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TBILISI: International Donors Conference Opens In Brussels

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  • TBILISI: International Donors Conference Opens In Brussels

    Georgia: International Donors Conference Opens In Brussels
    By Ahto Lobjakas

    RFE/RL Feature Article
    June 16, 2004

    Brussels, 16 June 2004 (RFE/RL) -- An international donors conference
    for Georgia opened this morning in Brussels.

    Held under the aegis of the World Bank and hosted by the European
    Union, the event brings together potential donors from dozens of
    nations, among them EU member states, the United States, Japan,
    and Russia.

    The Georgian government has said it expects pledges to reach 485
    million euros for the period 2004 to 2006.

    Opening the event, the EU's external relations commissioner, Chris
    Patten, said the international community must seize the opportunity
    to assist Georgia.

    "We cannot afford to await the success of the reforms before offering
    our support," he said. "We should commit ourselves now to assisting
    Georgia, since the next three years will be crucial in determining
    the future course of the country."

    The European Commission has said it will pledge 125 million euros ($150
    million), which officials say is likely to be the largest contribution.
    It will also double the bloc's previous assistance to the country.

    However, Patten warned that the support will be conditional on
    continued reforms. He also underlined the EU's strengthening engagement
    with regard to Georgia.

    Referring to the two remaining South Caucasus countries, Armenia
    and Azerbaijan, Patten said the EU will treat each country "on its
    individual merits" within its European Neighborhood Policy.

    Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania promised his country will
    consolidate the reform policies launched by President Mikheil
    Saakashvili in the wake of the "Rose Revolution" seven months ago.

    Addressing donors this morning, Zhvania said Georgia aims to become
    self-sustainable and that it will make a clean break with the "donor
    addiction" prevalent before.

    "We want to change completely this philosophy. And the first thing
    I want to convey as the main message from President Saakashvili,
    from myself, from our cabinet, is that we want to use this degree of
    your support to stop these practices and move towards a situation when
    Georgia will not any longer be dependent on international assistance,"
    Zhvania said.

    Zhvania said his government wants donors to support projects aimed at
    reforming Georgia's administration, cutting law-enforcement personnel,
    rehabilitating the country's energy sector and infrastructure, and
    funding social benefits.

    He said Georgia also expects donors to prioritize the reintegration
    of regions such as Adjara. The European Commission has said that --
    in addition to today's pledge -- another grant for 12 million euros
    will go for the rehabilitation of areas affected by the conflicts in
    Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    Calling on donors to contribute generously, the World Bank's regional
    vice president, Shigeo Katsu, said Georgia has all the preconditions
    necessary for success.

    "Georgia is blessed with abundant natural resources, geographical
    advantage as a major transit route, and most importantly, a talented,
    energetic and engaging population with a rich history and diverse
    cultural heritage," he said.

    Katsu said that, in the light of the reforms undertaken by the
    Georgian government, the World Bank is "optimistic about the outlook
    for economic growth" in the country.