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BAKU: US expanding military co-op with 'regional leader'

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  • BAKU: US expanding military co-op with 'regional leader'

    AzerNews, Azerbaijan
    June 17 2004

    US expanding military co-op with 'regional leader'

    The visits by Deputy Commander of the Headquarters of the U.S.
    European Command, General Charles Wald and NATO Under Secretary
    General, chairman of the Science Committee, Jan Furne to Baku have
    drawn much attention in the region. Azerbaijan and Georgia appreciate
    these visits, but Iran and

    Russia, as well as their ally Armenia, are envious of them. In
    particular, General Wald's friendly meeting with President Aliyev and
    his high assessment of Azerbaijan and its incumbent authorities
    sparked differing opinions not only in the region but also in
    Azerbaijan, especially among the opposition. On Thursday, President
    Aliyev received a US delegation headed by General Charles Wald.
    President Aliyev said that there has been great progress in the
    development of US-Azerbaijani relations.

    Regarding his talks at NATO as an important event in Azerbaijan's
    integration into NATO, Aliyev expressed his confidence that future
    cooperation with the Alliance would be successful. "Mr. President, I
    congratulate you on your successful leadership in the region," said
    General Wald, stressing that the US European Command is eager to
    continue cooperation with Azerbaijan in the future. He underlined
    that Azerbaijan is a leading and very important country in the
    region. Speaking about the particular importance of joint programs,
    General Wald said that joint measures are being taken by the two
    countries in order to ensure security in the Caspian basin. He noted
    that the security of oil pipelines is still on the agenda and that
    military exercises and training with the participation of special
    groups set up in Washington will be continued for the purpose. This
    is the third visit by General Wald, who last came to Baku in April.
    The US General said that the aim of his visit was to discuss the
    issues related to the security of the Caspian basin and the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline. According to some observers, Wald came
    to Baku to discuss the stationing of US mobile forces and a military
    base in Azerbaijan and observe the pace of the construction of a
    military post here.

    Strategic interests

    Defense Minister, Colonel-General Safar Abiyev, in a meeting with
    General Wald said the situation in the South Caucasus is tense and
    that part of Azerbaijan's territory remains under Armenian

    "The Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Upper Garabagh cannot remain
    frozen", Abiyev said and pointed out the importance of recognizing
    Armenia as an aggressor. Expressing his adherence to Abiyev's
    opinions, General Wald said: "We are well aware of the developments
    ongoing in the region." he said. Regarding the "Cooperative Best
    Effort-2004" training to be held in Azerbaijan as an important event,
    the US General stressed that this would bring the country closer to
    NATO. He termed Azerbaijan as an influential country in the region
    and pointed out the coinciding strategic interests of the US and

    US military bases

    Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan were indicated in the "Pentagon's new map"
    published by Harvard University as the countries where the United
    States is going to station its military bases.Commenting on the
    issue, political analyst Vafa Guluzada said that the Pentagon intends
    to set up a chain of military bases in the territory of the former
    Soviet Union. According to Guluzada, with this infrastructure the
    United States wants to turn both the former Soviet Union and the
    Middle East into an integrated area. Underlining that the Pentagon
    attaches great importance to Azerbaijan, the political analyst said
    Georgia has also established military cooperation with the United
    States. Guluzada noted that, however, Azerbaijan is a more important
    country in the region for its oil and gas resources. " Taking into
    account all the existing factors, one can conclude that the United
    States will station its military bases in Azerbaijan at the
    appropriate time," he added.

    NATO week starts

    NATO week, which started in Baku on June 13, will last through June
    19. A delegation headed by NATO Under-Secretary General, chairman of
    the Science Committee, Jan Furne arrived in Baku on Sunday for the
    event. The delegation includes representatives from twenty-six
    countries. Summer classes on "NATO in the changing world" started in
    Baku on Monday with the assistance of the Youth Euro-Atlantic
    Organization and the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan. The purpose of
    the event, attended by some 50 Azerbaijanis and foreign nationals, is
    to hold discussions among young researchers of the NATO and
    Euro-Atlantic security, government officials and foreigners. The
    upcoming summit in Istanbul, new prospects, trans-Atlantic relations,
    NATO's eastward expansion, and the situation in the South Caucasus
    will be discussed. Seminars, "Scientific research and security
    challenges" and "Terrorism and nuclear security" will be held at Baku
    State University (BSU) and the Academy of Sciences (AS) respectively.
    The AZRENA public Internet center, set up within the AS Information
    Technologies Institute under the "Virtual Silk Road" project, will be
    inaugurated, followed by a training session for the participants of
    the summer classes.

    Political questions avoided

    NATO Under-Secretary Jan Furne and President of the Academy of
    Sciences Mahmud Karimov held a joint news briefing on Monday. Furne
    said that although NATO is not engaged in science, it finances a
    number of new undertakings in this area. He said the parties will not
    work on any specific projects during the NATO event in Baku, but will
    exchange experience in the area of chemistry and ways of preventing
    catastrophes. Furne avoided all political questions. Karimov said
    Azerbaijan attaches a particular importance to developing information
    technologies and environmental protection of the Caspian Sea within
    its cooperation with the NATO Science Committee. "Besides,
    Azerbaijan, as a country subject to terror by Armenia, is working
    with NATO on scientific answers to terrorism threats, he said.

    Summer classes to promote NATO-Azeri relations

    In a meeting with NATO Under-Secretary, science committee chairman
    Jan Furne on Sunday, Defense Minister, Colonel-General Safar Abiyev
    said that over 300 events are held in Azerbaijan every year under the
    auspices of NATO. He said extensive preparations have been carried
    out in the country for the upcoming Cooperative Best Effort-2004
    training sessions and the Istanbul summit. Furne leading a delegation
    of representatives from 26 countries, said the fact that the "Summer
    school" week is being held in Baku promotes the multi-faceted
    relations between NATO and Azerbaijan. Pointing out the importance of
    President Ilham Aliyev's visit to Brussels, he emphasized that
    Azerbaijan is one of the only countries to have submitted to NATO the
    "Individual Partnership Activity Plan". Touching upon the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Upper Garabagh, Abiyev said that
    Armenia has failed to comply with 4 UN resolutions on the immediate
    and unconditional withdrawal from Azerbaijani territories adopted
    since 1993. "By joining the NATO Partnership for Peace program,
    Armenia assumed a commitment to honor the territorial integrity of
    all partners and NATO, in turn, should demand it do so. We are
    concerned with the fact that Armenia has not been recognized as an
    aggressor country by the international community, which is a double
    standard", Abiyev said. Furne replied said that NATO is well aware of
    this position and is seeking new ways to improve relations with
    Azerbaijan. The parties also exchanged views on the military and
    political situation in the region, the extensive economic reforms
    underway in Azerbaijan and security issues.