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    Armenia Fund USA
    152 Madison Ave, #803
    New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Lisa Markarian
    Tel: 212-689-5307
    Fax: 212-689-5317
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Mgrdich Ghazarian is 54 years old. He lost his vision three years ago
    due to a workplace accident. "I've never used a computer before in my
    life, not even when I had my vision. I can't read Braille because my
    fingertips are not sensitive enough. I think I'm slower than the others
    and it takes a lot of effort but I'm getting the hang of it. I can
    finally get information I want without depending on my family to read to
    me and I can write letters or notes that people will actually be able to
    understand. I can search the internet and send emails. All this is new
    to me and it's very exciting" he says. Thanks to the efforts of Armenia
    Fund USA and YCRDI this is possible.

    June 15, 2004

    Armenia Fund USA Helps Arev Shine for the Blind and Visually Impaired

    Two years ago when Professor Arman Kuchukyan and his team of programmers
    and engineers at YCRDI (Yerevan Computer Research and Development
    Institute, better known as Mergelian Institute), embarked on an
    experiment to create a software program that could help the blind and
    visually impaired use computers. Today that experiment is a reality.
    Today the blind and visually impaired in Armenia have hope for the
    future. Today there is Arev.

    Arev (Armenian Reader with Elocutionary Voice) is assisted technology.
    It substitutes sight with sound and allows the blind and visually
    impaired to be able to operate a computer just like any person with
    perfect vision. Unlike other comparable software programs, Arev operates
    entirely in Armenian. It is a screen-reading program that reads out
    text on the screen through headphones and speakers. Whatever the screen
    says, the program will read. This program will allow the blind and
    visually impaired person to learn, study, and work independently.

    "We asked ourselves, how could computers help the blind and visually
    impaired become more independent, self-sufficient, and better integrate
    into the work force and society? Those who are blind and visually
    impaired are very quick learners, have amazing memories, and no trouble
    understanding the computer during the one month tutorial course" says
    Sargis Karapetyan, a leading engineer. And today, after much hard work
    and very little money we have the only program of its kind ever created
    or used in any of the former CIS countries" says Professor Kuchukyan.

    With Arev the user can scan in books and articles they want to read, or
    write letters and papers. They can play chess, email, and search the
    web. The advantages Arev offers the blind and visually impaired in
    Armenia is extensive, however the limited number of computers available
    is disheartening to the students.

    The Braille system for learning, reading, and writing is an important
    one, but it has its limitations. Braille texts in Armenia are outdated
    and worn from years of use. For individuals who become blind and
    visually impaired later in their life Braille is nearly impossible to

    Every blind and visually impaired person in Armenia can take advantage
    of Arev. The software, valued at $800, will be given free of charge to
    those who are in need, however there remains the very real problem of
    being able to secure computers for those individuals. "We are willing
    to install the program free of charge. Every blind and visually
    impaired person in Armenia can have Arev, but we can't accommodate them
    with computers and hardware. Unfortunately, we don't have this
    capability," Professor Kucukyan said. Ideally, both Director Alexan
    Aharonyan of School #14, a state funded boarding school for the blind
    and visually impaired, and Professor Kuchukyan would like for every
    student there to have in-school access to computers so that they may
    have long term training before moving on.

    This year Armenia Fund USA's generous contributors Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence
    Howard helped equip a classroom at School #14 complete with 6 computers,
    2 scanners, printers, desks, chairs, and all the necessities required
    such as headphones. The school currently has 120 students eight of whom
    will graduate this year. Of those eight students, six will continue on
    to higher education.

    Arev has much to offer these bright students. And after graduating they
    will have more opportunities available to them than they previously
    imagined. They will be armed with the knowledge that they too have
    solid, marketable skills that employers will find valuable.

    "What we need to do now is organize a round-table discussion with
    individuals who are willing to consider the positive effects of this new
    program in Armenia. This means bringing together people from the
    Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Labor, and those who might
    be future employers, to help them understand how this can be of benefit
    to everyone in Armenia". Plans to expand these training programs for
    the blind and visually impaired in Karabakh as well as other regions of
    Armenia are currently being discussed.

    While the programmers and engineers at YCRDI laid the groundwork to help
    make the lives of the blind and visually impaired a little easier in
    Armenia, there is still much to be done in helping to actualize their
    commendable work. Thanks to Armenia Fund USA's ongoing efforts to help
    realize the work done at YCRDI, Arev can keep shining for the blind and
    visually impaired who are eager to take a more active part in the
    Armenian community.

    Those who want to support the project can send in a 100% tax deductible
    contribution to Armenia Fund USA, Inc., 152 Madison Avenue, Suite 803,
    New York, NY 10016. Or, visit us on the web at
    <> to make your contribution online and
    learn about other Armenia Fund USA projects.

    Armenia Fund USA is a non-profit 501(c)(3)organization under U.S. law,
    and restricts its contributions exclusively to humanitarian aid projects
    as defined and determined by the Internal Revenue Code and prevailing
    rules and regulations.