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The Black Sea and the Frontiers of Freedom

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  • The Black Sea and the Frontiers of Freedom

    The Black Sea and the Frontiers of Freedom

    Policy Review (Published by the Hoover Institution)
    June/July 2004
    No. 125

    By Ronald D. Asmus and Bruce P. Jackson

    A series of historically unprecedented events have brought the
    attention of the West to the wider Black Sea region - that region
    including the littoral states of the Black Sea, Moldova, and the
    Southern Caucasus countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. The
    successful completion of the anchoring and integration of Central and
    Eastern European countries stretching from the Baltic to the Black Sea
    in the Euro-Atlantic community marks the end of the grand historical
    project of the 1990s initiated in the wake of the end of the Cold
    War. Moreover, the terrorist attacks of 9-11 and 3-11 have underscored
    the dangers of a new century and the fact that the greatest threats to
    both North America and Europe are now likely to emanate from further
    afield and beyond the continent, in particular from the Greater Middle

    These events have begun to push the Black Sea from the periphery to
    the center of Western attention. At the same time, they have
    underscored the fact that the West today lacks a coherent and
    meaningful strategy vis-à-vis this region. Neither the United
    States nor the major European powers have made this region a priority
    nor have they identified strategic objectives in the region. Absent a
    compelling rationale attractive and comprehensible to elites and
    publics on both sides of the Atlantic, this is unlikely to
    change. Absent such a rationale, Europe and the United States are not
    going to be willing or able to generate the attention and resources
    necessary to engage and anchor the countries of the wider Black Sea
    region to the West - let alone to help them transform themselves into
    full partners and perhaps, over time, full members of the major
    Euro-Atlantic institutions. We mean to explain in this essay why the
    Black Sea region needs to be at the forefront of the Euro-Atlantic

    Years of neglect

    Why has the West lacked such a strategy in the past and what has
    changed to make one so critical now? Four main factors explain the
    past lack of interest. First, in many ways the wider Black Sea region
    has been the Bermuda Triangle of Western strategic studies. Lying at
    the crossroads of European, Eurasian, and Middle Eastern security
    spaces, it has been largely ignored by mainstream experts on all three
    regions. Geographically located at the edge of each, the region has
    not been at the center of any. When it came to Europe, our priority
    was with the arc of countries extending from the Baltic states to the
    Eastern Balkan states. When it came to the former Soviet Union, we
    were focused on building a new cooperative relationship with
    Moscow. And apart from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the interests
    and attention of our Middle Eastern policy usually ceased at Turkey's
    southern border.

    Second, given the crowded agenda of the Euro-Atlantic community since
    the collapse of communism 15 years ago, there was little time or
    political energy left to address the wider Black Sea region. The task
    of anchoring and integrating Central and Eastern Europe, stopping the
    Balkan wars, and putting those countries back on a path towards
    European integration - and, finally, trying to establish a new and
    cooperative post-Cold War relationship with Moscow - became full-time
    preoccupations. If one looked at the list of priorities of an American
    secretary of state or European foreign minister in the 1990s, rightly
    or wrongly, the Black Sea rarely broke through into the top tier of
    concerns. The exception was, of course, Turkey, which fought a lonely
    political battle to get the West to pay more attention to the
    region. Almost by default, our considerable interest in the safe and
    stable flow of energy through the region ended up driving our policy -
    as opposed to some overarching vision of how we saw the place of these
    countries in the Euro-Atlantic community.

    Third, there was also little push from the region for a closer
    relationship with the West. No Lech Walesa or Vaclav Havel emerged to
    capture our attention or pound at our door. The countries of the
    region, different and with widely varying aspirations, were
    preoccupied with their own problems and at times engaged in civil war
    and their own armed conflicts. Any thought of joining the West in the
    foreseeable future seemed unrealistic or even utopian - in their eyes
    as well as ours. In the West, there is always a tendency to ignore or
    neglect problems for which one has no immediate answer or prospect for
    success: the `too hard to handle' category. Henry Kissinger is
    reported to have said that a secretary of state should not tackle an
    issue without at least a 90 percent likelihood of success. The
    problems of the wider Black Sea region were seen as failing to meet
    that standard.

    Fourth, the Black Sea has been a civilizational black hole in the
    Western historical consciousness. We suffer not only from a lack of
    familiarity with the region, its people, its problems, its rich
    culture, and its contribution to the spread of Western civilization,
    but also from a kind of historical amnesia. For some, `Europe' meant
    Western Europe; for others, it extended to the Baltic Sea and the
    Black Sea - but in the case of the latter, only to its western and
    southern edges. For many in the West, Ukraine and the Southern
    Caucasus seemed far-away lands of which we knew little and, rightly or
    wrongly, cared less. Others were too afraid even to think about
    venturing into what Moscow claimed to be its `near abroad' and natural
    sphere of domination.

    Many of these hurdles and constraints are starting to soften or
    change. As the West succeeded in implementing its agenda of the 1990s,
    it now can afford to lift its geopolitical horizon and think about
    challenges that lie farther afield. The successful example of the `Big
    Bang' of nato and eu enlargements has helped awaken aspirations in the
    wider Black Sea region. Today, a new generation of democratic leaders
    in the region openly proclaims the desire to bring their countries
    closer to and eventually to join the Euro-Atlantic community. Having
    succeeded in joining nato, countries like Bulgaria and Romania are
    joining Turkey in trying to impress upon the West the need to make the
    Black Sea a higher strategic priority. Having largely ignored the
    region for the past decade, the West is starting to wake up to the
    need to determine just exactly what our objectives and strategy should

    What is the wider Black Sea region?

    Historically, the black sea has stood at the confluence of the
    Russian, Persian, and Ottoman Empires. During the Cold War, it was
    further divided between East and West. Public images of the region
    were shaped as much by spy thrillers and James Bond movies as anything
    else. The twin revolutions of 1989 and 1991, leading to the collapse
    of communism in Eastern Europe and the dissolution of the ussr itself,
    in turn opened the door for a new chapter in the region's history and
    called attention to it for the first time since parts of the `Great
    Game' were played out along its shores in the nineteenth century. With
    nato members Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey dominating the western and
    southern shores and newly minted cis states Moldova, Ukraine, Russia,
    and Georgia along the north and east, the region begins to take shape.

    The wider Black Sea region must also include all three Southern
    Caucasus states - Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. In referring to
    the region, we implicitly refer to the Euro-Asian energy corridor
    linking the Euro-Atlantic system with Caspian energy supplies and the
    states of Central Asia. Moreover, we are also making some claim to the
    projection of a Black Sea system northward from Transnistria, Odessa,
    and Sokhumi because a stable system would require both the resolution
    of `frozen conflicts' along a northeast arc and access to the great
    commercial rivers that flow into the Black Sea: the Danube, Dniester,
    and Dnieper. Conceptually, then, the wider Black Sea region is as
    broad and variegated a region as the North German Plain or the
    Baltic/Nordic zone.

    Significantly, the concept of a unitary Black Sea region was
    envisioned in several 1990s efforts to build regional cooperation,
    first in ad hoc structures and since 1999 in the engagement of major
    Euro-Atlantic and European institutions. Limited systems of
    cooperation such as the Black Sea Economic Council and the so-called
    guuam (a coordination mechanism among former Soviet republics Georgia,
    Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Moldova) reflected a growing
    sense of common economic and political interest. The articulation of
    the so-called Southern Dimension of European security and in 2001 the
    accession of Romania and Bulgaria to nato in April 2004 confirmed that
    three major states of the Black Sea region agreed that they shared a
    single security system fully integrated into the larger Euro-Atlantic
    system. As we approach the nato summit in Istanbul, both Ukraine and
    Georgia are pursuing nato membership, suggesting that these states
    also see their futures in terms of shared Black Sea security and

    A similar convergence of regional interests can be seen in the
    development of relations with the European Union. The countries on the
    south and western shores of the Black Sea - Turkey, Bulgaria, and
    Romania - constitute the entire class of formal applicants to the
    European Union and, therefore, potentially an integrated political and
    economic system. After the anticipated decision on June 12, 2004 to
    extend Europe's Neighborhood Policy to Georgia, Azerbaijan, and
    Armenia, all the countries on the northern and eastern shores of the
    Black Sea - including Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova - will be engaged
    in developing closer relations with the European Union.

    The engagement of other multilateral institutions - the Organization
    for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Minsk Group approach to
    the `frozen conflicts' of the Black Sea, the negotiations surrounding
    the southern flank of the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe -
    all follow the formula of `Common Regional Problems, Cooperative
    Regional Solutions.' Common economic and security interests and the
    gravitational pull of a rapidly integrating Europe are driving the
    Black Sea states toward some manner of regional convergence. While the
    persistence of conflict and the fragility of national institutions
    suggest that the emergence of a fully functional Black Sea
    geopolitical system is still some years in the future, there is strong
    evidence that the Black Sea is indeed an inchoate Euro-Atlantic
    region. It follows that the Euro-Atlantic states have an interest in
    and should have a strategy towards such an important and potentially
    positive development.

    The strategic case

    Why do we need a new Euro-Atlantic strategy for the Black Sea region
    today? Let's begin with the strategic case, which has two major
    reinforcing components. The first element has to do with completing
    the job of consolidating peace and stability within Europe. The other
    has to do with addressing the most dangerous threat to future
    Euro-Atlantic security, which emanates from beyond the continent in
    the Greater Middle East. A subsidiary but still important strategic
    consideration pertains to European access to energy supplies.

    Over the past decade nato and the eu successfully projected stability
    and helped consolidate democracy throughout much of the eastern half
    of the European continent, from the three Baltic states in the north
    to Romania and Bulgaria in the south. As a result, Europe today is
    probably more democratic, prosperous, and secure than at any time in
    history. At the same time, there are parts of the continent where
    peace and stability are not yet fully assured. They are centered in
    the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Belarus, and the Black Sea. Whereas
    the eu and nato are heavily engaged in the Balkans and are developing
    new approaches toward Ukraine and Belarus, the same cannot be said
    with regard to the Black Sea, a region just as important strategically
    and arguably more so.

    The inclusion of the wider Black Sea region in the Euro-Atlantic
    system would both consolidate the foundation of this system and
    buttress it against many of the future threats to its peace and
    stability which concern us most. The case for strategic buttress is
    easiest to illustrate in the negative. If one thinks about many of the
    major new problems and threats Europeans today are concerned about -
    be they in the form of illegal immigrants, narcotics, proliferation,
    or even trafficking in women - the wider Black Sea region is the new
    front line in combating them. This region constitutes one of the key
    routes for such illegal contraband. The traditional trade routes of
    the Silk Road are now used to bring heroin to European markets and
    dangerous technologies to al Qaeda terrorists. For the first time in
    more than a century, trade routes under the control of European states
    are being used for a sex-slave trade in women and children. Moreover,
    the four `frozen conflicts' monitored by the osce (Transnistria,
    Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Nagorno-Karabakh) run through the region.
    It is widely and correctly believed that these unresolved fragments of
    Soviet Empire now serve as shipment points for weapons, narcotics, and
    victims of trafficking and as breeding grounds for transnational
    organized crime - and, last but not least, for terrorism.

    Another equally important strategic reason has to do with the Greater
    Middle East. During the twentieth century, Europe - and Central Europe
    in particular - was the locus of the greatest potential conflict
    confronting the West. The Fulda Gap in a divided Germany was the place
    many feared the next major war would erupt. Today the only Gap left in
    Fulda sells blue jeans, and we worry about terrorists armed with
    weapons of mass destruction launching attacks on either side of the
    Atlantic. Now the Greater Middle East is the place from which the most
    dangerous threats to the Euro-Atlantic community are likely to emanate
    and where Americans and Europeans are most likely to risk and lose
    their lives.

    The Black Sea region is at the epicenter in the grand strategic
    challenge of trying to project stability into a wider European space
    and beyond into the Greater Middle East. As nato expands its role in
    Afghanistan and prepares for a long-term mission there and
    contemplates assuming added responsibilities in Iraq, the wider Black
    Sea region starts to be seen through a different lens: Instead of
    appearing as a point on the periphery of the European landmass, it
    begins to look like a core component of the West's strategic

    Put simply, the interface between the Euro-Atlantic community and the
    Greater Middle East runs across the Black Sea, the new Fulda Gap. The
    generational challenge of projecting stability into the Greater Middle
    East will be much aided by a stable and successfully anchored wider
    Black Sea region. This is not just a matter of geography, territory,
    or Western access to military bases that might better enable us to
    prosecute the war on terrorism. We have a key interest in seeing the
    countries of this region successfully transform themselves into the
    kind of democratic and stable societies that can, in turn, serve as a
    platform for the spread of Western values further east and
    south. Azerbaijan's ability to transform itself into a successful
    Muslim democracy may be as important to our ability to win the war on
    terrorism as access to military bases on Azeri soil. What these
    countries become may be as important as where they are.

    The mechanisms and alliances Europe and the United States develop in
    cooperative efforts in the Balkans, Caucasus, and Black Sea region
    will also likely be immeasurably valuable in tackling the long-term
    challenge of bringing democracy to the Greater Middle East. In the
    wider Black Sea region, ethnic conflicts, post-conflict societies, and
    economic devastation confront us with the same conditions we will find
    in the Greater Middle East. We may look back on a successful Black Sea
    strategy and see a proving ground on which effective multilateralism
    and nation-building were first developed.

    A final consideration in the strategic case pertains to the role of
    Euro-Asian energy supplies in providing for the energy security of
    Europe as well as the environmental quality of the Euro-Atlantic. At
    present, Europe imports approximately 50 percent of its energy over
    complicated and often dangerous routes through the Bosphorus and
    English Channel. By 2020, Europe will be importing 70 percent of its
    energy from sources beyond Europe. To the extent that we might have
    political concerns about Russian or Saudi influence in European
    capitals or harbor an environmental bias against nuclear power or
    unrestricted shipping off our beaches, we might look seriously at what
    a stable and secure Black Sea system offers as an alternative.

    The wider Black Sea region straddles and indeed dominates the entire
    Euro-Asian energy corridor from trans-Ukrainian oil and gas pipelines
    running to the markets in Europe's north to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    pipeline running to the Mediterranean. A new Euro-Atlantic strategy
    geared towards anchoring and stabilizing the region can potentially
    bring the vast energy reserves of the Caspian Basin and Central Asia
    to European markets on multiple, secure, and environmentally safe
    routes. Not only will these energy supplies secure the prosperity of a
    politically independent Europe for decades to come, but the
    construction and maintenance of these routes will provide an important
    economic stimulus to the economies that were left behind in the
    revolution of 1989.

    The moral case

    As important as the strategic argument for Euro-Atlantic engagement in
    the wider Black Sea region is the moral case. After all, it was
    precisely the combination of moral and strategic factors that made the
    case for enlarging nato and the European Union to Central and Eastern
    Europe so compelling and which eventually carried both elite and
    public opinion. In a nutshell, that argument was based on the premise
    that the West had a moral obligation to undo the damage of a
    half-century of partition and communism and to make Europe's eastern
    half as safe, democratic, and secure as the continent's western
    half. Today that same argument must be extended to the wider Black Sea

    Reaching out to the Black Sea countries is the natural next step in
    completing our vision of a Europe whole and free. Today there are
    growing numbers of voices in the region articulating their aspiration
    to anchor themselves to, and eventually become full members of, the
    Euro-Atlantic community through membership in nato and the European
    Union. Ukraine publicly claims to have made a strategic choice along
    these lines (although some of President Leonid Kuchma's actions as
    well as Ukraine's limited progress on reform have undercut that
    case). More recently, Georgia has clearly moved in the same
    direction. Azerbaijan has harbored nato aspirations for some
    time. Armenia, with its close relationship to and dependence on
    Russia, thus far continues to be the odd man out.

    These aspirations have evoked an ambivalent Western response - just
    as, for many, the aspirations of Central and Eastern Europe initially
    did a decade ago. Overwhelmed with the challenges of completing the
    integration of Central and Eastern Europe, many Europeans don't want
    to consider any options of further enlargement down the road. In
    addition, many in the West have forgotten the key role that this
    region once played in the evolution of Western civilization. Along
    with the Mediterranean, it was the cradle and meeting place of many of
    the cultures and peoples that have built the heritage of what we now
    call the West. Reclaiming those cultures and helping these nations
    reform and transform themselves into societies like ours represents
    the next step in completing the unification of Europe.

    Once again, the West is struggling to define what constitutes `Europe'
    and the `Euro-Atlantic community.' At several points in the 1990s
    debate over nato and eu enlargement, we faced the issue of how far
    membership in these institutions could or should extend. At each and
    every step there were Western voices calling for a pause or a cap on
    the process. The proponents of an open-ended approach prevailed with
    the moral argument that countries which had suffered longer under
    communism or were simply less developed should not be discriminated
    against or punished, but should instead have the prospect of one day
    walking through the open doors of our institutions once they have
    embraced our values and met the criteria for membership. We must press
    that case again today.

    The moral case hinges on the extent of the Euro-Atlantic's collective
    responsibility to those people beyond the immediate scope of our
    defining institutions but who share some or all of the cultural and
    historical characteristics that define our civilization - as, for
    example, Armenians undoubtedly do. The European Union's new
    Neighborhood Policy comes as close as Brussels could be expected to
    get to asking, `Am I my brother's keeper?' As Genesis informs us,
    opinion on this question varies. At one end of the spectrum are those
    who would narrowly define a `core Europe' whose highly integrated
    markets would be restricted to existing eu members and remain a de
    facto `Christian club.' At the other are those who see a politically
    completed community encompassing a wide range of ethnicities and
    faiths within a more modestly integrated Europe. At a minimum, we can
    say with certainty that the answer to this moral question has
    existential consequences for the 250 million people, most of whom live
    in the wider Black Sea region, who await our judgment.

    The second moral reason underlying the need for a new Euro-Atlantic
    strategy for the wider Black Sea region revolves, paradoxically,
    around Russia. Today, all too many people see Russia as a reason for
    the West not to engage in the wider Black Sea region - for fear that
    engagement will generate new tensions with Moscow. The opposite may
    actually be the case. The long-term goals of the West are to support
    the democratization of the Russian state and to encourage Moscow to
    shed its age-old zero-sum approach to geopolitics. A policy that
    essentially cedes the Black Sea to Russian influence is likely to
    retard both. The anchoring and integration of the countries of the
    Black Sea to the West is likely to enhance both. While a full account
    of how to craft a Western policy toward Russia is beyond the scope of
    this paper, one thing is readily apparent: Once again, the West faces
    the dilemma that a strategy aimed at further extending stability will
    in all likelihood be seen by many Russians as hostile. And once
    again, the West will have to reject such thinking and instead be
    prepared to defend its own integrationist logic.

    The reality is that nato and eu enlargement to Central and Eastern
    Europe has not created a new threat on Russia's western border. On the
    contrary, enlargement has probably created a more enduring peace and a
    greater degree of security in the region than at any time in recent
    history. An enlarged nato and eu have eliminated a worry that has
    haunted Russian leaders since Napoleon, namely, the rise of an
    aggressive and hostile power to its west. Moreover, since September
    11, the United States and its allies have done much to reduce the
    threat to Russia on its southern border through the successful war
    against the Taliban and the deployment of a nato-led peacekeeping
    mission in Afghanistan.

    Where to start?

    Developing a new Euro-Atlantic strategy for the wider Black Sea region
    must start with the major democracies of North America and Europe
    recognizing our own moral and strategic stake in the region. In this
    regard, the European Union has already taken a key step by including
    the Southern Caucasus in Europe's Neighborhood Policy, informally
    known as `wider Europe.' This allows these new democracies to begin
    discussing the `Four Freedoms' of wider Europe - freedom of market
    access, direct investment, movement of labor, and travel. While the
    European Union will begin discussions of its Neighborhood Policy on a
    bilateral basis and will attach a high degree of conditionality, the
    liberalization of trade and labor and capital flows with the Black Sea
    countries will swiftly have beneficial regional and subregional

    It is time for nato to take a parallel step at its upcoming summit in
    Istanbul by recognizing the strategic stake the alliance has in the
    region. Such a recognition should be matched by a stepped-up program
    of outreach and both bilateral and regional cooperation. As proved
    effective in Central and Eastern Europe, various Western countries can
    organize themselves to take the lead in working with each of the Black
    Sea countries on a bilateral or multilateral basis. The tools for
    expanded military cooperation already exist under nato's `Partnership'
    programs. What is lacking is the political will and the guidance to
    tailor such programs to the specific interests and needs of the
    region. Much as nato responded to the changed geopolitical
    circumstances of the Visegrad and Vilnius states, it must develop a
    comprehensive Black Sea strategy that complements the political
    objectives of the European Union.

    Finally, North America and Europe, working through the osce and the
    United Nations, must step up and make a concerted effort to resolve
    the frozen conflicts that continue to plague the region, thereby
    setting the stage for the withdrawal of Russian troops who have
    remained since the end of the Cold War. Persistent conflict and
    occupying forces are childhood cancers in relation to the development
    of peaceful and prosperous regions. In place of economic development,
    a frozen conflict will substitute criminal enterprise and
    trafficking. In place of a shared regional approach to security
    cooperation, Russian military bases have only fostered the
    proliferation of arms, a climate of intimidation, and protection
    rackets. Fifteen years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it is time
    to make the resolution of the frozen conflicts from Transnistria to
    Nagorno-Karabakh a top priority of our diplomacy with Moscow.

    Such steps can help contribute to a new dynamic of reform in the
    region. To be sure, the impetus for reform and change must come from
    within these countries, but the West can both assist in that process
    and help create a foreign policy environment that reinforces such

    In doing so, we would be laying the foundation for the completion of
    the third phase of a wider Europe. The first phase focused on the
    anchoring of Poland and the Visegrad countries. The second phase
    broadened our vision of an enlarged Europe by encompassing the new
    democracies from the Baltics to the western edge of the Black
    Sea. Today we face the challenge of extending our strategy to embrace
    a Europe that runs from Belarus in the north to the eastern edge of
    the Black Sea region in the south. The completion of this vision of a
    Europe whole and free would be a tremendous advance for the cause of
    democracy, integration, and security in the Euro-Atlantic region. It
    would also better position the United States and Europe to deal with
    the challenges of the Greater Middle East. The key question is not
    whether it is desirable but whether it is achievable. What we have
    learned from the enlargements of nato and the European Union and since
    1994 from coordinating the efforts of our multilateral institutions in
    the Balkans argues that a common and compassionate strategy toward the
    Black Sea is well within our grasp.

    Ronald D. Asmus is senior transatlantic fellow at the German Marshall
    Fund of the United States.

    Bruce P. Jackson is president of the Project on Transitional

    Email: [email protected]