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Armenian-Azerbaijani trade must continue, says Yerevan paper

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  • Armenian-Azerbaijani trade must continue, says Yerevan paper

    Armenian-Azerbaijani trade must continue, says Yerevan paper

    Iravunk web site, Yerevan
    20 Jul 04

    No amount of threats or blockades can settle disputes in trade and
    business relations, an Armenian paper has said, accusing Azerbaijan of
    malice and "fascist-revanchist ravings". Despite the various
    embargoes, annual trade turnover between the countries has been
    estimated at 40m US dollars. Both sides must learn to live together
    and develop relations "in a European way", the paper concludes. The
    following is an excerpt from Leonid Nersesyan's report posted on
    Armenian newspaper Iravunk's web site on 20 July, headlined "Armenian
    brandy to Baku; Azerbaijani petrol to Yerevan", subheadings inserted

    There was a scandalous press conference of the workers of Azerbaijani
    Railways in Baku the other day, where direct accusations were made
    against Transport Minister Ziya Mammadov. The leaders of the
    communications industry protested from the platform at the smuggling
    out of the country of millions of tonnes of Azerbaijani petroleum
    products to Armenia. Passage omitted

    Trade yields 40m US dollars

    This incident and others like it (more about them later) speak for
    themselves: no embargoes and blockades can totally prevent the
    development of Armenian-Azerbaijani trade and economic relations,
    whose annual turnover, according to some reports, is approaching 40m
    US dollars. This is making the powers-that-be on the Abseron peninsula
    nervous, as they believe that only Armenia and the unrecognized
    Nagornyy Karabakh Republic are suffering from their tough refusal to
    cooperate in the business and economic field with the Armenians. In
    the opinion of international experts, the South Caucasus, in
    conditions of a growing process of globalization, is being seen as a
    single, economically indivisible region, whose general development is
    directly linked with the integration of all the states here. So
    business relations between their compatriots and Armenian businessmen,
    regardless of the will of the Azeri leaders, must sooner or later be
    made official. But for the moment a veil is being drawn over these
    relations - at different levels and in various forms. At the same
    time, trade between the Azerbaijanis and the Armenians carries on
    smoothly, yet again confirming the simple truth that money talks and
    has no nationality. One could give the example of the visit to Yerevan
    by a whole detachment of dealers from the Iranian province of South
    Azerbaijan who are moving freely without hindrance. They are having a
    perfectly good time and, apart from dealing in buying and selling,
    some of the "guests" also have time for recreation.

    Incidentally, one should not be surprised that things are peaceful at
    the moment, but it is hard to believe what happened at the beginning
    of the '90s, when guns were rumbling on the fronts of Karabakh and all
    over was a smell of burning. According to unofficial sources, even
    during this tense period in Yerevan Azerbaijani businessmen were
    arriving incognito and, reliably protected by stern Armenian partners,
    they bought up wholesale from local supply depots and exported to
    Baku, Ganca and Naxcivan whatever took their fancy - especially high
    quality Armenian footwear, which was highly regarded at the time in
    the USSR and relatively cheap.

    Without focusing too much attention on the moral aspect of these
    contacts and deals during war time, which became forerunners of the
    current business plans of the sides divided by the conflict, we will
    name just some of them. For example, on the trade counters of Armenian
    towns then and now one could buy all kinds of goods from the former
    international republic: Beta and Azerbaijan tea, caviar of a doubtful
    quality, balyk cured fillet of sturgeon , nar sarab pomegranate sauce
    , petrol and diesel fuel (you could get the latter even at the height
    of the fighting!) and. washing powder with the deadly name of

    In turn, in Baku, as before, the local elite still partakes of
    Armenian brandy, mineral water, fruit juices and the people still
    cadge Armenian cigarettes and wear Armenian-made shoes. When
    diplomatic relations are established between the neighbouring
    countries, the volume and range of trade exchange will considerably
    increase, and that means the dividends of the two sides will increase
    100 per cent from this mutually advantageous business cooperation. It
    is now up to Azerbaijan, which is at the moment opposed to the
    development of economic partnership with Armenia, to ensure that this
    issue is solved positively. Instead, the neighbouring leaders from
    time to time try to "intimidate" the peoples of Armenia and Nagornyy
    Karabakh with astronomical figures of their own oil deposits. The fact
    that this is just bluff is backed up by international experts, who
    estimate that supplies of "black gold" in the world will generally run
    dry by 2030 - 2040. Thus, the age of oil as a lever in the hands of
    politicians is coming to an end.

    Threats and blockades cannot settle disputes

    So, the Azerbaijani side must finally realize that, it is easier to
    settle disputes through the development of world trade and many-sided
    business partnership than by setting up blockades, making
    "threatening" statements, sabre-rattling and breeding cut-throats like
    Azeri officer jailed in Budapest, charged with killing Armenian
    officer Ramil Safarov. Alas, up till now such a realistic approach has
    not been taken on board by official Baku. Armenia, on the other hand,
    looks at things in a more sober manner and believes that common sense
    will prevail.

    One way or another Armenia and Azerbaijan have to live together and
    develop relations, including economic. Our countries are members of
    the Council of Europe and, consequently, it is time we started
    thinking in a European way and not indulging in caveman-like malice,
    perpetual retribution and fascist-revanchist ravings. We must take out
    some conclusions from our own recent history, when the attempt by the
    Azerbaijanis to solve the Karabakh problem by military means and the
    Turkish method of genocide of the Armenians backfired on
    Azerbaijan. Currently Armenia and Azerbaijan have already become
    involved in international multilateral economic projects within the
    framework of the CIS, Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization and
    TRACECA Silk Road transport corridor . A common "Caucasian home" may
    be "erected" if not today, then tomorrow, and what will those
    gentlemen on the Abseron peninsula with their anti-Armenian idee-fixe
    be saying then?