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Going to the Bush Not an Option

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  • Going to the Bush Not an Option

    The Monitor (Kampala)
    July 29, 2004

    Going to the Bush Not an Option

    Kintu Nyago

    Reform Agenda and the Parliamentary Advocacy Forum's (Pafo) last
    Friday's Lugogo meeting is a desired pointer to Uganda's future
    political development. As I will endeavour to explain below, our
    future politics lies in civil political means defined by our
    constitution which, of course, can be progressively amended as
    dictated by, non other than, Ugandans.

    The current re-alignment within our political elite was mainly
    triggered by the 2003 Kyankwanzi Movement National Executive
    Committee meeting. This allowed for the lifting of the double
    restrictions on political party activity and Presidential terms

    However, removing these double restrictions require constitutional
    amendment. This should not have been a problem given the government's
    majority in Parliament. But they are insisting that the entire
    electorate be consulted through a referendum, which complicates the
    political equation.

    Mainly so on the question of lifting term limits, given especially
    that though controversial amongst the urban elite, and sections of
    the diplomatic community, this issue seems to resonate well with the
    rural, more conservative population, who constitute our overwhelming

    Then there is the issue of the 2006 General Elections, where
    formidable candidate Y.K Museveni will most likely stand on the NRM-O
    ticket, after his side's securing the amending of Article 105 (2). It
    is only prudent for the NRM's competitors to reorganise now, if they
    are to capture the electorate's imagination and favourably compete.

    It is in vogue and politically trendy for many Ugandan leaders to
    quickly claim that that they are 'going to the bush' in case their
    partisan political interests, no matter how trivial, are not catered
    for. Although the German military theorist Count Von Clausewitz
    explained that war is a continuation of politics by violent means, in
    contemporary Uganda 'going to the bush' to achieve domestic political
    objectives is anachronistic or a thing of the past.

    History informs us that successful armed struggles are not merely
    outcomes of an individual's bravery or even mere popular support.
    Take the instances of the Mau-Mau in Kenya or the bloody Armenian
    struggle in the Turkish Empire. A complex set of objectives and
    subjective factors are required for a successful political armed

    Museveni's successful guerrilla experience in the Luweero Triangle,
    which has motivated a number of young and old to emulate him usually
    for the wrong reasons, resulted from three fundamental factors.
    Namely correct timing, then Museveni and his inner circle's prior
    experience in insurgency activities, coupled with remarkable
    conceptual and organisational abilities.

    And also having possessed a hierarchical, disciplined
    politico-military structure founded on the Front for National
    Salvation that evolved into the NRA/NRM. Museveni also seems to have
    had the knack of crafting and maintaining broad political coalitions.

    Earlier in the mid 1960's Commadante Ernesto 'Che' Guevara's failure
    in neighbouring eastern Congo, had arisen mainly out of poor timing
    that led to operating in a political context where peasant Congolese
    and their leaders, shared little of his grand 'Internationalist anti
    Imperialist agenda'. A later attempt, in the late 1960's, in the
    mountains of Bolivia ended to his death.

    Two other factors favoured the NRM namely; Uganda's economy and state
    structures collapsed during the removal of the Marshal Amin in 1979,
    abated, for sure, by the later misrule. While the little goodies that
    existed only went round to the Uganda People's Congress supporters,
    who excluded others elite.

    In today's Uganda, the state has creatively been re-established with
    responsive civil structures, the Local Councils, with a stake in the
    system. Few, if at all any, LCs would allow their villages or
    parishes to be infested with elite having hair brained 'bush going'

    This explains the Lord's Resistance Army's evil logic of unleashing
    terror upon the population and targeting councillors. Indeed why the
    rebel groups opted to operate from Congo's Ituri forest! While the
    state's 'steel frame' namely the army and intelligence organisations'
    elaborate structures are quite intact and should be ready to take on
    extra-constitutional elements with potent ferocity.

    The liberalisation of the economy, coupled with sound macro-economic
    policies have provided 'many carrots' to a cross-section of ever
    increasing numbers of Ugandans.

    Former Local Government minister, 'Mister' Bidandi Ssali, while
    managing the Museveni's 2001 campaign aptly termed it: "Balina
    kebekoledde", a potent slogan! These will not risk all to "go to the

    Uganda's future politics lies in civil political expression. Apart
    from this being the medium through which our constitutionalism will
    be sustainably nurtured, the odds are pretty high for the warmongers.