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Aggregate Assets of Credit Orgs Increase To 3.6 Billion Drams

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  • Aggregate Assets of Credit Orgs Increase To 3.6 Billion Drams


    YEREVAN, JULY 28. ARMINFO. Aggregate assets of credit orgnaizations in
    Armenia increased by 10% in the second half of 2004 totaling 3.6 bln
    drams, the CB's Press-Service told ARMINFO.

    According to the submitted data, the growth of the aggregate assets is
    accounted for by a 2,804% increase in the crediting of the employees
    of credit organizations and mutually-connected persons (22.5 mln
    drams). Besides, demands to banks and other financial orgnaizations
    increased by 189%, totaling 74.7 mln drams. Crediting of legal
    entities grew by 19.4%, totaling 251.2 mln drams, natural persons by
    23.7%, totaling 1.3 bln drams. Other assets increased by 115.1%,
    totaling 414.9 mln drams. Leasing and factoring operations decreased
    by 17.2%, making up 210.3 mln drams. Investments in state securities
    decreased by 48.6%, totaling 149.6 mln drams. Cash decreased by 54.7%,
    totaling 69.9 mln drams.

    At the same time, in the structure of assets, a 20.8% growth of basic
    funds was registered (479.6 mln drams on July 1, 2004), the calculated
    interests grew by 46.9% (20.9 mln drams), current accounts in banks by
    4.9% (441.6 mln drams).

    Provision of crediting grew by 9.9% in the second quarter and reached
    2.2 bln drams, which was accounted for by an increase in the volume of
    crediting of the agricultural sphere by 4.3%, trade sector by 0.5%,
    financial sector by 205.2%, on consumer credits by 17.2% and other
    branches by 40.6%, which totaled 312.5 mln drams. 110.8 mln drams,
    74.5 mln drams. 862.6 mln drams and 234.5 mln drams, respectively. In
    the crediting portfolio, a 10.8% decline was registered in the
    crediting of the industrial sector, a 1.1% in the sphere of
    construction, 4.2% in sphere of transport and communications, which
    totaled 497.0 mln drams. 88.8 mln drams and 2.2 mln drams,

    The credits and receivables classified on risk groups increased by
    4.9% in the second quarter of 2004, totaling 2.9 bln drams. As a
    result, on July 1, in the structure of crediting portfolio, "standard"
    credits totaled 89.8% or 2.6 bln drams, "controlled" credits - 5.7% or
    164.3 mln drams, "nonstandard" credits - 1.7% or 50.3 mln drams and
    "doubtful" credits - 2.8% or 81.6 mln drams. In the quarter under
    review, some 59.6% and 4% was fixed on "controlled" and "standard"
    credits respectively. While, some 9.7% and 0.1% decline was fixed on
    "nonstandard" and "doubtful" credits, respectively.

    According to data of the CB, by July 1, 2004, 7 credit orgnaizations
    and 1 branch operated in the territory of Armenia. At the same time,
    Express-Universal, SEF-International and Gladzor are universal credit
    orgnaizations, ACBA-Leasing and Agrileasing - leasing orgnaizations,
    Arfin - credit union and "First Mortgage Company" - mortgage credit