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Armenian authorities have informants within opposition - presidentia

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  • Armenian authorities have informants within opposition - presidentia

    Armenian authorities have informants within opposition - presidential adviser

    Aykakan Zhamanak, Yerevan
    15 Jun 04

    Text of Naira Zograbyan interview with Garnik Isagulyan, presidential
    adviser on national security, by Armenian newspaper Aykakan Zhamanak
    on 15 June headlined "Moles are not moles"

    [Correspondent] Who was behind the advice to [Armenian President]
    Robert Kocharyan to appoint you adviser on national security issues?

    [Garnik Isagulyan] Generally the president himself forms his team
    and any appointment is, first of all, his choice.

    [Correspondent] There are rumours that you have managed to leave
    Kocharyan's first assistant, Armen Gevorkyan, in the shadows, and to
    occupy the place of Kocharyan's favourite.

    [Isagulyan] All this kind of information is not realistic. Everybody
    in this building [president's office] has their own function. As for
    my relations with Armen Gevorkyan, we work together very well and
    there is no disagreement between us.

    [Correspondent] What kind of advice have you given to Robert Kocharyan
    on national security during the past two months to justify your

    [Isagulyan] The most important is that a political research institute
    attached to the president will be set up soon, which will deal with
    internal as well as external and regional problems. Moreover, work
    has been started to develop a national security concept.

    [Correspondent] Mr Isagulyan, there are rumours that moles exist
    amongst the opposition, with whom you cooperate, and who give
    information to the authorities from time to time.

    [Isagulyan] What does it mean to cooperate? There are no moles,
    simply there are people who think soberly and today are trying to
    have contact with the authorities and submit their viewpoint.

    [Correspondent] If they share information with the authorities,
    why do none of them publicly declare this?

    [Isagulyan] You know, each of them is frightened of being called a
    "mole". They are frightened that their colleagues will not understand
    them correctly, because there are people in the opposition who see
    their death if they cooperate with the authorities, because these
    people as politicians have no value.

    [Correspondent] Mr Isagulyan, will you name some people from the
    opposition who share information with the authorities?

    [Isagulyan] I have no problem and would name them, but unfortunately
    these people ask us not to mention their names, as they are frightened
    of their so-called friends. They do not want to find themselves in
    the tabloid press and do not want to see the failure of their work.

    [Correspondent] Are their opposition friends aware of their service
    to the authorities?

    [Isagulyan] They are not serving the authorities, they are serving
    our state, our nation.

    [Correspondent] During your recent meeting with journalists you said
    that the next president will be from Karabakh as well.

    [Isagulyan] It was not so. A journalist asked me why the Armenian
    president is of Karabakh origin, and I told him not to be in a hurry,
    because it is not ruled out that the next president won't be of
    Karabakh origin as well. And this not a tragedy.