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Under pressure and under fire, Zhvania perseveres

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  • Under pressure and under fire, Zhvania perseveres

    Under pressure and under fire, Zhvania perseveres

    The Georgian Messenger
    Thursday, June 17, 2004, #111 (0635)

    One of the main intrigues in Georgian politics at the moment is
    the intensification of criticism directed at Prime Minister Zurab
    Zhvania. The PM meanwhile does not perceive himself to be in danger
    and considers "Zhvaniaphopia" to be a temporary phenomenon. In any
    case, Zhvania's political future will be largely dependent on the
    success or lack thereof of the government's economic team over the
    course of the not-so distant future.

    The latest wave of anti-Zhvania sentiment has led some to insist
    that parliament take a vote of confidence in the government. Staunch
    Zhvania foe MP Koba Davitashvili maintains that the prime minister
    does not have the faith of the people. The newspaper Rezonansi quotes
    Davitashvili as saying "I have become convinced of one thing - the
    people to not trust Zurab Zhvania. Since the people don't trust him,
    I don't trust him either."

    The media has long ruminated about forces conspiring against Zhvania,
    citing the tense relations between him and President Saakashvili,
    and has even discussed candidates for his replacement such as new
    Economy Minister Kakha Bendukidze and new Interior Minister Irakli
    Okruashvili. It is also frequently pointed out that Zhvania as
    a politician enjoys much less sympathy in the Russian government
    than Saakashvili. In a word, the prime minister is under fire from
    all sides.

    It must be said, however, that despite his unpopularity in society
    and consistently low rating over the years, Zhvania has been at the
    forefront of Georgian politics for 15 years and remains one of the
    nation's most influential political figures. His career has followed a
    steady upward path, if we don't count the three years that he toiled
    in Shevardnadze's opposition. But even this proved a wise long-term
    strategy, as after the Rose Revolution he occupied the second highest
    post in the government.

    Zurab Zhvania is a unique figure in Georgian politics. He performs
    the role of lightning rod. At any time the president can point the
    finger of blame towards the prime minister for any failure of the
    government. Zhvania is first and foremost associated with economic
    policy, an area in which many analysts believe that thoughts of
    success belong to the realm of fantasy.

    Seven months have passed since the Rose Revolution and Zhvania's
    Cabinet of Ministers has been in existence for roughly three
    months. In this period, the government has not experienced any economic
    catastrophe, which is in itself a certain kind of success. At the same
    time, the government can boast of achievements that, though modest,
    were unthinkable during the Shevardnadze administration.

    Society judges the success of economic policy based on the improvement
    or lack of improvement of their own living conditions. Though the
    standard of living in Georgia has not improved dramatically, over
    the last few months pensions and salaries have been distributed
    faithfully, monthly budget revenue plans have been fulfilled, the
    IMF has revived its program in the country, U.S. and western aid has
    increased and it seems that the donor conference underway in Brussels
    at the moment will also emerge with positive results. In addition, a
    new variant of the tax code has been presented for public discussion,
    one that is liberal and designed to boost economic advancement. In
    short, Zhvania has a lot to be proud of, but what's important is
    not momentary successes, but rather the concrete results of these
    successes several months down the road.

    The basis for stability in the new government has been the fact
    that despite expectations to the contrary, the "Rose Triumvirate"
    has managed to maintain a united front. After the revolution, many
    feared that this triumvirate would split up and consequently place
    the country in a difficult situation. But the past 7 months speak to
    the contrary. Despite numerous confrontations and clashes of egos,
    Mikheil Saakashvili, Zurab Zhvania and Nino Burjanadze still find it
    in their interests to work together rather than separately for the
    betterment of the nation.

    *Note: Zhvania has recently come under attack because he has had to
    defend his maternal Armenian roots.