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BAKU: Aliyev receives chairman of Assembly of Turkish AmericanAssoci

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  • BAKU: Aliyev receives chairman of Assembly of Turkish AmericanAssoci

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
    June 9 2004

    [June 09, 2004, 23:19:53]

    President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received at the
    Presidential palace a delegation led by Chairman of the Assembly of
    Turkish American Associations /ATAA/ Mr. Ercument Kilic, June 9.

    Sincerely greeting the guests, the Head of State Ilham Aliyev noted
    in particular that the Assembly of Turkish American Associations has
    a great prestige, and plays an important role in development of the
    Turkey-US relationship. We are closely watching your activities and
    pleased at you achievements, he said.

    The President pointed out active participation of Azerbaijani
    delegation in the Assembly's January 2004 Congress, and expressed
    satisfaction with development of Azerbaijan's cooperation with the
    organization. He also mentioned activity of the State Committee for
    Working with Azerbaijanis Living Abroad, which had been founded at the
    initiative of nation-wide leader of Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev.

    As you know, Turkey-Azerbaijan relationship has always been
    very friendly, we are brotherly countries, President Ilham Aliyev
    stressed. He noted that Turkey had been the first country to recognize
    Azerbaijan after re-gaining the state independence, and that relations
    between the two states had been brought up to very high level since

    These relations have brought great benefit to both peoples; Turkey
    and Azerbaijan are implementing large-scale economic projects in the
    region, and we have always supported each other in the international
    organizations, the Head of State said.

    President Ilham Aliyev also pointed to high-level relationship between
    Azerbaijan and the United States both in political, economic and
    other spheres. He described Azerbaijan as very reliable partner of
    the United States. For the last decade, he said, we showed more than
    once our adherence to this policy not only by issuing statements but
    also by taking practical steps, the President emphasized.

    The Head of State noted with great satisfaction the recent formation of
    the US-Azerbaijan working group in the United Sates Congress, and the
    importance of dissemination of truthful information about Azerbaijan
    among the Congressmen. Despite the US President's waiver of the
    unfair Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act regarding Azerbaijan,
    the President said, it still remains in force. He described the
    Section 907 as one of the results of the great job Armenian lobby in
    the United States is doing against Azerbaijan.

    We are trying to settle peacefully the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over
    Nagorno-Karabakh, President Ilham Aliyev continued, but unfortunately,
    there is no result yet. Everyone should be aware, and the American
    public in particular, that exactly Azerbaijan is a victim of the
    conflict; it is our land that is under occupation, and over one
    million of our people have become IDPs and refugees from the conflict;
    what we want is observance of the international legal norms, and as
    its reflection - withdrawal of the Armenian occupation forces from
    our lands and restoration of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,
    President Ilham Aliyev concluded.

    Having thanked the Head of State for the sincere meeting, ATAA
    Chairman, Mr. Ercument Kilic noted that it is a great honor for him
    to meet the President of Azerbaijan.

    The guest expressed his great satisfaction with the positive changes
    occurred in Azerbaijan for the past years, among which he called new
    airport, hotels etc. He also pointed out the evident achievements
    of the country in the spheres of democracy development, transition
    to market economy, as well as its participation in the international
    peacemaking operations that according to him, is widely propagandized
    in the United States.

    Having stressed the good relations established recently with American
    parliamentarians, Mr. Ercument Kilic noted that members of his
    organization are actively involved in clarifying the situation with
    respect to Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh. He said Karabakh is a
    common wound, and on behalf of the 300 thousand American Turks and
    20 thousand Assembly members assured President Ilham Aliyev that they
    would do their best to achieve the goal.

    In conclusion, the ATAA Chairman extended to the Azerbaijan President
    best wishes for every success in his activity.

    Present at the meeting was Chairman of the State Committee on Working
    with Azerbaijanis Living Abroad Nazim Ibrahimov.