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ANKARA: OIC foreign ministers' meeting in Turkey issues jointcommuni

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  • ANKARA: OIC foreign ministers' meeting in Turkey issues jointcommuni

    OIC foreign ministers' meeting in Turkey issues joint communique

    Anatolia news agency, Ankara
    17 Jun 04

    subheadings inserted editorially


    Istanbul, 16 June: A decision was made at the 31st session of
    the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers that [self-declared]
    Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) would be represented
    at the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) under the name of
    "Turkish Cypriot State" as it was envisaged in the United Nations
    Secretary-General Kofi Annan's plan.

    The joint communique of the 31st session of the Islamic Conference
    of the Foreign Ministers, said: "The member countries decide that
    the Turkish Muslim people of Cyprus should continue to participate
    in the work, activities and meetings of all OIC organs under the name
    envisaged by the United Nations secretary-general's settlement plan."

    "We acknowledge that a new situation has emerged in Cyprus following
    the referenda on 24 April 2004 which necessitates a fresh and
    comprehensive assessment of the Cyprus issue. We reaffirm the full
    equality of the two parties in Cyprus as the principle enabling them
    to live side-by-side in security, peace and harmony without the one
    having the ability to govern, exploit, oppress or threaten the other,"
    it said.

    The joint communique noted: "We welcome the statement and calls made
    by the United Nations secretary-general, international organization
    and states, as well as decisions taken by various international
    organizations for ending the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots;
    and call upon the international community to take immediate concrete
    steps to that end."

    "We urge the member states to strengthen effective solidarity with
    the Turkish Muslim people of Cyprus closely associating with them,
    and with a view to helping them materially and politically to overcome
    the inhuman isolation which has been imposed upon them, to increase
    and expand their relations in all fields and in particular direct
    transport, trade, tourism, culture, information, investment and sports
    contacts," it said.

    The joint communique stressed: "We decide to actively support,
    until the Cyprus problem in solved, the rightful claim of the Turkish
    Muslim people of Cyprus for the right to be heard and represented in
    all international fora on the basis of equality of the two parties
    in Cyprus. We request the United Nations secretary-general to carry
    out the necessary contacts with the Islamic Development Bank with
    a view to seeking the ways and means of the latter's assistance for
    the development projects of the Turkish Cypriot side."

    The joint communique noted: "We decide to remain seized of the request
    of the Turkish Cypriot side of Cyprus for full membership of the
    OIC. We request the secretary-general to take all necessary measures
    for the implementation of this resolution and to report thereon to
    the 32nd session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers."

    Greek Muslim rights

    Referring to recent developments in Western Thrace, the joint
    communique noted: "We condemn the judicial harassment of the elected
    muftis of Xanthi Komotini, Mehmet Emin Aga, and Mr Ibrahim Serif. We
    urge Greece to take all measures to respect the rights of the Turkish
    Muslim Minority in Western Thrace and urgently recognize the elected
    muftis of Xanthi and Komotini as the official muftis."


    The Islamic countries held Israel fully responsible for destroying
    the Middle East peace process.

    The joint communique of the 31st session of the Islamic Conference
    of the Foreign Ministers in Istanbul, said: "We express our strong
    condemnation of Israel's persistent and mounting aggressions against
    the holy places in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the other
    Palestinian cities, desecration of the holy places and violation of the
    hall of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and aggressing people performing
    prayer there. We also strongly condemn Israel's illegal measures and
    practices in the city of Al Quds Al-Sharif carried out in contradiction
    with international resolution and laws with the purpose of Judaizing
    the holy city and eradicating its Arab and Islamic character."

    "We reject the declaration made by US President George Bush during
    the joint conference with the Israeli prime minister on 14 April
    2004, and the US letter of guarantees to Israel which contained
    dangerous concessions to Israel concerning the final settlement and
    the mechanism of agreement thereon, which jeopardizes the national
    rights of the Palestinian people," it said.

    The joint communique said: "We emphasize that the Israeli policies,
    practices and expansionist designs threaten not only Arab states
    and the peace process, but also the Islamic countries at large and
    jeopardize international peace and security."

    "We hail the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their valiant
    'intifada' (uprising) aimed at recovering their inalienable national
    rights," it stressed.

    The OIC noted that it called for immediate lifting of the siege on
    the Palestinian people and President Yasir Arafat of Palestine.

    "We stress the need to implement the declaration adopted by the
    Conference of the Contracting States Parties to the Geneva Convention
    of 1949 adopted on 5 December 2001," it said.

    Condemning Israel for building the segregation wall, the OIC
    called upon the Quartet to intensify efforts to achieve a just and
    comprehensive peace in the Middle East in accordance with the road
    map and the relevant agreements and resolutions.

    "We strongly condemn Israel for its assassination of the symbols of
    Palestinian national action, particularly the founder of the Islamic
    Resistance Movement (Hamas) Shaykh Ahmad Yasin and Dr Rantisi,"
    it said.

    Emphasizing that the Islamic countries held Israel fully responsible
    for destroying the Middle East peace process, the joint communique
    stressed that Israel acted against the principle of the "land for
    peace" and Resolutions of the United Nations Security Council 242
    and 338.


    Member states of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) welcomed
    establishment of an Interim Government in Iraq.

    The joint communique issued after the 31st session of the Islamic
    Conference of Foreign Ministers in Istanbul strongly condemned the
    inhuman practices committed against the Iraqi prisoners and detainees
    in Abu Ghurayb prison and demanded that those responsible be put
    on trial.

    The joint communique welcomed the appointment of the president and
    prime minister of the Republic of Iraq and the establishment of an
    Interim Government as a beginning for sustained and urgent action to
    end occupation and to establish a fully sovereign, free and democratic
    Iraq and to define its political future and national options without
    any interference whatsoever.

    The joint communique demanded occupation forces in Iraq to comply
    with International Humanitarian Law particularly the 1949 Geneva
    Convention and stressed the need for the occupation forces to respect
    the civil and religious liberties of the Iraqi people and preserve
    their cultural, religious and historical heritage.

    The communique condemned the terrorist acts perpetrated against
    the Iraqi people, their places of worship, religious sites,
    police stations and official institutions, including the health,
    public utility institutions, diplomatic institutions and diplomats,
    diplomatic personnel and premises, and stressed the responsibility of
    the occupation forces for protecting the civil and religious rights
    of the Iraqi people and preserving state institutions.

    The joint communique strongly condemned the kidnapping and
    assassination acts committed against Iraqis and others, especially
    those committed against religious leaders, university professors,
    doctors and intellectuals.

    The communique reaffirmed its condemnation of the collective
    assassinations, revealed by the discovery of mass graves, committed
    by the previous regime in Iraq, against innocents Iraqi, Kuwaiti and
    other peoples as a crime against humanity, and requests that those
    responsible for such crimes to be put on trial.

    The joint communique appealed to member states and the international
    community not to grant safe havens to former officials of the defunct
    regime and those accused of crimes against the Iraqi and other peoples
    in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 1483.

    The communique welcomed the announcement made by the Interim Government
    to establish good relations between Iraq and neighbouring states
    based on mutual respect and the principle of non interference in
    their internal affairs, as well as to abide by the existing treaties
    and agreements, particularly those relevant to internationally
    recognized borders and invites Iraq and neighbouring countries to
    actively cooperate to promote peace and stability in the region, in
    line with the statements issued in the meetings of the neighbouring
    countries of Iraq.

    OIC countries appealed all states to contribute to the alleviation
    of the financial burden on Iraq by writing off Iraqi debts as an
    expression of their support and as a contribution to the reconstruction
    of the country.

    The joint communique of the 31st session of the Islamic Conference
    of the Foreign Ministers in Istanbul, said that the Organization
    of Islamic Conference (OIC) Convention on Combating International
    Terrorism was ratified, and called on member states to follow up the
    convention and expedite their signing.

    Stressing that the Islam was innocent of all forms of terrorism which
    involved the murder of innocent people, the joint communique said,
    "we reject any attempts to link Islam and Muslims to terrorism because
    the latter has no relation whatsoever with religions, civilizations
    or nationalities."


    "We strongly condemn the perpetrators of these heinous terrorist
    crimes, who pretended to act in the name of Islam or under any
    other pretext. We call upon all states not to grant asylum to these
    terrorists, and to take all necessary measures to help bring them to
    justice," it said.

    Affirming the determination of member states to coordinate
    their efforts to combat all forms and manifestation of terrorism,
    including state terrorism, directed against all states and peoples,
    the joint communique said: "We reaffirm that the struggle of peoples
    under colonialist domination or under foreign occupation, for their
    national liberation or to regain their right to self-determination,
    does not constitute an act of terrorism."

    The joint communique said: "We call upon member states to follow up
    the OIC Convention on Combating International Terrorism and expedite
    their signing and/or ratification of the convention."

    "We invite member states to stress the need for convening an
    international conference to define the meaning of terrorism and
    to distinguish it from people's struggle for national liberation,"
    it added.

    UN Security Council

    Islam countries decided to support Turkey's membership to UN Security

    The decision taken in the joint communique issued after the 31st
    session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Istanbul
    said: "Having considered the candidacies presented by member states in
    this regard; decides to support the following candidacies: Candidacy
    of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the membership in the United
    Nations Security Council for the period 2009-2010, at the elections
    that will be held during the 63rd UN General Assembly in New York in
    2008. Candidacy of the Republic of Turkey for nonpermanent membership
    in the United Nations Security Council for the period 2009-2010, at
    the elections that will be held during the 63rd UN General Assembly
    in New York in 2008."


    In the joint communique, the aggression of the Republic of Armenia
    against the Republic of Azerbaijan was strongly condemned. The
    joint communique called on the UN Security Council to recognize
    the existence of aggression against the Republic of Azerbaijan and
    strongly demanded the strict implementation of the United Nations
    Security Council resolutions related to the issue, and the immediate
    unconditional and complete withdrawal of Armenian forces from all
    occupied Azerbaijani territories including Nagornyy Karabakh region
    and strongly urges Armenia to respect the sovereignty and territorial
    integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    The joint communique called upon member states, as well as other
    members of the international community to use such effective political
    and economic measures as required in order to put an end to Armenian
    aggression and to occupation of the Azerbaijani territories.

    Member countries decided to instruct the Permanent Representatives
    of Member States at the United Nations in New York, while voting at
    the UN General Assembly, to give absolute support to the issue of
    territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


    Islamic countries also decided to make constructive contribution to
    the OSCE peace process ongoing for the solution of the problem.

    Islamic sports/broadcasting

    The joint communique approved the future activities which the Islamic
    Solidarity Sports Federation (ISSF) decided to undertake in 2005 at
    the top of which the first edition of the Islamic Solidarity Games.

    The joint communique recommended that the Islamic Broadcasting
    Organization and the International Islamic News Agency coordinate
    with the Islamic Solidarity Sports Foundation to cover the coming
    activities of the Foundation, in particular, the Islamic Solidarity
    Games to be held in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2005.

    Nuclear energy/Iran

    Islamic countries, which supported Iran to develop nuclear energy for
    peaceful purposes, wanted the United States to revise its decision
    on imposing economic sanctions on Syria.

    Joint communique, which was released after the 31st session of Islamic
    Conference of Foreign Ministers, reaffirmed the inalienable rights of
    member states without discrimination to develop nuclear energy for
    peaceful purposes and noted that Iran has continued its cooperation
    with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

    Noting that Iran adopted the necessary measures to resolve the problem,
    Islamic countries welcomed Iran's signing the Additional Protocol to
    the IAEA Safeguard Agreements.

    The communique expressed concern that certain circles are putting
    pressure against Iran to renounce its alienable right to develop
    nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and expressed its support and
    solidarity with that country.


    Islamic countries expressed concern that the United States started
    to impose economic sanctions on Syria. Islamic countries requested
    the United States to reconsider its decision which is against
    international principles and laws and they also welcomed UN Security
    Council resolution lifting sanctions imposed against Libya.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress