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BAKU: Jailed Azeri opposition leaders' trial postponed due todefenda

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  • BAKU: Jailed Azeri opposition leaders' trial postponed due todefenda

    Jailed Azeri opposition leaders' trial postponed due to defendants' absence

    ANS TV, Baku
    10 Jun 04

    Presenter Opposition members who staged mass rallies in protest
    against the October 2003 presidential elections in Azerbaijan and
    who are being charged with organizing mass riots, did not appear in
    today's session of the court which was to investigate their case. The
    process was adjourned until tomorrow 11 June.

    Correspondent, over archive footage of trial The trial at the Grave
    Crimes Court into the case of opposition activists, Democratic Party
    of Azerbaijan Secretary-General Sardar Calaloglu; the Musavat Party
    deputy chairmen, Rauf Arifoglu, Arif Hacili and Ibrahim Ibrahimli;
    People's Party of Azerbaijan Chairman Panah Huseyn; Hope Party Chairman
    Iqbal Agazada, and the chairman of the union of Karabakh war veterans,
    Etimad Asadov, who are accused of organizing mass actions and riots
    in October 2003 in protest against the outcome of the presidential
    elections in Azerbaijan, was postponed even before it started. The
    reason was that the defendants refused to attend the trial as they
    did in the latest preliminary sessions.

    To recap, the defence lawyers stopped their activities since their
    clients officially dismissed them at the last session. The lawyers
    appointed by the state were sitting in the courtroom today. Only
    the Musavat Party deputy chairman, Rauf Arifoglu, signed a contract
    with his former lawyer, Samad Panahov. Judge Mansur Ibayev said the
    session could not be conducted without the defendants and announced
    an adjournment until tomorrow. The judge said that if the defendants
    were absent for invalid reasons, then they would be forced to attend
    the sessions.

    Leyla Hasanova, ANS.