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The Genocide of Greeks of Pontos (Black Sea).

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  • The Genocide of Greeks of Pontos (Black Sea).

    Hellenic News of America
    June 6 2004

    The Genocide of Greeks of Pontos (Black Sea).

    Professor Konstantinos Fotiadis (2004).
    The Genocide of Greeks of Pontos (Black Sea).
    Athens: Editions of Institution of Parliament of Greeks for the
    Parliamentarism and the Democracy, p.600 + photographs.

    Presentation by Theofanis Malkidis Ph.D
    Demokritus University of Thrace

    1. A owed action of debt
    The investigation of genocide of Greeks of Pontos (Black Sea) from
    the Young Turks and Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) arrangement constituted a
    question taboo for the Greek historical and political science. The
    Greek-Turkish pact of friendship 1930, the simultaneous integration
    of Greece and Turkey in the NATO in 1952, but also simultaneously the
    called approach of two states, constituted points stations (and) for
    the Pontian question. They are these parameters "that the Genocide of
    Hellenism of Pontos did not acquire the compurgation that it was
    imposed it acquires ", as stresses the writer in his import.
    On one side because the political climate did not allow is
    investigated the crime of mass murders of against Greeks, on the
    other side when this became after initiative of scientists and
    intellectual as minimal debt against the collective memory, faced a
    very hostile environment.
    However after fights and efforts of many years from Pont's
    inhabitants of second generation and associations of interior and
    abroad, the Greek parliament recognized in 1994 the genocide of
    Greeks of Pontos, establishing him 19 May as day of memory and price.
    The law on the recognition of mass crime was from an alone him
    station in the newer Greek history, that more precious perhaps it had
    it offers the Hellenic state to the victims of liquidation from the
    historical homeland and to their descendants, the refugees that
    reached poor in Greece and nevertheless contributed in the Greek
    politician, economic, social and cultural life.
    The recognition of genocide by the Parliament of Greeks had a lot of
    components and other so much priorities. The protection of the 19 th
    May as day of memory of genocide of Greeks of Pontos, "action of duty
    to the history and action of responsibility opposite in the newer
    generations of Greeks", her internationalisation in all the levels
    (recognition from Turkey, the trespass of rights Pontians that lives
    in Turkey and particularly in their place of existence in the
    Pontos), the installation of Native of the Pont refugees from the
    former Soviet Union in Greece, the documentation of genocide.
    For reasons that are known and comprehensible as we reported more and
    are connected with interests foreigner with the memory and the real
    friendship between the populations the decision of national
    delegation on the publication of documents genocide of Greeks of
    Pontos, was not materialised immediately. Thus they passed 10 entire
    years until the Greek Parliament publishes the book of professor
    Konstantinos Fotiadis, which argued the murders of 353000 Greeks in
    the Pontos the interval 1916-1923.
    The book is separated in 13 chapters which cover the history of
    Greeks of Pontos, the ethnological situation in the region, the
    Ottoman reforms and the Young Turks arrangement, that was turned
    against the Greeks (and the Armenian), program of Mustafa Kemal
    arrangement for the crimes in the Pontos. The book includes primary
    sources, the result of research of writer in government and owned
    files of former USSR, France, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Italy,
    Vatican, Society of Nations and Greece, while is mentioned also rich
    bibliography in Greek and other languages.

    2.The crime
    The genocide of Pont's inhabitants (1916 – 1923) with above 353.000
    victims, constitutes a big genocide the 20 th century The term
    genocide as it was shaped afterwards the end of second world war,
    means the methodical extermination, total or partial, national,
    racial or religious team and it is a primary crime, that does not
    have interrelation with martial conflicts.
    The partial or total annihilation national, racial or religious team
    raises, accordingly to the article of 1 special Convention, which has
    voted the General Assembly of UN in 1948 in the crime of genocide,
    that is different from the crimes of war, after «it does not only
    force the martial rules, but the himself it constitutes crime at the
    humanity, provided that it refers in concrete individuals or nation,
    but concerns entire the humanity ".
    Thus the genocide constitutes the heavier crime according to the
    international right, for which in deed does not exist prescription.
    The one which commits the genocide does not exterminate a team for
    something that e you do, but for something that is, s the case of
    Greeks of Pontos, because they were Greeks and Christians.
    The 19 May 1919 date the arrival of s Moustafa Kemal in the
    Samsounta, is the beginning for the second and harder phase of
    Genocide. The terrorism, the working battalions, the exiles, the
    obliteration of leadership in the Amasia in 1921 , the rapes, the
    mass murders, forced the Greeks of Pontos to abandon their homes and
    leave after courses, in Greece, in the USSR, Iran, Syria, and
    elsewhere (Australia, USA) or as means of self-defence is undertaken
    resistance action against the organised drawing of extermination. He
    has become henceforth today perceptible that t a victims of genocide
    would be very more, if did not exist the guerrilla movement. The
    conclusion of Pontian genocide it constitutes violent liquidation
    surviving afterwards 1922 -1923.

    3. The importance of publication
    The recognition of genocide of Greeks of Pontos and the publication
    of author's work of Mr Fwtja'di from the Parliament of Greeks despite
    the delay it vindicated Hellenism of Pontos and connected the modern
    Hellenism with his past via the collective memory, that is to say
    truth. The particular publication of professor Fotiadis is henceforth
    a basic element of memory and « it rests with in the Parliament of
    Greeks it transmits in the parliaments other countries her intention
    to render her respectable memory that of Genocide ". Hellenism of
    Pontos is a big and important part of Greek nation and it is not
    possible to be ignored from the State and the Greek society. The
    safeguarding and the further appointment and internationalisation of
    day memory of genocide, which exceeds the Hellenism of Pontos and
    penetrate all the Greek society, it constitutes main constitutive
    element of institutions and society that are defended the history and
    truth. And as lead the bigger, perhaps, Pontian writer, Dimitris
    Psathas "it is not allowed we sacrifice the historical truth in no
    expediency, as unfortunately, it was established it becomes from the
    time that was engraved the said Greek-Turkish friendship. The non
    critical silence of makes of History, he was perhaps also one from
    their reason s that so much bad headed the ' friendship ' with Turks.
    Throw the veil of oblivion in the past, but dry with, no we hide.
    Know also same the Turks what they made their parents, in order to
    they avoid what they stigmatised them in the same time who want they
    take the place between the civilized nations. Only knowing Turks and
    knowing those us and their stigmatised past, can sometimes engrave a
    Greek-Turkish friendship on solid bases ".

    Destexhe, A., Rwanda and genocide in the Twentieth Century, New York:
    New York University Press. 1996, p. 2
    Fotiadis, op. cit. Capital I Martyrology 1921, p. 365-419.
    Βλ. Φωτιάδης, Κ. op.cit. Chapter ΙC¨ p. 457.
    Fotiadis, K. op. cit. p.17.
    Psathas D. (1953) Ground of Pontos, Athens: Editions of Estia p. 8.