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Aggregate Assets of Banking System Decreased to AMD 310.9 mln Q2 '04

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  • Aggregate Assets of Banking System Decreased to AMD 310.9 mln Q2 '04


    YEREVAN, JULY 28. ARMINFO. Aggregate assets of Armenia's banking
    system decreased by 0.2% in the second quarter of 2004, totaling 310.9
    mln drams. The press-service of the Armenian CB told ARMINFO that it
    was accounted for by a decline in the investments in other securities
    by 81.4%, which totaled 3.4 bln drams on July 1, 2004. Besides, other
    assets decreased by 14.6% in the quarter under review, totaling 2.6
    bln drams. Demands to banks and other financial orgnaizations also
    decreased by 14%, totaling 28.3 bln drams. In the structure of assets,
    a 15.4% and 10.2% growth was registered in the crediting of natural
    persons and legal entities, which made up 41.7 bln drams and 70.9 bln
    drams respectively. A 7.6% growth was registered in investments in
    state securities (36.3 bln drams), a 6.8% growth in correspondent
    accounts at banks (63.4 bln drams), a 5.3% growth on the calculated
    interests (1.9 bln drams).

    In the second quarter of 2004 in the crediting portfolio, a 23.4%
    growth was registered in investments in the sphere of transport and
    communications (crediting totaling 1.02 bln drams on June 30), a 7.7%
    growth in the trade sector (24.9 bln drams), 7.4% (8.9 bln drams)in
    the agricultural sphere, a 12.3% (32.9 bln drams) in the financial
    sector, a 18% growth (32,9 bln drams) in the volume of consumer
    credits. At the same time, a 4.7% decline was registered in the
    construction sector (5.1 bln drams).

    Credits and receivables classified on risk groups decreased by 1.3% in
    the second quarter of 2004, totaling 213.3 bln drams. As a result, on
    June 30, "standard" credits totaled 97.7% or 208.5 bln drams,
    "controlled" credits - 1.4% or 2.9 bln drams, "nonstandard" credits -
    0.7% or 1.5 bln drams and "doubtful" credits - 0.2% or 379.9 mln
    drams. In the quarter under review, some decline was fixed on all the
    groups, with the most significant being on "doubtful" credits (64.7%).

    According to the ranking of Armenian's commercial banks drawn up by
    ARMINFO news agency, in the first half of 2004 the general assets of
    13 commercial banks increased, the highest growth was fixed on 3
    banks, including Artsakhbank (40%). As to the remaining 6 banks, their
    assets decreased, with one bank showing the lowest indicator (37.6%).

    According to data of the Armenian CB, by June 30, 2004, 20 banks and
    221 branches operated in the territory of Armenia, with one operating
    in the special administrative regime of the Armenian CB. The results
    of the activity of the country's banking system were summed up on July
    1, 2004 on the basis of data of 19 normally operating commercial