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Rapid Tourney Set For Sunday

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  • Rapid Tourney Set For Sunday

    Rapid Tourney Set For Sunday
    by Robert Howard

    Newcastle Herald (Australia)
    June 4, 2004 Friday

    THE Newcastle Chess Association has announced that a rapid tournament
    will be held on Sunday at the Bridge Club, 12 Young Street,
    Broadmeadow. Each side will have 25 minutes for all moves. Prizemoney
    will depend on entries. First round starts at 9.30am.

    The June Australian Chess Federation rating list is out. The top
    players are as follows:

    Rogers 2646 (down 22 points),Wallace 2505 (no change), Johansen 2494
    (down 15), Solomon 2466 (up 20), Lane 2463 (down 30), Gluzman 2458
    (no change), Tao 2439 (no change), Zhao 2424 (up a whopping 44 points
    after his Doeberl Cup win), Bjelobrk 2393 (up 15), Froelich 2389
    (down 11) and Smerdon 2389 (up 9).

    KERRY Stead won the Mingara Major tournament held on the Central
    Coast last weekend on 5.5/6. He won his first five games and then
    drew with Mosaddeque Ali in the last round. Daniel Clint and Alex
    Mendes da Costa shared second on 5/6.

    ALEXEI Shirov swept through the field at the Bosnia 2004 tournament
    held in Sarajevo. He triumphed with 7.5/9, well ahead of second place
    Sergei Movsesian on 6. And Vassily Ivanchuk won the European
    Individual Championship. He and Predrag Nikolic shared first on 9 but
    Ivanchuk won the play-off.

    THE Women's world title series has seen a variety of upsets. Humpy
    Koneru of India eliminated the last surviving player from China, Xu
    Yuhua, in a 2-0 sweep, ensuring that China will not retain the title
    this series. The semi-finals saw the following pairings: Ekaterina
    Kovalevskaya v Humpy Koneru and Antoaneta Stefanova against former
    world title holder Maia Chiburdanidze. The winners were Stefanova and
    Kovalevskaya who now will play a final match for the title.

    THE 75th anniversary of the birth of the late Armenian world champion
    Tigran Petropsian will be marked in Moscow by a match Armenia v The
    Rest of the World. It will be a six-player team match. The Armenian
    team will consist of three Armenians, Vladimir Akopian, Smbat Lputian
    and Rafael Vaganian and three players with Armenian connections,
    Garry Kasparov, whose mother is Armenian, Peter Leko, whose wife is
    Armenian, and Boris Gelfand, who studied under Tigran Petrosian. The
    Rest of the World team is likely to be Viswanathan Anand, Michael
    Adams, Peter Svidler, Loek Van Wely, Etienne Bacrot and Paco Vallejo.
    The event should run from June 10.

    Here are some games from the Women's world title series.

    Xu Yuhua (2474)v Tkeshelashvili (2307) [C10](Womens World
    Championship,Elista, 2004)1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7 5.Nf3
    Ngf6 6.Nxf6ch Nxf6 7.c3 c5 8.Be3 Nd5 9.Ne5 Nxe3 10.Bb5ch Bd7 11.Qf3
    Nf5 12.Bxd7ch Ke7 13.Qxb7 Kf6 14.Bc6 Be7 15.Qxa8 Qxa8 16.Bxa8 Rxa8
    17.Nd7ch Resigns.

    Galliamova (2502) vKhaziyeva (2110) [C41] (Womens WorldChampionship,
    Elista, 2004)1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 Nbd7 4.Nf3 e5 5.Bc4 Be7 6.00 00
    7.a4 c6 8.a5 Qc7 9.Re1 Rb8 10.h3 b5 11.axb6 axb6 12.b3 b5 13.Bf1 Re8
    14.Bb2 Bf8 15.Bd3 Bb7 16.b4 exd4 17.Nxd4 Ne5 18.Nf5 Nc4 19.Bxc4 bxc4
    20.Qd4 d5 21.e5 Nd7 22.Na4 c5 23.bxc5 Bxc5 24.Qg4 g6 25.e6 Rxe6
    26.Rxe6 fxe6 27.Nh6ch Kf8 28.Qxe6 Qf4 29.Nxc5 Nxc5 30.Ba3 Rc8
    31.Qg8ch Ke7 32.Qxh7ch Ke6 33.Re1ch Ne4 34.Qe7 mate.

    Solution to Problem 1117

    (The position was: 1B4k1, 5p1p, 6p1, 8, P2b4, 2p2P1P, 5P2, 5K2)1. ...
    Be3 wins. If 2 fxe3 c2. Whites best is 2. Be5 c2 3. Bb2 but he has a
    lost endgame.

    Problem 1118

    Belov v Lautier, Aeroflot Open, 2004.Black to move and gain a winning
    material plus.(Check: 6k1, p5pp, 8, 1b6, 4B3, P3PK2, 1rp2PPP, 4R3)