    of 6-7 thousand soldiers. The Armenians sustained 240 dead, and there
    are now about 300 crippled former Armenian fighters. Twenty Armenians
    were made heroes of Abkhazia, the highest honor in the country, while 70
    others received other decorations. There are currently three Armenian
    deputies in the Abkhaz Parliament, which consists of 35 members. Among
    them is Galust Trapizonian, who lost his leg fighting in the war. Other
    Armenians serve in the ministries and town councils. In Gagra, Armenians
    form 40 percent of the population, and Ishkhanuhi Kasian is the city's
    deputy mayor. Eight out of the Gagra town council's 28 members are
    Armenian, while Arsen Altunian is the deputy commander of Abkhazia's
    small air force.

    There are currently 41 Armenian all-day schools in Abkhazia, said
    Tchilingirian, with 3180 students and 640 teachers. Before the war,
    there were 52 Armenian schools. These schools are now being sponsored by
    the community's two main organizations, Krunk (founded in Sukhum in
    1994) and Mashtots (formed in Gagra in 1989). The Abkhaz government is
    providing 50 percent of the salaries of the teachers, while the other
    half is being supplied by the parents of the students. Almost all
    teachers in these schools are Armenian, with very few Russians and
    Abkhaz. The difficulties these schools face range from organizing an
    up-to-date curriculum and acquiring textbooks to coping with the lack of
    qualified teachers and money to repair the damage caused to the
    buildings during the war. For example, the Hovhannes Tumanian school in
    the mostly Armenian inhabited village of Alakhadzi, south of Gagra, was
    renovated in 2003 only after the principal found a benefactor, a
    graduate of this school, who is now a successful businessman in the
    Czech Republic. In recent years, the Armenian schools in Abkhazia have
    been receiving textbooks from Armenia, but the shipment costs from
    Yerevan have to be covered by the local community.

    Tchilingirian told the audience that cultural life in the Armenian
    community of Abkhazia is only developing gradually. The Tsovashunch song
    and dance ensemble has been organized in Sukhum, and there is a
    bilingual (Armenian-Russian) newspaper, "Hamshen", published and edited
    by Artavazd Saretsian and his wife, Gohar. They receive no financial
    assistance and rely solely on subscription fees and the sale of
    individual issues. There are extremely few paid advertisements published
    in the newspaper. Tchilingirian explained that Saretsian has an old
    computer, on which the newspaper is prepared. Once a month, Gohar takes
    the diskette to the nearby Russian city of Sochi. She returns to Sochi a
    week later to take the 2000 printed copies for distribution in Abkhazia,
    bribing the Russian border guards along the way. Artvazd Saretsian is a
    poet and a member of the Armenian section of the writers' union in
    Abkhazia. He has translated Abkhazian sayings and short stories into
    Armenian. Besides the newspaper, he also publishes books. There are two
    Armenian church buildings in Sukhum and Gagra, but they have no
    full-time priests. Armenian clerics from the neighboring region of
    Krasnodar in Russia visit the community from time to time.

    Tchilingirian explained that Armenian activities are hampered due to the
    lack of official links between Armenia and Abkhazia. The Armenian
    government does not wish to annoy Tbilisi. Like all former Soviet
    republics, Armenia had its own summer resort in Abkhazia, the Armenia
    Hotel, where the Soviet Armenian elite passed its summer vacations.
    Since the war, the Armenian government has practically given up its
    rights over this hotel so as not to be forced to sign any agreement with
    the Abkhaz government, which is not recognized by Georgia. The hotel has
    now been leased for 25 years to the Abkhaz army.

    In the question-and-answer session, which followed the lecture,
    Tchilingirian emphasized that Armenian community leaders are unhappy
    with the lack of interest that both the government of Armenia and the
    Holy See of Echmiadzin show towards them. In the absence of Armenian
    priests, some Armenians hold their weddings and baptisms in the local
    Orthodox churches. Moreover, he made it clear that while the dialect of
    the Armenians in Abkhazia is closer to the western branch of the
    Armenian language, the language taught at the Armenian schools is the
    standard Eastern Armenian. Armenians are engaged in agricultural trade
    and many own cafés along the seashore. During the war years, some 15-20
    thousand Armenians migrated to Russia, and many of the youth continue to
    see no prospects for the future, a feature which deeply concerns the
    community leaders. In the past, most Armenians in Abkhazia used to study
    in the institutions of higher learning in Armenia. These graduates
    continue to hold the important positions in the community. However, the
    Armenian government has ceased providing full scholarships to Armenians
    from Abkhazia in the past 2-3 years, resulting in a sharp decline in the
    number of Armenians from Abkhazia specializing in Yerevan. This feature
    will undoubtedly adversely affect the teaching of Armenian subjects in
    Abkhazia in the future, said Tchilingirian. Abkhazia has its own
    university from Soviet times, but its educational standards are not
    high. When a member of the audience asked about new religious movements,
    the lecturer explained that the Abkhaz government has passed laws
    against the spread of religious cults. Indeed, as an unrecognized state,
    Abkhazia has avoided the scrutiny of international human rights
    organizations. Finally, Tchilingirian informed the audience that
    presidential elections would be held in Abkhazia in October, and various
    Abkhaz factions are now courting the estimated 30 thousand Armenian
    voters. Some political parties from Armenia are also trying to establish
    themselves in Abkhazia, but these efforts have received a mixed reaction
    within the local Armenian community.

    Haigazian University is a liberal arts institution of higher learning
    established in Beirut in 1955. For more information about its activities
    you are welcome to visit its web-site at <>.
    For additional information on the activities of its Department of
    Armenian Studies, contact Ara Sanjian at <[email protected]>.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress