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Editorial Chief Ending 27-Year Courant Run

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  • Editorial Chief Ending 27-Year Courant Run

    Editorial Chief Ending 27-Year Courant Run
    By MIKE SWIFT, Courant Staff Writer

    Hartford Courant, CT
    June 9 2004

    John J. Zakarian, The Courant's editorial page editor and a prominent
    figure in opinion writing in Connecticut and beyond, said Tuesday that
    he will retire after guiding the newspaper's voice of institutional
    opinion for more than a quarter-century.

    A past president and life member of the National Conference of
    Editorial Writers, Zakarian became The Courant's editorial page editor
    in 1977, following a career that took him from covering horse races
    as a cub reporter for The Associated Press in Chicago to a Nieman
    Fellowship at Harvard University, and to a host of news organizations
    in between.

    Zakarian guided The Courant's editorial page through a number of
    bruising public battles, drawing the public's ire for the newspaper's
    strong backing for a state income tax in the early 1990s. He balanced
    publishers and editorial boards dueling over the endorsement of
    presidential candidates from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush.

    In recent years, he has headed an editorial board that campaigned for
    the creation of a Coltsville National Park in Hartford and championed
    Park Street as the region's Hispanic Main Street. The board's "Cranes
    and Scaffolds" and "Keys to the City" features prodded developers
    and government officials to pay attention to the city's revitalization.

    A native of the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem who grew up trying to
    balance the highly charged views of both Arabs and Jews, a fluent
    speaker of Arabic, Armenian and English, Zakarian said that he tried
    to avoid putting a particular ideological stamp on The Courant's
    editorial page.

    "I came to The Courant when it was known as a very conservative,
    Republican paper," Zakarian said in an interview Tuesday. "It has

    Nevertheless, Zakarian said The Courant has taken many positions on
    issues over the years that could be characterized as conservative,
    such as championing welfare reform and endorsing Reagan in 1984 and
    Bush in 2000.

    "You always recognize that not everything is black and white. You
    give the other side the benefit of hearing them out," Zakarian said,
    describing the philosophy he grew up with. "But, ultimately, you
    can't go along with somebody just to go along with them."

    Zakarian, 66, said he would have liked to work for several more years,
    but decided to retire because of a recent policy by the Tribune Corp.,
    The Courant's corporate parent, that employees who retire after July
    1 will not be eligible for post-retirement medical benefits. He will
    retire at the end of this month.

    "I probably would not have been pressed to make a decision right away"
    but for the policy, Zakarian said.

    Jack W. Davis Jr., The Courant's publisher, said he would be
    "open-minded" about where Zakarian's successor would come from and
    his or her politics.

    "I think there are people from the editorial board who ought to be
    considered as successors, and people from the rest of The Courant
    and from Tribune," as well as candidates from outside, Davis said.

    Zakarian's "27 years as editorial page editor epitomize the best of
    journalism and the best of The Courant," Davis said.

    The Courant's editorial page, he said, "is as innovative and assertive
    an editorial page as you have anywhere in the United States. I think
    John's peak is in the future as far as being an editorial page editor,
    which was why I was hoping he'd stay."

    Zakarian said he arrived in New York on the Queen Elizabeth in 1957,
    knowing that he had scholarships from Southern Illinois University
    and San Francisco State University, but knowing little more about
    the United States.

    Going to the ticket window at Penn Station, he told the clerk: "I
    want to go to Carbondale, Ill., or San Francisco, whichever is closer."

    He ended up in Carbondale at Southern Illinois, supporting himself
    partly by working as a janitor.

    In the course of his journalism career, Zakarian received awards that
    included the Walker Stone national award for editorial writing and an
    Overseas Press Club award for a series on the Middle East in 1987. In
    1981, he led a delegation of editorial page editors on a tour of the
    Middle East, arranging interviews with leaders including Yasser Arafat
    and Bashir Gemayel.

    Zakarian received praise Tuesday from other editorial page editors,
    in Connecticut and beyond.

    "I think John, when he came to The Courant, sort of raised the level
    of sophistication of the editorial page, made it more far-reaching.
    It had more of a national and international sense," said Morgan
    McGinley, the editorial page editor of The Day of New London.

    "John is a wisdom figure in editorial writing," said Maura J. Casey,
    The Day's associate editorial page editor. "He is both an old-fashioned
    gentleman and a person of stature. He is a person whose integrity is
    just unquestioned."

    Paul Greenberg, editorial page editor for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
    and a Pulitzer Prize winner, said Zakarian was a notable journalist
    for both his civility and his ability to argue an opinion.