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Chess: 'Rest of the world' triumphs as Anand draws Kasparov in Chess

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  • Chess: 'Rest of the world' triumphs as Anand draws Kasparov in Chess

    'Rest of the world' triumphs as Anand draws Kasparov in Chess

    Deepika, India
    June 16 2004

    Moscow, Jun 15 (PTI) Former World Champion Viswanathan Anand drew his
    final round game with World No. 1 Garry Kasparov ensuring victory
    for the Rest of the world team against Armenia at the Hyatt Ararat
    in Moscow, here today.

    Despite a defeat in the sixth and final round, Rest of World held on
    to their lead, winning the match with a narrow 18.5-17.5 score.

    Rest of the world began the last round with a cushion of two point lead
    at 16-14, while Armenia looked for two extra wins, without defeats.

    Playing the World No. 1 Garry Kasparov with white pieces, Anand
    snatched the precious half a point with a comfortable draw. The
    Sicilian Pelican game between Anand and Kasparov, saw neither player
    willing to take the risk.

    A little out of the theoretical waters, Anand captured the center
    "d" pawn and offered a draw which Kasparov accepted. Just into the
    middle game, Anand held more than an even position on the quenside,
    but Kasparov's double bishop ensured splitting of the point.

    Anand completed the event with two wins, a lone defeat to Leko and
    three draws.

    The only decsive game of the day came from the Vaganian-Adams game,
    wherein the veteran Armenian brought in all his experience in the
    Queens Indian game to down the English Grandmaster.