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ASBAREZ ONLINE [06-15-2004]

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  • ASBAREZ ONLINE [06-15-2004]


    1) Karabagh Tops Talks between Oskanian, Powell
    2) EU Includes South Caucasus Countries in Neighborhood Policy
    3) Congressmen Schiff, Radanovich Seek Committee Hearing on Armenian Victims
    Insurance Fairness Act
    4) World Bank Extends $24 Million to Support Armenia Reforms
    5) Gul Presents Turkey's Vision for Karabagh at Islamic Conference

    1) Karabagh Tops Talks between Oskanian, Powell

    YEREVAN (RFE/RL)--Armenia's Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian met with US
    Secretary of State Colin Powell and other top officials on Monday to discuss
    the Mountainous Karabagh conflict, during Oskanian's visit to Washington.
    Commenting on the meeting, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher noted
    that Oskanian and Powell "discussed progress towards settlement of the
    Mountainous Karabagh conflict." "They also discussed the possibilities for
    improving relations between Turkey and Armenia and Armenia's prospects for
    receiving funds under the Millennium Challenge Account," Boucher added. "We
    also understand that Foreign Minister Oskanian is meeting today with Assistant
    Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Beth Jones, to go into some of
    these issues in more detail."
    Oskanian was also due to meet with national security adviser Condoleeza Rice,
    and senior Pentagon officials. Armenian government officials have rarely held
    such high-level talks in the US capital in recent year.
    The meeting comes in advance of the June 21 Prague meeting between Oskanian
    and Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov.
    The two men have met twice in recent weeks under the auspices of the OSCE's
    Minsk Group, co-chaired by the United States, Russia, and France. They have
    both issued cautiously optimistic statements, with Mamedyarov saying late last
    month that the peace talks are "intensifying" after a period of stagnation.
    Oskanian's trip to Washington follows an unexpected visit to Yerevan on
    June 3
    by Steven Mann, America's chief Karabagh negotiator.

    2) EU Includes South Caucasus Countries in Neighborhood Policy

    BRUSSELS (Armenpress/ European Union (EU) this week formally
    included Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan in its European Neighborhood Policy
    (ENP). The move does not open the door to EU membershipofficials studiously
    avoid speculation, saying simply membership is "not on the agenda." However,
    the new neighborhood initiative could, over the next decades, lead to free
    trade, substantial aid grants, and extensive political dialogue with the EU.
    EU foreign ministers hailed the decision--passed by EU's External Relations
    Council in Luxembourg on June 14--as a "significant step forward in the
    engagement with this region."
    The ENP's goal is to create circumstances that will allow Europe and its
    neighboring countries to "share the benefits of an enlarged EU."
    Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia will be given equal opportunity to develop
    links with the EU, and be allowed to submit Action Plans aimed at bolstering
    reforms. The plans, which must last a minimum of three years and promote
    regional cooperation, will be assessed based on individual merits, and in
    conformity to general ENP policy.
    The EU also identified Russia as a key partner in the bloc's new strategy of
    upgrading political and economic relations with its neighbors.

    3) Congressmen Schiff, Radanovich Seek Committee Hearing on Armenian Victims
    Insurance Fairness Act

    WASHINGTON, DCCalifornia Congressmen Adam Schiff and George Radanovich have
    formally requested a committee hearing on the Armenian Victims Insurance
    Fairness Act (HR 3323).
    The bill would allow states to require insurance companies to disclose the
    identity of Genocide-era insurance policy holders.
    Unable to access necessary documents, many victims and their families are
    still unable to collect benefits owed to them.
    The Armenian Bar Association endorsed the legislation in April.
    "It is important for Congress to speak clearly on this issue so that states
    are permitted to act if they so choose," Congressmen Schiff and Radanovich
    wrote in their letter to House Financial Services Committee Chairman
    Michael G.
    Oxley, requesting the hearing. "Private settlement negotiations between
    insurance companies and families have been slow with no final resolutions
    reached to date. Families should not have to wait any longer for
    disclosure of
    policyholder lists."
    Customarily, a committee hearing on a bill is the first step followed by the
    committee's votes on the legislation at a later date.

    4) World Bank Extends $24 Million to Support Armenia Reforms

    WASHINGTON, DC-- More than 22 million dollars will be extended to the Armenian
    Water and Sewage Company to implement its Municipal Water and Wastewater
    Project. The allocation will come from a Development Credit Agreement between
    the Government of Armenia and the World Bank's International Development
    Association, signed on June 14 by Armenia's Ambassador to the US Dr. Arman
    Kirakossian, and World Bank's Resident Representative in Armenia Roger
    Armenia's water utility has undergone fundamental reforms for more than four
    years, and the World Bank credit is expected to advance greater reforms.
    Also signed was a Development Credit Agreement, which will allocate a
    supplemental $1.75 million to Armenia's ongoing Agricultural Reforms Support
    During the signing ceremony, Robinson praised the Armenian government for its
    cooperation in implementing the World Bank programs.
    Ambassador Kirakossian said that by way of its expertise and financing since
    the reestablishment of independence in Armenia, the World Bank has helped the
    Government in its effort to alleviate poverty and promote economic growth.

    5) Gul Presents Turkey's Vision for Karabagh at Islamic Conference

    ISTANBUL (Anadolu Agency)--Speaking at the 31st session of Islamic Conference
    of Foreign Ministers in Istanbul on Monday, Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah
    Gul stressed that the Azeri-Armenian conflict still stands as one of the
    principle obstacles to regional stability, prosperity, and cooperation in the
    South Caucasus. "The time has come to find a peaceful solution to this
    [while] maintaining the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The Armenian
    occupation of Azerbaijani territories has to be brought to an end. This is in
    the interest of the regional countries as well as the international community.
    Turkey is ready to play its role in settling this issue."
    Commenting on the Cyprus issue, Gul noted that it is time for the
    international community to give full backing to the Turkish Cypriots by
    engaging in direct economic, commercial, social and cultural contact. "The EU
    and the United States have already taken some steps with a view to putting an
    end to the isolation of Turkish Cypriots," Gul said, urging the Islamic World
    to also extend full support to Turkish Cypriot "Muslim Brothers."

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