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Spirited return for Armenian brandy

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  • Spirited return for Armenian brandy

    Spirited return for Armenian brandy
    by Kieran Cooke, in Yerevan, Armenia

    BBC News
    June 8 2004

    There is a right time and a wrong time to make foreign investments -
    and Pierre Larretche, the French managing director of Armenia's Yerevan
    Brandy Company, thought he had made the biggest mistake of his career.

    "A great drink", says Mr Larretche

    In the mid-90s Armenia, which had gained independence from the
    old Soviet Union in 1991, embarked on a privatization programme of
    state-run enterprises.

    Mr Larretche, an executive with Pernod Ricard, the French drinks
    conglomerate, was sent here from Paris to assess the potential of the
    Yerevan Brandy Company, Armenia's most prestigious business enterprise.

    "On my recommendation Pernod Ricard paid $30m for the company" says
    Mr Larretche.

    "Immediately afterwards the rouble crisis happened and sales to Russia,
    our main market, dropped by 75%. We suddenly had thousands of barrels
    of unsold brandy on our hands."


    Fortunately for the Yerevan Brandy Company, Pernod Ricard and Mr
    Larretche, the situation has changed dramatically.

    Brandy production has risen from a low of 1.7 million litres in 1998
    to 4 million litres last year. The Russian market, which accounts
    for about 85% of exports, has revived.

    In Armenia, a country of less than three million with few natural
    resources and in which per capita annual incomes are less than $600
    a year, foreign investors are scarce.

    Pernod Ricard's move into the country is a rare business success
    story - but it has been a tough few years.

    I wish I could earn more, but at least these days I have enough to
    buy food - Hakob Karapetyan, Armenian grape grower

    "At the beginning, there was a lot of local resentment about foreigners
    gaining control of a company regarded with great pride by Armenians"
    says Mr Larretche.

    "We had to quickly demonstrate we were here to stay and not here to
    simply asset strip the business."

    Court battle

    The Yerevan Brandy Company, founded in 1887, had been starved of
    investment in the later years of the Soviet period. Its main brand
    name - "Ararat" - was being used by other brandy producers, mostly
    in Russia.

    Pernod Ricard, as the company's new owners, had to undertake a series
    of complex court cases to regain its brand exclusivity.

    It also had to assure Armenia's grape producers - poor farmers
    dependent for survival on sales from their vines - that the company
    would continue buying their produce.

    "Despite the downturn in the market we kept on buying grapes" says
    Mr Larretche.

    "At one stage, due to ongoing production and lack of sales, we built
    up more than 40 years inventory."

    'A natural gift for business'

    As what was once the Soviet market recovered - the Yerevan Brandy
    Company sells mostly to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - capital
    investments were made to streamline the business. In 1998 the business
    had only one computer - now there are 200.

    The firm faced a battle to regain exclusivity over the Ararat brand
    "Armenians are loyal workers and extremely capable managers" says
    Mr Larretche. "They have a natural gift for business - out of 500
    employees here only five are from France."

    Both to ensure the quality of brandy production and to protect local
    grape farmers, the government brought in regulations five years ago
    stipulating that only Armenian grapes can be used in the production
    of Armenian brandy.

    "This guarantees our brandy is uniquely Armenian" says Mr Larretche.
    "But it has created a problem - now we are faced with a shortage of
    grapes and local prices are rising."

    Financial security

    Hakob Karapetyan tends grapes on his smallholding in the Ararat Valley,
    Armenia's main vine growing region.

    In the early 90s - a time when Armenia was suffering acute economic
    problems - Mr Karapetyan was forced to uproot his beloved vines and
    plant vegetables so he and his family could survive.

    As with many Armenian families, Mr Karapetyan's two children had to
    leave the country in search of jobs.

    Life continues to be a struggle but at least Mr Karapetyan feels a
    little more financially secure these days.

    "In the old days, I had to take my grapes to the factory and accept
    whatever price it gave me. Now we have long-term contracts and an
    agreed minimum price.

    "I wish I could earn more, but at least these days I have enough to
    buy food."

    Mr Larretche is confident Armenian brandy can conquer other markets
    besides its traditional ones in the old Soviet Union.

    "At Yalta at the end of the second world war Churchill was so impressed
    with Armenian brandy given to him by Stalin that he asked for several
    cases of it to be sent to him each year.

    "It's a great drink - the equal of any in the world."