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BAKU: Two journalists in Nakhichevan suffer systematic harassment

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  • BAKU: Two journalists in Nakhichevan suffer systematic harassment

    Two journalists in Nakhichevan suffer systematic harassment

    Reporters without borders, France
    June 16 2004

    Reporters Without Borders has called on the chairman of the Supreme
    Council (Mejlis) of the autonomous Republic of Nakhichevan, Vasif
    Talibov, to act to protect journalists after two correspondents
    complained of relentless harassment.

    Malahat Nasibova, correspondent for the press agency TURAN and the US
    station Radio Free Europe, along with Mohammed Rzayev, correspondent
    for the opposition daily Azadlig in Nakhichevan said on 14 June 2004,
    that they had suffered systematic harassment for two months.

    Nakhichevan is an autonomous republic of Azerbaijan - an enclave
    between Armenia and Iran.

    The international press freedom organisation urged Talibov to guarantee
    the safety of journalists and to ensure that they could work normally
    free from official pressure.

    Nasibova and Rzayev have said they have been threatened every time
    they report on the harassment of the local opposition, whose members
    are regularly physically attacked and arrested by police.

    Each time they report the facts, police summon the journalists
    or telephone to tell them to stop covering the harassment. The
    journalists' families have also received telephoned insults or
    threats that they will lose their jobs. Nasibova said she got phone
    calls and Internet messages that she risked "mourning family members"
    unless she stopped criticising the authorities.