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CENN - June 14, 2004 Daily Digest

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  • CENN - June 14, 2004 Daily Digest

    Table of Contents:
    1. 57th Meeting of World Journalists Held in Istanbul
    2. Eurasian Space Development Concept Adopted
    3. KfW May Credit Yerevan Hydro Plant Modernization
    4. Terms of Reference --- Agricultural Biodiversity
    5. IRD Tender Announcement


    Source: AzerTag, June 12, 2004

    The regular, 57th Congress of World Association of Newspapers /WAN/ was
    held in Istanbul.

    The organization created in Paris, in 1948, amalgamates 72 newspaper
    associations, over 18.000 newspapers, 12 news agencies, 9
    media-organizations of the world, AzerTAj correspondent reports.

    Aim of annual forum is to unite journalists of world in the period of
    globalisation, protect their rights and interests, and establish
    cooperation between the mass media representatives and editorial offices
    of different countries


    Source: AzerTag, June 12, 2004

    According to information received by AzerTAj, The participants of the
    forum "Eurasia in the 21st century: cultures dialog or civilizations
    conflict", held on the shores of the Issyk Kul high-mountain lake,
    adopted a common Eurasian space development concept.

    "The East and the West as social and cultural formations should have a
    dialog, based on the principles of tolerance and mutual understanding,
    as equal partners", reads the document. "There are no grounds for
    separating or opposing the cultural values from the viewpoint of their
    belonging to different types of civilization", stresses the concept.

    The forum participants came to the conclusion that "only through the
    dialog can the problems of security, counter-terrorism and violence
    globalisation be settled". The economic basis of the dialog should be
    made up of "international trade and tourism development and
    establishment of new transportation corridors".

    The globalisation advantages should be used by all nations to reduce
    poverty and settle the environmental issues, which are closely related
    to the economic and social issues, believe the forum participants.

    "The oncoming generation should be brought up in the spirit of the world
    culture and civilizations dialog", reads the concept.

    The forum was attended by Tajikistan's President Emomali Rahmonov,
    Kirghiz President Askar Akayev, UNESCO Director General Koitiro
    Matsuura, Iran's Vice-President Mohammad Ali Abdahi, and government
    delegations of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Afghanistan,
    Turkmenistan, Russia and other countries, as well as by famous


    Source: Interfax, June 11, 2004

    ZAO International Energy Corporation hopes to receive a credit of 15
    million euros from Germany's Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau by the end
    of 2004 to modernize Yerevan Hydroelectric Plant, plant Deputy General
    Director Mels Akopyan told Interfax.

    He said that representatives from KfW are currently discussing this
    project with IEC General Director Mikhail Mantrov in Moscow.

    Akopyan said that the German bank is waiting for the question of
    guarantees to be resolved before providing the credit. He said that he
    hopes that the credit will be provided under beneficial terms.

    IEC has taken on the obligation of repaying a credit for 18 million
    euros already received from KfW to restore the fifth and sixth
    power-producing units at Kanaker Hydroelectric Plant, which is also part
    of the Sevan-Razdan Cascade power plant. This credit was provided to the
    Armenian government at the end of 2000 for 40 years at 0.75% per annum,
    with a grace period of 10 years.

    The Sevan-Razdan Cascade united six hydro plants build between 1930 and
    1962 and is one of the main electricity producers in Armenia. The plant
    has a capacity of 556 megawatts or about 18% of the total power capacity
    of Armenia.

    ZAO International Energy Corporation was set up at the start of
    September 2003 by Unified Energy System of Russia to operate the Sevan-
    Razdan plant. The company has a license from the Armenian commission for
    the regulation of natural monopolies to produce electricity in the
    country for 15 years.

    Project Consultant (part-time)

    UNDP/GEF Project:
    Recovery, Conservation, and Sustainable Use of Georgia’s Agricultural

    Project Summary:
    The project’s goal is the conservation and sustainable utilization of
    threatened local plant genetic resources important to food and
    agriculture. The project has two immediate objectives. The first is the
    on-farm conservation of selected local agricultural biodiversity in
    Samtskhe-Javakheti, historically the main granary of Georgia, on a pilot
    demonstration basis. The second is to develop and implement a strategy
    for replication of best lessons learned in conservation and utilization
    of local agricultural biodiversity to other Georgian regions.

    The project will address threats and root causes by concentrating its
    technical and financial resources along 5 main avenues of actions.
    First, it will establish sources of primary seed and planting material
    for the threatened crops and fruit varieties. Second, it will strengthen
    farmers’ own organizational structures (e.g. farmer association) as main
    vehicles for production and distribution of seed and planting material
    and experience sharing. Third, it will assist farmers in accessing
    markets, including markets for organic products. Fourth, it will enhance
    access to information on local agricultural biodiversity to farmers,
    authorities, research stations, donors and other stakeholders and
    promote information sharing among them. Finally, the project will ensure
    that best lessons from project activities in Samtskhe-Javakheti are
    replicated to other regions of Georgia.

    The Project Consultant will be responsible to the Project Coordinator.
    The Consultants will provide needed expertise to the Project. The
    Consultant will work in close cooperation with the Project Management.
    His/her responsibilities include but are not limited to:
    ž working closely with the Project Coordinator, Manager and
    Agrobiodiversity Program Officer, assisting in development of work-plans
    for conservation program
    ž development of an assessment and analysis of existing information on
    agricultural sector, including
    - analysis of cross-sectoral issues related to in situ and on farm
    - policy and legal framework;
    - Institutional and human capacity;
    - identification of gaps and assessment of existing needs with respect
    to involving different stakeholders in the conservation program
    ž assisting in preparation of and participation in stakeholders’
    meetings, strategic planning workshops;
    ž assisting with the drafting of strategy document on agricultural
    diversity conservation and sustainable utilisation, as required by the
    Project Coordinator.

    ž Analysis reports and recommendations

    ž Recognized expertise in related subject (local and international);
    ž At least 10 years of experience in professional or academic position
    in related discipline;
    ž Proven ability to effectively analyze situations and communicate
    results well;
    ž Excellent knowledge of written and oral English and Georgian.

    - Higher education in related discipline

    Duty Station

    Period of work
    5 days per month during the total period of the project implementation
    (5 years).

    Deadline for CV submission
    June 21, 2004

    Please deliver your CVs according to the following contact information:
    Mariam Shotadze
    Program Analyst
    UNDP, Georgia
    Eristavi Str. 9, Tbilisi,
    Tel: 25 11 28/29 or 31
    Fax: 25 0071/72
    E-mail: [email protected]


    III Delisi str. Nakveti 16
    Tel: 536487 (contact person: Rusudan Nemsadze)
    Fax: 536484
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Important note: Interviews will be scheduled with the short listed
    candidates only.


    IRD, Inc. is announcing request for application from experienced
    construction/engineering companies to take part in implementation of the
    2-year USAID-financed SAE Primary Health Care initiative project in
    Tsalka district.

    Interested parties are invited to apply immediately. Please submit the
    application documents required below in a sealed envelope to: 1 Irakli
    Abashidze St. Tbilisi 0179 IRD Georgia Office.
    The deadline is June 28, 2004 12.00 AM.

    Organization/Project description:
    International Relief and Development is a US based non-profit,
    non-governmental organization working in Georgia since 1999.
    In 2003 IRD started implementation of the USAID/SAE “Primary Health Care
    Initiative in Georgia” for the period of 2003 - 2005. The project is
    designed to provide medical care and treatment to the vulnerable
    population of Tsalka district. This project will:

    - Increase the professional level of Primary Health Care providers;
    - Improve the condition of out-patient medical facilities.

    The activities outlined address these objectives with an overall goal to
    providing increased access to and improvement of the delivery of primary
    health care services in Georgia.

    General Description of Work:
    Rehabilitation of three village Ambulatories selected by IRD in Tsalka
    district. Due to the severe weather conditions in Tsalka region,
    rehabilitation works should be finished before October 2004.

    Interested organizations should submit the following:
    1. Organization’s legal status and place of registration;
    2. List of the civic infrastructure building/rehabilitation activities
    implemented during the last three years;
    3. Approximate amount (in GEL) of the total operational activities
    implemented during the last three years;
    4. Information about human and material resources;
    5. Information about the bad debt for the State budget and/or any other
    law obligations raised against organization;
    6. Information about participation in construction/rehabilitation
    activities financed by USAID or other international donor organization;
    7. Building-repairing experience in Tsalka Region (desirable).

    Only successful candidates will be contacted on June 29, 2004 before
    6.00 PM. On June 30, 2004 they will be invited to come to Tsalka to
    perform the assessment of physical condition of three selected village
    Ambulatories in Tsalka district. Before July 6, 2004 5.00 PM, they have
    to submit rehabilitation projects for each of three Ambulatories
    (including time schedule and detailed budget).

    Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN)

    Tel: ++995 32 92 39 46
    Fax: ++995 32 92 39 47
    E-mail: [email protected]