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BAKU: Azerbaijan Sends Protest To France Over Karabakh Leader's Visi

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan Sends Protest To France Over Karabakh Leader's Visi


    ANS TV, Baku
    9 Jun 04

    (Presenter) Azerbaijan has sent a protest note to France. The reason
    for this step by the Baku government is a visit to France by the leader
    of the Armenian community of Nagornyy Karabakh, Arkadiy Gukasyan, to
    attend cultural events to mark the 10th anniversary of the cease-fire
    in the first Karabakh war.

    (Reporter) The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has sent a protest note to
    the French Foreign Ministry. The head of the ministry's press service,
    Matin Mirza, said that the reason for this step was a visit to France
    by the leader of the Armenian community of Nagornyy Karabakh, Arkadiy
    Gukasyan. Matin Mirza also said that Gukasyan's French tour could
    not be regarded as an official visit.

    (Matin Mirza) Gukasyan was invited to France by the Armenian
    Association of France. As was the case earlier, the Foreign Ministry
    has investigated so-called visits more than once. As a result, it
    transpired that in general, no representative of the separatist regime
    has ever paid an official visit abroad, and those were private visits.

    (Reporter) Matin Mirza believes that Gukasyan has gone to France
    to raise money. His visit cannot be explained otherwise. He himself
    admitted at a meeting with (OSCE envoy for Karabakh Goran) Lennmarker
    that no country was rendering financial assistance to the unrecognized
    regime of Nagornyy Karabakh. It seems that the goal of Gukasyan's
    visit to France is to get financial assistance for the separatist
    regime, end quote.

    Matin Mirza also commented on the forthcoming municipal elections
    of Nagornyy Karabakh's Armenian community on our occupied lands on
    8 August. He said that as a result of persistent interventions and
    contacts established by the Foreign Ministry, no elections held
    by Nagornyy Karabakh separatists so far have been internationally
    recognized. Matin Mirza is still optimistic.

    (Matin Mirza) In this connection, the Foreign Ministry and our
    diplomatic channels have already contacted international organizations
    and held consultations with them. We are confident that as was the case
    in previous years, this time again both international organizations
    and world countries will condemn any elections held in the self-styled
    Nagornyy Karabakh republic.

    (Reporter) The Foreign Ministry spokesman said that no official foreign
    observers would monitor the forthcoming municipal elections in Nagornyy
    Karabakh, which is Azerbaijani territory. Those who will monitor the
    so-called elections are Armenians who once moved abroad, end quote.